All characters are the property of Thomas Harris, used herein without permission but with the greatest admiration and respect.
Lecter and Clarice Starling were having dinner, as was their habit in warm
weather, on their terrace.
Lecter watched Clarice pick restlessly at her food, an ill-tempered,
dissatisfied frown creasing the space between her eyebrows.
bewitching expression, as were they all. All of her quirks, her moods, her less
than lovely tempers, were endlessly pleasing to him, all were equally
fascinating and entertaining.
paella is not to your liking, Clarice?” he asked her, even though he was
certain it was not her supper she was angry with.
frown deepened, but she did not answer him or look up. Just scowled at her
is saffron rice, isn’t it?” she finally accused.
Saffron, incidentally, is composed of the cured and dried stigmas of the crocus
sativus, a late blooming annual this is cultivated in Greece, Spain, Iran, and
certain parts of the U.S. The saffron in your rice is Greek, and has a coloring
strength of 250, by which the quality of saffron is usually determined, and - ”
tastes like Clorox,” she interrupted.
. . . I beg your pardon?”
she repeated firmly.
perhaps your ongoing obsession with the laundry has gone too far. Saffron most
definitely does NOT taste like - “
a little like semen, too,” she said, and a small smile quirked her mouth,
although she did not look up from her plate.
could still surprise him, even after three years. All too frequently, in fact.
a pause, he thought of an answer.
I do very much enjoy cooking, Clarice, I can assure you that I do not enjoy it
quite THAT much.”
laughed and looked up at him at last. Her eyes were sparkling and there were
spots of color high up on her cheeks.
you say. But how do I know what you’re putting in the food? You won’t even let
me in the kitchen half the time.”
smiled to show she was teasing, and then sighed. “I’m sorry, Hannibal, I don’t
really mean to be grumpy. Don’t know what’s wrong with me. I guess I’m just not
good company tonight.”
are invariably good company, my love. You really needn’t be pleasant to please
me, as you should know by now. If I may venture to suggest, your . . . malaise
is, I think, the result of biological causes. You are due to menstruate in some
two or three days, and - “
you suggesting I have PMS?” she inquired frostily.
suggesting that a variety of extremely powerful biochemical substances are
coursing through your blood and affecting your behavior and emotions, the same
way it happens around this time every month - “
Every time a woman does something that a man has no immediate answer for, right
away it’s PMS!”
- every month,” he went on, exactly as if she hadn’t spoken. “As well as
causing a complex of other symptoms, including irritability, emotional
lability, anomalies in sensory perceptions such as - “
Are you done yet?”
- such as taste and smell, retention of fluids, lower - “
you PLEASE stop ‘handling’ me like I was a madwoman!?”
- lower back pain, increased bodily secretions, unusual food cravings, breast
sensitivity, and a marked spike in - “
- a marked spike in libido and sexual desire, one symptom, I confess, I
consider to be a stroke of good fortune for me. No, you are certainly not a
child, Clarice. You are a woman, the most adorable, vexatious, mesmerizing and
enigmatic woman in the world.”
stopped to lock gazes with her, noticing that it had already become a touch
difficult to breathe evenly.
you prefer to skip this course? Move on to dessert?” he suggested, perhaps a
bit suggestively. “Clariiiicce?”
reveled in the blaze of mingled ire and desire in her eyes as she glared at
him. He always enjoyed this particular phase of her cycle, in part because she
was so wonderfully unpredictable at this time. And he was not above . . .
enhancing . . . her erratic reactions where he saw the opportunity. To fever
pitch, if he could.
she growled at him. “Maybe I would. What’s for dessert?”
new game appeared to be in the offing. How delightful.
anything your heart might desire, of course,” he answered. “No less. You have
only to tell me.”
rose from the table fluidly, eyes fixed on him. A lioness stalking her prey
through the tall grass could not have been more sinuous, or more intent. His
jaw tightened involuntarily as he waited to see what she would do next. He had
no doubt some unusual agenda was busily spinning itself out in her mind.
smug, self-satisfied prick,” she commented, advancing smoothly toward his end
of the table. “I think we ought to put YOU on the menu.”
“I am sure that could be
arranged, Clarice,” he answered, watching her carefully. “Especially since you
ask so nicely.”
closed the remaining distance between them and pounced, raising her skirt to
throw a long leg over his knees and throwing herself into his lap, the same way
she might mount a horse. She then proceeded to squirm and wiggle vigorously, as
she might do to find her seat in the saddle. The effect was delicious. All the
muscles in his lower abdomen and groin tightened and twitched. He schooled
himself to stillness, albeit with some effort. It wouldn’t do to give away the
game so early.
put her hands on the back of his chair, one on either side of his head, and
brought her face very close to his.
