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About The Universal Love Feminist Church

Who Are We? What Are We All About?

The Universal Love Feminist Church has everything to do with caring about others regardless of their gender, race, personal religious beliefs, or their lack of them. God loves ALL people regardless of sex, color, or creed.

God created us in God's own image. You will note that I do not refer to the Deity as male. God has no sex. God has no prejudices. Jesus Christ stated that His "Father" in Heaven was a spirit...not a sexual creature. God has no "parts" and God has no "body". God is a Spirit, so how can God be called "He" or "She"?
Perhaps this will explain:
Because females in the time of Christ had no status, they were not even allowed inside the synagogues, being forced to remain behind a screen so that they would not "defile" the holiness of the place. Of course God was spoken of in reverence as our "Father" have referred to God as anything but male would have been tantamount to blasphemy.
Most mainline modern religions follow this tenet of Judaic faith, since every mainline Christian faith on earth claims to be descended directly from Jesus Christ, who was Jewish and male. It is true that most Christians have been taught to think of God as a male father-figure. We have been quietly and gently brainwashed to believe that our futures, our lives, and even our spiritual salvation lies in the hands of the male sex.

Even Jesus, who walked among humankind for 33 years, was unable to reverse the extremely popular idea that women were not worthy of religious honor because they were insufficiently pure, and prone to inspiring men to evil. Jesus honored women and treated them as equals and friends.

Jesus Christ reverenced his mother. He treated her, and other women in his family and circle of friends as equals. He obeyed her even when he was an adult, without question, respecting her wishes despite his exalted state. He was not yet ready to begin his ministry, yet he acquiesced to his mother's request to perform his first "come out" of the darkness and begin his teaching.

Despite His crowded, busy life, he took the time to spend precious moments teaching the various females in his family and life...women who were not considered worthy of hearing him preach. His warm kindness toward, and the honor he afforded to these women about him are all well noted in the pages of the New Testament, yet these teachings were ignored or misinterpreted by most religious faiths which arose from the teachings of Christ.

We believe that God created men and women in God's own image, but this is not the carefully constructed "image" we have been taught to accept.

I believe that God is an Entity who is All Powerful, All Knowing, and All Understanding. I also believe God is All-Loving.

God's Love is UNCONDITIONAL...UNIVERSAL...not reserved only for those who believe as others think they should believe!

Although The God we read about in the Bible had no "sex", and was purportedly a spirit, because of extant prejudices abounding in pre-Christian era Judea, it would have been foolhardy for any sane person to have referred to God as "Our Mother, Which Art In Heaven..." He would have been stoned to death for blasphemy!

In many ancient pre-Judean religions, females were reverenced as the "givers of life" because they were capable of bringing forth life. In ancient beliefs, female deities were worshiped as part of the theological family.

The Earth was our "Mother". We thought of the forces of life as "Mother Nature". However, these female deities who carried such consequence were later ousted in favor of the "male god-head" belief. With the coming of those religious beliefs which were structured to denigrate females, female status was reduced to the level of doormat.

Our closeness to God was debased by such inane ancient myths as "Pandora's Box", and "Eve and The Apple". We became the "downfall of mankind", rather than mankind's saving grace. Does anyone here really think that Adam was some hopeless dope who didn't have a brain? Does anyone truly believe that he made the choice he made ONLY because Eve blew in his ear and batted her lashes at him? To believe such a thing would be to downgrade males to the status of pre-Jurassic slime.

In the distant past, there were entire civilizations structured around female hierarchies. There were societies which functioned and flourished under the rulership and spiritual guidance of females. There were societies which reverenced women as "seers" and "prophetesses"...but most of that vanished as the "male-godhead" religions began to take deep root. These earlier, more ancient male god-head religions came into existence long before Moses ever walked the sands of Sinai, or threw those stone tablets at the golden calf.

There was no longer an equality of the sexes. Women and their offspring became the chattel property of their husbands, and the male became known as the "head of the house". The very custom of the wedding ring was said to be an offshoot of the "slave rings" which female slaves wore to denote ownership by a certain master!

But religion spills over into every part of life. Throughout history, females in many nations could not own property. They had no rights and no voice. They could not speak out in public without fear of being beaten into silent submission.

A man had to attach a "dowry" to his daughter to get her a good man to take her off his hands. A woman was valueless. A man had to have something of value along with the female to think he was getting a good deal.

Even in today's modern society, many of these ancient sex-based biases continue to flourish, despite the illuminated times we live in. Women still earn less than men in the same professions. Women are still considered the "weaker" sex, although we most often outlive men, are generally healthier than males, and have a built-in sense of honor which men do not seem to understand or recognize.

That is WHY we are. That is why we wish to share with other women, the world over, the sense of belonging with God, no matter what face you assign to the matter what sex you assign to God. No matter what your belief, we welcome you to believe in yourself as part of God's supreme plan of salvation! You are not are God's wonder-workers! You are God's special creatures, given the power to create life and carry it within you...the power to shape the future of mankind with a kind word, a gentle gesture, and a caring smile. You...the mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters of this lies within YOUR hands to create a world so beautiful that others would not dare to defile it, knowing it comes from God.

We welcome women of all races, religions, and beliefs to join us. This is NOT a Church which proclaims itself to be "The ONE TRUE FAITH". This is a Church founded upon one premise...that women were not created to be subject to man's whims, any more than men were put here to be subject to ours. This is a simple system of beliefs which encompass females the world over...that we are not sub-humans, fit only to mind the house and provide sexual relief when needed.

Marrying, loving a man, and bearing children and remaining at home to care for them are excellent choices which many of us wish to make, but we must HAVE a choice. We must understand that God's love is not reserved only for those who blindly obey what we have been taught from infancy to is given freely and lovingly to all God's children, regardless of race, creed, sex, or color. The prejudices and biases we were raised with must evaporate with our own built-in biases about woman's role in the scheme of God's promise to us.

Women are not limited. Men are not limited. Anyone who believes in God, in any form or language, may enter the kingdom of the God they believe in...and no one shall be excluded from salvation simply because she or he does not submit to the biases and prejudices which bear so heavily upon her or him. Whether your faith is mainline Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Orthodox, Pagan or are part and parcel of the reality of Salvation, and in YOUR hands and soul lies the true love and face of God.

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