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1.  An initiate must have been a dedicate for at least a year and a day.

 2.  All candidates for initiation shall have good attendance history in classes and at circles, including dark moons.

3.  The initiate will be brought to council to discuss their motivations, feelings and future goals.  They should bring their (Book of) Shadows with them.  The seriousness of vows shall be discussed with each so that the dedicate can get a sense of what that means to initiated.

4.  A candidate must prove loyalty, devotion, tenacity and accountability to his/her group.

 5.  A candidate shall have shown a willingness to assist in ritual, setting up, cleaning up, food preparation, and other earthly related duties.

6.  A candidate shall display personal emotional maturity, as well as a willingness to share the good with the bad, in group situations.  By their very nature, all groups have their ups and downs, pressures and issues.  Candidates who cannot handle certain stressful group situations, or who run at the first sign of trouble would not make dependable initiates.

 7.  In any conflict a candidate must have proven that  "where there is strife, they have attempted to bring peace and understanding". 

  8.  A candidate must be absolutely trustworthy.

 9.  Candidates must have led at least two circles.  These may be moon circles.  If they are (moon circles) candidate must have personally written them, and be able to lead such circles for the most part, unassisted.  An initiate connotes clergy, and all clergy should be able to write a circle, and/or lead one.

 10.  A candidate should have demonstrated kindness, caring and consideration towards other members of the group.

 11.  A candidate should be cognizant of all there dedicate vows and have lived up to them.

 12.  A candidate for initiation shall be guided by love and commitment, not the aggrandizement of their ego, or for power over.   Indeed, initiation shall be stressed as a position of service, not power.

13.  Voting shall be done by secret ballot.  

14. Once a candidate has declared his/her intent to initiate, with a letter to the membership, such candidate's declaration shall be held in strictest confidence by the initiates and the candidate.  No mention of the declaration shall be made to the rest of the group.

15.  The initiates shall get together and decide on a date which most suits themselves and the dedicate.  Such date shall remain secret.  Work related times shall be given consideration.

16.  A formal letter calling the candidate to counsel shall be sent within two weeks following his/her intent.

17.  A council shall be set up for candidate within thirty days of their request.  At the council, the bylaws for initiation shall be discussed with the candidate to see if they still feel themselves fit.  Motivation shall seriously be considered.  Sometimes it will be necessary to do a divination, and in fact such a magickal art should be part of the decision.  The initiator shall be someone of the third degree.  The initiator takes on the responsibility of the karma for that candidate; therefore candidates shall be selected carefully.  A woman will initiate a man with the assistance of a Priest, and vice-versa.

18.  If the candidate is approved, the time and place of the initiation ceremony shall be decided after the council meeting.  Choice of vision-quest, and other pertinent issues shall be discussed and decided by the initiates after meeting with the candidate, and shall be kept in complete secrecy.  The candidate shall not know when he/she will be taken. 

a.  Exceptions:  The candidate may be told when his/her initiation will take place for the following reasons.

A.  The candidate is a single mother/father, and must notify someone to  take care of her/his children in advance. 

B.  Candidate is in the medical profession, or a branch of the military and is on call for   professional reasons. i.e.  nurse, doctor, ambulance driver, fireman, medic, policeman,  National Guard, etc.

C.  Candidate has an illness, and must be advised in advance for medical reasons.

b.  Though these reasons may be acceptable, candidates should make every possible arrangement, so that they don't need to be told.  Coven dedicates should be willing to help out in this regard.  If allowed, arrangements for pets, informing family members, or other reasonable requests of candidate. etc.  Letters advising candidate of their up-coming initiation is usually sent near... what we feel is a reasonable time of their vision quest....

c.  If the candidate is not accepted, reasons for objections shall be given to the candidate at another counsel, and the candidate may apply at a later time when objections are overcome either by the efforts of the candidate, or a change of feelings from the initiates.  (Such time may take a year and a day). It is therefore wise for the candidate to be reasonably sure they will be accepted before applying.  If they feel there is a problem with being accepted, and they are aware of the nature of the problem, they should work on said problem and correct it before writing for initiation. 

d.  If a candidate applies and then later decides they cannot initiate for whatever reason, they will inform the coven as soon as possible.  If the reason seems valid, the coven will allow the candidate to retain his/her dedicate status. If the initiates find the candidate's reason to be trivial, the dedicate may be asked to explain...

19.  All initiates must attend the council and the initiation rite.  It is the most important circle we have.  All initiates shall attempt to participate in the rites of passage.

20.  The time and place of the initiation, rite of passage, etc. shall not be known to anyone who is not an initiate.  Certain exceptions may be made for this, if it is absolutely necessary.

21.  The dedicates and apprentices shall not be informed of the initiation until the candidate is away on his/her vision quest. 

22.  Candidate shall keep a record of their vision quest, if desired it may be copied into the coven archives.

23.  A party and celebration shall be attended by all members of the group at the earliest possible weekend after the ceremony.  We encourage all members to bring personal gifts to the new initiate.