Run into the darkness,
Run away from me.
There is something in this dark heart,
That gives you cause to flee.
I am not who I appear to be
Someone you should fear.
Stay away from this insanity,
Stay away and don't come near.
You see me as I once was,
And someday wish to be.
But that wish has long fallen,
For there is something dark in me.
A darkness that is binding,
Like twisting seething hate.
It's shadowed hold still grips me,
Like chains of hellish fate.
For long years I have wandered,
Forsaken from the light.
This darkness that consumes me,
Is my curse and plight.
I seek a path less traveled,
Somewhere I can hide.
I run from this society,
And those who weep in fright.
I run from hearth and home alike,
Into the darkest night.
But in this black I find my peace,
In my lonely withered spite.
I cringe to think beyond the night,
Of what the dawn will bring.
But I must stand tall and face it,
For death is for the weak.
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