Sometimes people confuse the auras with the chakras. The aura is an electromagnetic "field" which surrounds all living things. It is as if there were a vaguely visible outline surrounding everything. The color and intensity of the outline can tell the "reader" much about the physical and sometimes mental health of a person. A demonstration of "combing" the aura will be done in class. Chakras are points along the body from which the body receives cosmic energy. This energy comes into the body through the chakras and is distributed through the body. If one of these chakras is badly blocked up and unable to receive energy, the body might suffer. This shows up in the person's aura. If however, one of these chakras is receiving the wrong kind of energy, or too much of one kind of energy it might also affect the persons well being. Thus, it is very important to keep the chakras as balanced as possible, for physical and mental well being. The chakras not only take in energy but use these points to put energy out as well.
The astral body, or energy body, is not separate from the physical body: it simply vibrates at a different frequency, making it invisible to normal eyesight. All of the energy bodies or levels of consciousness are "intertwined" and joined together at energy centers called "chakra" The chakra is a Sanskrit word for "wheel", which may be seen psychically as swirling vortexes. Indian tradition often describes each chakra as a lotus, with each chakra or lotus having a different number of petals. This is a symbolic way of saying that each chakra vibrates at a different rate. People in the West looking at chakras have use a different symbolism.
Cosmic energy in the form of light rays is pulled into the body through the chakras and distributed along the spine so that it flows throughout the entire body. When the energy is absorbed into the body and is able to flow uninterrupted, the body is in balance and therefore healthy. If, for any reason, this harmonious flow is disturbed, difficulties arise.
Each "chakra" is thought to draw in a particular "color ray". The red ray is drawn through the "root" or first chakra and supplies us with energy and vitality. It corresponds with the "earth element" The orange ray is drawn in through the "spleen" or second chakra, and furnishes us with both mental and physical stimulation. It corresponds to the water element, and its color is orange. The yellow ray is absorb, through the solar plexus or third chakra, and corresponds with the fire element. It is needed for purification, and stimulation of mental powers. The green ray is absorbed through the forth chakra or heart chakra and is needed for balance and harmony. It corresponds to the air element. The blue ray is absorbed through the throat chakra or fifth chakra, and its cooling properties help lower the bodies temper when necessary. It corresponds to the ether or space element. The indigo ray is drawn in through the sixth chakra and is important for purification and proper functioning of the ears, eyes, nose and throat. It is located between the brows, and is often called the "third eye". The violet ray is drawn in through the seventh chakra, is soothing to nervous system and aids in spiritual development. It is the called the "crown" chakra.
Each chakra has different qualities ascribed to it. If there is a lack of, or a surplus of, a particular quality, an imbalance occurs and the flow of energy is disrupted. By focusing on the chakras you can become aware of the flow of energy thought out your body and notice any disruptions in that flow. You will pick up information concerning the reason for the disruption, if any, as well as possible solutions for re-establishing healthy energy patterns. This information comes to you through images, both symbolic and literal, colors, sensations and impressions. Observing these energy points enables you to uncover information about your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of being. You may learn to read your own or another person's chakras.
In reading chakras, as in any psychic work, there are many techniques, which can be utilized. The number of chakras, and their location and meaning may differ according to the individual and the philosophical system the reading is based on.
Diane Mariechild, author of Mother Wit identifies seven major chakras, which correspond to points along the spine and head, and four secondary chakras, which correspond to the hands and feet. (Other systems of thought will describe chakras differently.) The chakras are points in the astral body, but for convenience sake the corresponding location in the physical body is named. For those who are interested the Sanskrit names are also included. The chakras, their location and meanings as she describes them are as follows:
In addition to these chakras, there are four secondary chakras; one in each hands and foot. The feet chakras have to do with movement you make the path you travel in life and your work. If these chakras are blocked, you may encounter difficulties in staying grounded. Interruptions in this energy could indicate an inability to take a stand or to stand on your own two feet. The hand chakras have to do with creativity and self-expression. Interruptions in this energy could indicate problems with manipulation (either allowing yourself to be manipulated or acting in a manipulative way) and/or an inability to get a grasp on things.
