The Fanfiction Network
Wanna Submit?!

You got a fanfic you wrote and wanna get some publicity for it and let other fanfic author and readers around the world read your story? Then Fanfiction Network is your place to be! Their our a few provisions but im not to strict, just follow the few guidelines and rules and your story will be up in no time!

1. Always check your spelling on stories, that means don't just type up something slap it in an e-mail and send it to me because if I read it and theres at least 2 miss spelled words every sentence I wont except it, don't worry, this is easy, just use spell check(if you have it) or spell check it yourself!

2. Absolutely NO LEMONS! I will not except those because there may be younger readers out their and they don't need to read that crap! And for those of you that don't know what a lemon is, it's like porn except no pictures, basically all talking and crap. If you're gonna send me somethin with alot of cussing or violence thats totally FINE, just tell me in the e-mail a rating for it(for example if you we're gonna send me a fic on Resident Evil you would put Mature or 18+ or sumthin like that to hint the rating).

3. When you submit a fanfic you can either put it directly in the e-mail(as long as it fits and its not to long) or you can attach it to the e-mail, if you're attaching it i'll only except .doc and .txt files meaning use WordPad or NotePad. And NO ZIPPING, text files usually arent that big so just send it directly as is, do not zip or I will not except it!

4. If your story is long, please split it into chapters or parts and send it to me in different e-mails. If you are gonna send it to me in chapters or parts, cut it off at a climatic part or at the end of a sentence, dont just cut it off in the middle of a sentence, and please, if you split it up be sure to send it all to me at once, in different e-mails of course, but all at once!

~Thats about it, done reading the rules?, THEN SUBMIT!~