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The Courtyard Garden


Welcome to the Courtyard Garden, a place where you can make new friends, be they comrades or beaus. This is a Redwall-based site, so please do not make any references to magic or technology outside the Redwall world.

When entering a message, please post its title as your Name/Gender/Creature. That way it makes it a lot easier for others to read! Have fun!

You walk out the north gate of Redwall Abbey, stride through the forest for a few minutes, and then find yourself in a wooded glade rimmed 'round by a stream. A group of pipers are playing, accompanied by a mole on a bodrhan drum. Many other creatures are there, talking to one another or dancing in the moonlight.

There is a lavish feast set out for the company, and hedgehog cooks are busily preparing another dish. Tempting fragrances waft your way as a mousemaid picks up a plate of trifle and brings it to you. Another mousemaid and a haremaid join her. They speak in rounds.

"Welcome to the Courtyard Garden!" says one, a white mousemaid.

The golden mousemaid beside her smiles. "I'm Mandara, that other mousemaid is Laelya, and the haremaid is Daffy."

Daffy motions towards the other beasts. "Why don't y'join in the bally festivities, ol' bean?"

You decide to join them. You take the trifle, sit on a hewn rock bench, and wait for some otherbeast to strike up a conversation.

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Artwork copyright L.F./D.B. Site run by Laelya Fairwillow, Daffy Woodsorrel, and Mandara Goldenoak.