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Break the Cycle

-You have the power to stop-



There's a point you reach when you're eating. Something inside you snaps. Then the voices start. "You've eaten too much. You're going to get fat. Get rid of it!" The food inside you hurts, it feels alien, it doesn't belong in your body. So you get rid of it. Every time I threw up was the last time. The whole act filled me with such shame and contempt for myself. I have no control over myself. Blood would rush to my head, I couldn't stop crying, sometimes the stomach acids would go up my nose and burn. I knew what I was doing to myself, I just didn't care. Then, one day I did. I couldn't keep living like this...

You might relapse, but don't beat yourself up about it. Recovery from bulimia takes time, and it's important to think of how much you are improving and will improve in the long run.

Recovery from bulimia is difficult. A heroin addict simply stops taking heroin and aviods places and people with heroin. You need food to survive and be healthy. You need to learn a new relationship with food and yourself. Trust youself and your body. It's the only one you've got.


Put your hands to your head, stick out your tongue and shout:
"Buh-bye Bulimia... nyah nyah nyah"