READING YOUR OWN CHAKRAS To read your chakras, relax, deepen and protect yourself. When you are fully relaxed, bring your attention to the chakras, one at a time. Notice any colors, feelings, sensations or images. Work slowly and affirm that you will perceive and remember all that you experience, In the beginning you may want to look at only a few of the chakras and save the rest for another time. With practice you will be able to get a strong sense of your energy, if it is blocked; what is necessary to unblock it. When you are finished, return slowly to your usual awareness. This exercise is a more advanced exercise, and you may want to save it and try other exercises first.
READING OTHER PEOPLE'S CHAKRAS once you are familiar with trance states and can easily relax and deepen, you may want to try reading a friend's chakras. The reading will be facilitated if you help your friend to relax and deepen also. Sit comfortably, and relax and deepen yourself. Then surround both your friend and yourself with a circle of protection. Affirm to yourself that you are clear and open to your friend and will uncover information that will be helpful and useful to her. When you are ready, focus on each chakra in turn, mentioning the chakra, its meaning and what you see and sense. When first learning, you may sense the energy patterns and colors without trying to interpret their meanings.
Eventually you will psychically know the meaning, but if you share it your friend may instantly connect with it. You may want to hold your hand over the area of the chakra you are reading to facilitate your receiving of impressions. When you are finished, fill yourself with white light and then return to your usual awareness. Then guide your friend to return also.
Once you are able to see or "sense" your chakras, you will want to clean them. this is a somewhat advanced healing technique that enables you psychically to remove anything that doesn't belong there. Chakras can become blocked by unexpressed emotions or by clinging to attitudes, feelings and beliefs that are no longer useful to you and therefore have become a drain on your energy. These attitudes and beliefs may be carry-overs from other dimensions or other lives, or they may be from your present life space.
CLEANING CHAKRAS TO clean your chakras, relax, deepen and protect yourself. Now visualize your chakras, one at a time and notice what, if anything, is blocking them. It is not necessary to understand what is blocking the chakras in order to clean them. Remove the blockage, by visualizing your hand reaching into the "vortex" and removing the blockage, or imagine the blockage "draining" away. Another way to clean chakras is to begin at the heart chakra and pull all the "stuff" down through the lower chakras and imagine it draining off into the center of the earth. Then go back up into the throat chakra and pulling the "stuff" up through the upper chakras and out through the top of your head. Then "see" it dissipate harmlessly into the air.
Nature, it is said abhors a vacuum. So don't leave your chakras empty as they may again collect undesirable stuff. Finish your cleaning by filling each chakra with a warm, golden light. One way of doing this is by visualizing a pitcher of 9olden light. Then pour the golden light from the pitcher into the vortexes of energy and fill them up. Another way is simply to visualize a cosmic golden light over your head, which filters down your spine and fills each chakra.
In class we will do an exercise to cleanse and develop the psychic centers. before we do, practice imagining each of the colors of the psychic centers above your head (beginning with white) and direct each of these colors to their proper chakras. You may chant a rune of your own choosing to help facilitate this exercise. Begin with the root (red) center and work your way up through your crown.
These are some chants (runes) to help facilitate this exercise, In keeping with an eastern tradition we will use the name Ra-Ma Ag-ni as the higher spirit elemental.
Ra-ma Ag-ni send the Light to me
Ra-ma Ag-nj send the powerful White Light to me
Sweep away the things that harm
Let them cause me no alarm
Ra-ma Ag-nj send the Light that sets me free (white Light)
Ra-ma Ag-ni send the light to me
Ra-ma Ag-ni send the Light of Power to me
Power to my aura give
Bring though me the joy to live
Ra-ma Ag-mi send the Light that sets me free
Ra-ma Ag-nj send the Light to me
Ra-ma Ag-nj send the flame "red" light to me (Root Center)
Magnetic aura make for me
Fill me with vitality
Ra-ma Agni send the flame red light that sets me free
..........warm orange light to me (Spleen Center)
Sweep away the clouds of mind
Leave confusion far behind
......... yellow light to me (Solar Plexus Center)
Come and fill my aura with
Thoughts from which all benefit
.......... lush green light to me (Heart Center}
Bathe me in your growth and love
Send abundance from above
............electric blue to me (Throat Center)
Heal my body and affairs
Bring creative thoughts to bear
............. indigo light to me (Brow Center)
Psychic contacts make for me
Bring them to me happily
violet light to me (Crown Center)
Spirit now I sit listen.
