Sorry everyone, there has'nt been a post in a while due to some other priorities of mine but this site is up and running again so, YAY!! Anyways I finally got Demandred's 8th installment of the Diablo Chronicles up and I had Chapter 9 but due to technical difficulties I had to take it down, Im having Demandred resend it so dont worry and read Chapter 8 as a appetizer for what's coming on Chapter 9, other than that...KEEP SENDIN FICS IF YOU'VE GOT EM!!
Demandred is one of the most unique writers i've seen around lately, his fics are so intense and his writing style is not one to be reckoned with for he can put good use to a pencil and a piece of paper. So far I have his biggest saga yet, The Diablo II Chronicles, I have 7 great chapters of this well thought out and well written fic he's been working on, plus the fic still isnt done, tons more chapters to come, go to the video games section and go read his Diablo fic, it'll be worth your while! Also be sure to send him any compliments or questions you may have about his fics!