ASKING?” she hissed at him, and struck, kissing him, hard, a breath-stealing
quite prepared to acquiesce to whatever evil intentions you may have, Clarice,”
he said, once she’d finished and he’d recovered his breath. “It isn’t safe to
cross a woman in YOUR condition.”
. . . your theory is that I’ve been driven temporarily insane by my own raging
hormones, is that it?” she asked, voice dangerously low.
squeezed her powerful runner’s thighs together around him, constricting and
immobilizing his lower body and creating a subtle pressure where she was
you find you are comfortable with such a gross over-simplification, dear, ” he
managed, but just barely. “Yes, that is essentially it.”
grinned at the challenge, and at the insult. “Oh, you are gonna get it, smart
guy. I’m going to drive you right the fuck out of your mind, right here and
smiled at her patronizingly. “Something of a pyrrhic victory, don’t you think,
even if you could manage it? Some might say I haven’t that far to go.”
laughed and nipped lightly at his chin before drawing herself up to regard him
with lofty sternness.
in this arena. They haven’t seen your uncannily accurate impression of a block
of granite, like I have. You can’t go sneaking Clorox into the rice with
impunity any more, Hannibal Lecter. Prepare to be judged.”
I say I am innocent of these mad charges. Although I do find I am increasingly
prepared for . . . judgment. As is becoming self-evident, I expect.”
wriggled some more to verify this last remark, and managed to wring a gasp out
of him.
she repeated, with some satisfaction.
put his arms around her and pulled her closer still, hands spread out on her
back. “I am at your disposal, dear Clarice. Tell me what you’d like me to do.”
noooooo, darling, you can’t have it all your own way all the time. Not after
the heinous crime of poisoning the rice, and not after pissing me off with all
that PMS bullshit. Not tonight. Tonight, I’LL do, and YOU’ll tell.”
So this was to be the game. She wanted to toy with a bit of role reversal.
a general rule, he tended to be the more active partner in their lovemaking,
and he was generous, perhaps to a fault. He rarely asked Clarice for any
special service or particular attention, mainly because her reactions in
themselves were so endlessly satisfying to him. He simply didn’t have any
strong preferences; in truth, he didn’t much care WHAT she did. Everything she
did was immensely pleasing, all aspects of their interactions, from the
greatest to the least, were equally gratifying.
however, it appeared she wanted him to be both a passive and a selfish lover.
Happily, she remained unaware that he was always a selfish lover, at least from
his perspective.
interesting, double edged game. He was intrigued. But he mustn't spoil her fun
by agreeing too readily. Clearly, this was to be a battle, and she wanted to
“win”. She wanted him to give her a fight.
well. I can do that . . .
as a striking serpent, he clamped his hands around her wrists on his chair back
and dragged her arms behind her back. He grinned without humor, like a shark
does, as he crossed her wrists at the small of her back and held them there.
She tossed her shoulders fetchingly in her efforts to escape. All her angry
squirming was really very enticing.
makes you think I’ll agree to any such thing?” he asked her, growling,
threatening. “You’re in no position to give orders now, are you?”
immediately went completely limp, all struggles over. A clever strategy.
tell me what I want, sweetie, or I won’t do anything at all,” she retorted
coolly. “Those are the terms, you can blame PMS. I’m through fooling around
with you. Make up your mind. ‘C.S.I.’ is about to come on.”
had to expend a near superhuman effort not to laugh at that, both for the
inappropriate context and for the monumental insult. Her favorite television
show. Forensic science as popular entertainment. Could anything be more absurd?
He despised the show, and, for some unknown reason, he simply could not abide
that lead actor, whatever his name was. “C.S.I.” indeed!
released her wrists and dropped his own hands to the arms of his chair,
regarding her with great disinterest. She might have been a hatbox that someone
unknown had accidentally left in his lap.
you’d better run along and watch it, then,” he said coldly.
regarded him as though he was a new strain of streptococcus as seen through a
right,” she answered equally coldly, and bounced briskly to her feet. “I will.
See ya later.”
let her turn her back on him and begin to walk away, and allowed her get to the
outermost limit of his reach before lunging forward in his chair and grabbing
her arm. He jerked her backwards and pulled her back down into his lap, facing
away from him now, and wrapped his arms around her tightly.
