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What Bulimia
Means to Me
An Ode to an Eating Disorder
By: Star

Bulimia means brushing your teeth often,
drinking lots of water,
and feeling dizzy.

Bulimia means changing your clothes
several times in the morning,
then wearing the same old baggy things.

Bulimia means being alone a lot,
because you don't want to be with people,
especially when you have to lie so much.

Bulimia means taking antacids,
thinking you're going to die,
both hoping that you do and don't.

Bulimia means sleepless nights,
wondering if you really got rid of everything,
or if you'll wake up obese.

Bulimia means hurting everyone around you,
your friends, your family,
mostly yourself.

Bulimia means believing you're crazy,
wishing you weren't,
and not knowing how to change it.

Bulimia means wanting someone to hold you,
but not wanting to be touched
and have someone feel your fatness.

Bulimia means feeling in control
and out of control,
at the same time.