For your love and Light to glisten
All around me everywhere
I thank you for the good we share
Ra-ma Ag-nj send the light that sets me free.
Return you attention to the root center, and "will' the beautiful red flame to well up bright and pure and begin to rise up the serpent channels of your spine through each chakra. Feel the power gather the energy, the color, the beauty, the essence of each center as it rises blending them into a magnificent whole. As the energy reaches the Crown Center, feel it complete a perfect wheel of living, flaming color. By blending the red and violet flames to produce the red-violet.
Let the energy expand right out the vortex opened in the top of your head, taking your consciousness along for the ride; let it expand again and again until you feel that you are touching your own highest concept of Spirit. Feel the loving response from the Infinite in its most personal form. Bask in it, and willingly share in its oneness with All-That-Is. When you are ready to come back, bring the oneness back with you and turn it into complete effectiveness in your every undertaking, and positive, happy peace in your environment.
This maqickal flame which you have just invoked is called the "Rising Kundalini". And this is the basis for Draconian magick and mysteries learn it well.
White Sphere Ultimate Plane Divine Plane Spiritual Plane Mental Plane Astral Plane Elemental Plane Physical Plane
Dark Angelic Fire Crown Center Brow Center
Throat Center Heart Center
Solar Plexus Center Spleen Center Root Center
Hooks - Everyone at one time or another allows other people to connect unconsciously with them. Whenever you absorb someone else's energy, you have established a connection. These connections may be perceived psychically as hooks- long slender ropes extending from the chakra of the person who "hooked" you to your chakra, or they may be sensed or felt.
It is not possible to be totally conscious at all times, so you won't always know when you are being hooked. You may receive hooks from strangers, as well as from those with whom you have ongoing relationships However, on a very deep level, you cannot receive anything you don't agree to. No one can do anything to you without your permission. Often the permission is given at a deep unconscious level so that it may feel that you are getting something you didn't ask for.
The meaning of the hooks depends on which chakra they are located in. Hooks block your energy and should be periodically removed.
A hooks in the feet chakras may indicate that a person is attempting to stop you from moving in the way that you wish. Perhaps this person is jealous of you.
Hooks in the first chakra may indicate a person is depending on you for their survival. Unless this person is your child or someone you have agreed to take care of for a certain time, it is best to remove the hooks.
Hooks in the second chakra could indicate that someone is demanding emotional attention from you or that they are sexually attracted to you. Unless you desire that attention, it is best to remove the hooks
Hooks in the third chakra could indicate someone wanting to use your energy instead of their own. This could cause a drain on you, even to the point of giving you a stomachache.
Hooks in the fourth chakra mean that someone loves and cares for you Hooks here aren't as draining as in other places, but you may want to remove them so that your own energy is clear.
Hooks located in the fifth chakra indicate that someone is trying t communicate with you. It is better to communicate directly, as hooks here could cause a sore throat.
Hooks in the sixth chakra indicate that someone is thinking strongly of you, perhaps wondering what you think of them. Hooks here could cause headaches.
Hooks located in the seventh chakra could mead that someone is trying to control you and you should remove them.
REMOVING HOOKS - To clear your energy and have it flowing smoothly and uninterruptedly, remove the hooks, to do this, relax, deepen, and protect yourself. Visualize the chakras one at a time and notice if there are any hooks there. If there are and you wish t o remove them imagine that you are gently unplugging them. After you have removed all the hooks, fill your chakras with light so they won't be left empty. You may find it too exhausting to do all the chakras at one time, so clean half and leave the rest for later. The chakras may be left open, closed or varying degrees in-between. Simply visualizing them in the position you wish does this. After cleaning them, it is a good idea to close the lower three chakras (you will feel more grounded that way) and leave the upper ones open.
CHAKRAS AND AURAS - Each of the seven centers (chakras) correspond to one of seven energy bands (auras) surrounding the body, and to one of the seven planes. See your pages on Auras for more information and diagrams. You may notice some differences in naming the "centers". Some book calls the first chakra the "fire" center, while I have given it to you as the "earth" center. This is a personal choice. Different folks name them differently, according to the system they follow; Western, Eastern, etc. Much of the system in today's book is from the Aridian system or Italian Witchcraft. Though the systems vary slightly from system to system, the main idea is the same.