. . .” he rumbled into her ear from behind, and bit at the back of her neck, as
though to hold her in place with his teeth.
this was fun!
did not move, or struggle, or react to him at all. Not even when he brushed his
thumbs over her breasts in a way that he knew for a fact she particularly
she said evenly. “What for? Care to tell me?”
wondered if she really would have abandoned the game and gone off to watch some
dreadful television show. He had an uncomfortable suspicion that she very well
might have. Perhaps he didn’t have quite as much control over this game as he
that, of course, just made it even more fun.
sighed angrily. “Don’t go off and watch television, then,” he growled at her
stiff back. “I want you here.”
she retorted, unmoving and unrelenting.
grasped her hips and pulled her closer into himself, fitting the delectably
rounded buttocks into his own hips tightly. A perfect fit, like spoons in a
drawer. Or it would have been, had he not been positively rampant at this stage
of the game.
you tell?” he asked unpleasantly, as though he believed she might be learning
impaired. “Perhaps you require a hint?
I can’t bloody well TELL. You tell me, or I’m done for the night! I mean it!”
waited to see if she would try to stand up again, or turn around to look at
him. She didn’t. Well played, Clarice. She really was the worthiest opponent he
had ever had the pleasure to engage.
around,” he demanded. “Do it now.”
slowly turned in his lap, brushing him in as many places as she possibly could
in the course of her leisurely, sensuous revolution. Not until she was again
straddling his thighs, her knees wedged into the chair on either side of him,
did she bring her eyes up to meet his.
she asked, again regarding him with cool indifference. “What now? Stop wasting
my time. What do you want?”
grabbed her shoulders and pulled her very close, so that he could glare
directly into her eyes.
bitch,” he hissed at her, showing his teeth and hiding a frisson of triumph as
he noted the pleased shudder of excitement that ran though her at the epithet.
He rarely used abusive language on her, and had imagined the unexpected
vulgarity might heighten her pleasure. So nice to be proven right.
do you want?” she asked again, calmly. But her eyes were glittering, her pupils
were dilated, and she could hardly expect to hide the hot flush in her face and
clamped one hand around her chin, just this side of what would hurt. He could
feel her slow smile widening under his palm. She knew she was only a turn away
from the end of the game she craved. Now, to give her the game point . . .
right,” he admitted through his teeth. “All right. I want to fuck you until you
scream. I’m DYING to do it. Are you satisfied?”
gave her chin a final petulant shake and then kissed her roughly, pressing her
jaw open with his fingers and pushing his tongue down her throat as far as it
would go. He could feel her whole body positively thrumming with vindication.
Her own hands tightened on his arms and a pleased shudder of excitement ran
through HIM as he felt her teeth grazing him.
victory could be sweet for both the vanquished and the victor. Her pores opened
and he could breathe the perfume of her arousal as her body tensed and her
breath quickened and she returned the kiss hungrily. He had never been happier
to throw a game.
emotional balance of their play shifted in the course of the mock-hostile kiss,
became less a battle of wills and more a cooperative effort. They forgot their
earlier adversarial roles as easily and naturally as they might have cast aside
party masks and their desires fell into perfect alignment through this intimate
medium. There are people who are comfortable with the ugly art of the
grudge-fuck. Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling were not such people. Perhaps
they were both too well acquainted with real violence to ever mistake love for
Clarice touched with affection and pleasure, her former irritability vanished.
She found his hands and guided them both to the arms of his chair, and held
them there gently until he understood that she wanted him immobile. Then she
found the pulse point in his throat where she knew he liked to be touched and
licked at it delicately, like a kitten lapping cream, while she, also as a
kitten might, kneaded at his shoulders. The combined sensation was exquisite,
and he let his head sink backwards as he shut his eyes to concentrate on it.
would you like me to do next?” she murmured, coaxing now, rather than
demanding. “Please tell me.”
considered. Perhaps there might be a few things he wanted her to do after all.
He raised his head and opened his eyes to look at her.
the bodice of your gown, please, Clarice,“ he asked, perhaps a trifle hoarsely.
