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by ZinkyuFox

Broken glass
Lying there
Still apon the floor
Mix with red
Bright as sin
Shade of demon's wings
Glistning steel
Raised once more
To play again with Fate
But lo behold
No grave shall hold
This life so gentle here
But rise again
In triunph still
Like Sun
When Dawn doth come
Unveiled from the deathly Night
again to rise
to center Sky
be praised by all of Man


by ZinkyuFox

Demon wing
furl, unfold
clothe the Night in black
and though the Darkness fall about
tis' not this one to fear
for the Darkness flitted round about
is that wich is to seal
away the Hatred
and the Pain
wich cometh close at hand
and when the Morn
doth come
unfold the Sun of Day
and entwined in rays extended
an Angel to defend
but not against that Demon which
in Night he did protect
for these two
may lovers be
and in your soul reside
for to fall into this sacred place
this bond not broken here