Consecrating the Athame
Lay Athame on pentacle, preferably by, and touching, another,
consecrated, weapon. The man asperges them with consecrated salt and water,
whereupon the woman picks up the weapon to be consecrated and passes it through
the incense smoke and replaces it on the pentacle. Both lay their right hands
upon the weapon and press down, saying:
Both: "I conjure thee, O Athame, by these Names, Abrahach, Abrach,
Abracadabra, that thou servest me for a strength and defense in all
magical operations against all mine enemies, visible and invisible.
I conjure thee anew by the Holy Name Aradia and by the Holy Name
Cernunnos; I conjure thee, O Sword (Athame), that thou servest me
for a protection in all adversities; so aid me now !"
Again the man asperges, and the woman censes, and the weapon is returned to
the pentacle, saying:
Both: "I conjure thee, O Sword (Athame) of Steel, by the Great Gods and
Gentle Goddesses, by the virtue of the heavens, of the stars
and of the spirits who preside over them, that thou mayest receive
such virtue that I may obtain the end I desire in all things
wherein I shall use thee, by the power of Aradia and Cernunnos."
The Partner gives the Fivefold kiss unto the owner of the weapon.
If the owner is not present, or if the weapon is jointly owned by them both,
the man will give the Fivefold kiss to the woman. For the final kiss upon
the mouth, the weapon is suspended between their breasts, held there by the
pressure of their embrace. As they separate, the owner of the weapon
immediately uses it to recast the Circle, but without words.
Notes: If possible, lay sword with an already consecrated sword or athame.
It should, if possible, be consecrated by both a man and a woman, both of whom
are initiated, and both naked as drawn swords. During consecration, press down
on sword hard with consecrated sword or athame. If possible partake of Cakes
and Wine first, then Magus should sprinkle with water, Witch should cense in
First Conjuration, then sprinkle and cense and conjure again with Second
Conjuration. If true sword and athame are available, a sword and athame can be
consecrated at the same time in which case Magus should press with sword on
sword, and Witch with athame on athame, and new sword and athame should touch.
In any case, when finished the weapon should be handed to new owner with
Fivefold Salute, and should be pressed against the body for a time to get the
aura; and it should be in as close connection as possible to the naked body for
at least a month, i.e. kept under pillow, etc. Do not allow anyone to touch or
handle any of your tools until thoroughly impregnated with your aura; say six
months or as near as possible. But a pair working together may own the same
tools, which will be impregnated with the aura of both.