“I’d like to see you.”
smiled and arched backward a few inches, to allow him a better view. “Just as
you say. Shall I take the whole dress off?”
he had decided he wanted to enjoy her in parts tonight, a series of carnal
vignettes, a glimpse of breast here, the cream of a thigh there. He wanted to
see the flesh framed in the opened clothes, a far more erotic sight than simple
nudity would have been.
only the bodice. You might raise your skirt a bit more, only if you want to.”
brought her fingers to her collar and undid half of the small buttons there,
revealing a considerable amount of cleavage, but no more. Then she stopped and
lowered her hands to her lap primly, as if she were a small girl on her best
behavior in church.
no you don’t,” she said, and he saw that her smile, at least, was not at all
prim. At least ten little devils were dancing in each of her eyes. “This is
about what YOU want. What’s the word on the skirt?”
laughed. “Raise it. Now finish those buttons, you wicked baggage, and don’t you
dare stop again.”
undid the rest of the buttons and stared at him as she slipped the fabric off
her shoulders. The wispy champagne colored brassiere she was wearing seemed
designed more to decorate her breasts than to cover them. He noted the front
closure of the undergarment with some satisfaction. Sometimes, if a man was
very, very fortunate, undressing a woman could be like opening a present.
didn’t want him to use his hands. Hmmm. There were other ways . . .
up another few inches and lean forward, now, ” he told her. She complied at
once. Obedience. What a rare and interesting element to add to this erotic mix.
He decided he quite liked it.
she was at the proper position, it was easy to work the fastener with his
teeth. And from there, it was easy to feast on the newly freed delicacies
beneath. Firm and soft, smooth and full, coral and cream, thin, delicate skin
and fragile flesh and the heartbeat just within, so achingly . . . alive. He
could devour without destroying, he could be satisfied until the end of the
world. Ahhhhhh. She writhed for him and held his head closer still, softly
moaning her appreciation, a most accommodating feast. His hands at his sides
had begun to ache to hold and caress.
man . . . “ she observed in a fond whisper.
looked up at her face, and admired the flare of her nostrils, the sharpness of
her breath, the parted lips.
me my hands back,” he demanded, and was surprised at how guttural his voice
sounded. “I want to touch you.”
response was a slow, evil smile, absolutely mind-bending in its exquisitely
cruel seduction. “No. Not yet. Don’t move them.”
she had not abandoned her earlier ambition of driving him out of his mind after
all. What delicious perversity. What black invention. He gripped the arms of
the chair harder, savoring this subtle twist of pleasurable agony. Another turn
of the screw . . .
despicable little monster,” he growled. “I thought this was supposed to be
about what I want.
certain narrow parameters, darling. It’s PMS, it makes women mean as snakes.
But don’t worry, I’ll help you out . . . “
grabbed his shirt and pulled it open roughly, with a fine, flagrant disregard
for the integrity of his buttons. Another shirt, ruined. She could be so hard
on clothes. Once she had the shirt opened and his chest bared, she lowered
herself until she could fit herself to him precisely, skin to skin, breast to
breast. He could feel her heart trip-hammering away inside her ribcage. Or was
that the pounding of his own heart?
she said. “Now you’re touching me.”
laughed. “That is NOT what I meant, and you know it.”
laughed too and tugged playfully at his ears while she rolled her hips
delicately against him, forward and back, the beginnings of that primal rhythm
that all humans are born knowing in their blood. He wondered, momentarily, who
it was that was groaning in that hoarse, hungry way, and then decided that it
must be him.
you say something, dear?” she inquired solicitously. “Are you comfortable?”
a bit constricted,” he answered as best he could, unable to keep a tremor out
of his voce. “Otherwise, yes, thank you, quite comfortable.”
was lying. If he didn’t shed a few layers of clothing soon, he was going to
have a heart attack. Or, judging from the insane throbbing in his temples,
throat and nether regions, perhaps his head would just explode, splattering
blood, bone and brains everywhere. THEN she’d be sorry!
she didn’t need to know that . . .
perhaps she’d made a guess already. Her small, capable hands insinuated
themselves into the small space between their bodies and dipped first to his
belly, his waist, and finally nestled into the fork of his legs, precisely
where his trousers had become the most painfully tight. His hips jumped, and he
threw his head back and groaned again, no longer caring to try not to.
know . . . I don’t think you really are comfortable. Not at all. “
her voice was breathy and hoarse too, at least as uneven as his. Maybe she
could drive him crazy, that much was possible. But she couldn’t do it without
putting her own equilibrium at risk. Games like this never worked in only the
one direction.
hands working again, loosening, unfastening, unzipping, sliding over fabric and
then over flesh engorged beyond all reason, now stroking his length, now
cradling and testing the weight, now closing around him and applying gentle
pressure. He felt like screaming and ground his teeth and gripped the arms of
the chair so hard that the right one cracked.
this, just for little me . . .” she marveled archly. “Would you like to take
your hands off the chair now?”
