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General view of the Throne Room of the Royal Palace of Brussels being prepared for the grand state banquet offered by the Belgian Royal Family to their guests, two days before the wedding. The tables were decorated with roses and carnations. After the dinner, the room was quickly prepared for the ball, which started within some minutes of the end of the banquet.

King Baudouin and Doņa Fabiola cross the rooms of the Palace towards the Throne Room, for the beginning of the state banquet. Behind them comes the members of royal families who were already in Brussels for the wedding, being possible to see HM the King of Norway accompanied by HM Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians and leaving the room, in the back of the picture, HRH the Grand-Duchess of Luxembourg. In the second image it is possible to recognize HRH the Princess of Ličge accompanied by the Count Marone, husband of Infanta Maria Cristina of Spain, being followed by HRH Princess Margaret of the United Kingdom and her husband Mr. Anthony Armstrong-Jones. On the back of the picture it is possible to recognize HIRH the Archduke Otto of Austria, Prince of Hungary as well as HRH the Duchess of Braganza, born Princess of Brazil.

In the image on the first set, on the right, another moment of the cortege of royal families going through the rooms of the Royal Palace, in which it is possible to recognize HRH Prince Bernhard of The Netherlands accompanied by the Marchioness of Casa Riera, mother of Doņa Fabiola, followed by HRH Prince Felix of Luxembourg and HRH Princess Beatrix of The Netherlands. On the right of that image, His Eminence Cardinal Siri, representative of His Holiness Pope John XXIII, accompanied by another member of the pontifical delegation. In the second set, a closer image of Prince Bernhard and the Marchioness of Casa Riera and, on the left, the Marquis and the Marchioness of Villaverde (Doņa Carmen Franco, daughter of the Generalísimo Francisco Franco), who led the Spanish delegation to the wedding.

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