need to ask twice. His hands flew off the chair and he was touching her
everywhere, crushing her in a ravenous embrace and kissing her, again and
again, he could never kiss her enough, not if he could do it from now until the
end of time, and he used the great strength of his hands and fingers to shred
the final barriers of flimsy cloth that remained between them and pushed into
her, hard and fast and to the hilt. He heard her characteristic hum-gasp-trill
as he entered her, the small, unique sound she always made upon being
penetrated. It always reminded him of the fragile peal of a little silver bell.
had been an interesting and absorbing game, full of surprising twists and
unexpected gambits, and he was grateful for the entertainment, he’d been glad
to play. But he was not in a mood to play now.
always came to this. He could never quite see a game through to the end with
her; there always came a point when he would discover that he was in deadly
I’ll tell you what I want, Clarice,” he whispered to her, lips moving against
her cheek. “Now I’ll tell you. I want to stay like this, exactly like this,
forever. That’s what I want. Can we do that, do you think?”
pulled away from him a small space, only enough to look into his face. The
kindness and wonder in her smile was breathtaking. She was no longer playing
. . .” she said, seriously. “Sometimes I think we can do anything. Anything at
nodded, equally seriously. “Sometimes, Clarice . . . I do too.” Then he bent
his head to the tender angle between her jaw and her throat.
could feel the pulsing of her heart in her throat where he kissed her, and in
her breast where it was pressed to his, and in the enveloping recesses inside
her, where she held him fast. He considered that beat, and it gave him an idea,
something he wanted to try, something impossible that he believed that they
could, nevertheless, do.
took both of her hands in his, and took a moment to admire their delicacy and
strength, and then placed one of them on her breast, just over her heart, and
the other on his own.
dear Clarice, can you feel that? That’s your heart beating, and mine. Can you
feel the two different rhythms? Yours is a bit faster.”
. . . yes, I feel it . . .”
think we can match them. I think we can align these two divergent beats into
one, a new one. Would you like to try it?”
yes. Yes. What do we do?”
like that, just let your head down . . .” he guided her head to the crook of
his neck, stroked her hair. “Close your eyes. Concentrate.”
covered her hands at their respective chests with his own, slightly larger
hands, and started to tap out a rhythm, something halfway between her quick
flutter and his slower, stronger pace. He tapped, and felt how her body began
to pick up the pace he was setting, how she tightened and relaxed around him in
time to his tapping, and then how her hips cycled into the cadence, forward and
own movements started to echo hers, and echo the tapping, and their breathing
tap-TAP, tap-TAP, tap-TAP, tap-TAP . . .
and closer, movements combined, precision and passion, breathing in tandem, the
one rhythm over all, and their heartbeats slowed and speeded and fluttered in
adjustment, and . . .
. . and, at last, synchronized. Synchronized perfectly. Synchronicity.
seamless melding of the immediate to the infinite and the material to the
illimitable. Blood and bone, stock and stone, so strange and wonderful that the
physical meshing of flesh could be the way to the incorporeal world of the
spirits. The poetry of meat, the ghost in the machine.
he knew that. He’d found the path to the unseen through the quivering tissues
of the body before. He’d pulled these red threads, that could lead so far past
the flesh, out of the bodies of others. He’d devoured them whole.
was a better way.
tandem rhythm that they’d created sped and doubled and trebled and spun out of
control, and their movements, though precisely aligned, grew frenzied, and
their cries escalated and whatever boundaries of identity there are that make
the difference between self and other melted.
human heart is not made to exist without limits for long. We were made to live
in the material world. The inevitable climax occurred, and it was impossible to
know how, or why, or who. Clarice screamed in ecstasy, face raised to Heaven
and head thrown back. Or was that him screaming? Or were they both . . ? He
could never be certain.
the case, they both had to subside and to catch their breath, and Clarice
curled and panting in his arms, a precious, living bundle that continually
astonished him, night after night.
another night on the terrace. One of many.
you God, if You’re out there, I may forgive You yet. Stranger things have
happened, after all. Observe this woman that I have somehow won, for example.
What other evidence of the possibility of the unlikely might one ask?
unfinished meal and abandoned plates, an uncleared table and a cracked chair.
he thought, we dance at dinnertime. And sometimes . . . we don’t finish dinner.
put his head back against the chair again, resting as he savored the rare
moment of contentment. He breathed in the scents of the mild night air, the
combined musk of the coupling just past, the clean fragrance of her skin and
hair, the varied scents of the cooling, uneaten food, the scent of . . . what?
What was that . .?
He laughed. Of course.
scent of saffron.
stirred and raised her head to look in his eyes.
love you.” she said simply.
world could be an evil, lying place, and he often found he had to expend great
efforts to keep whatever fragile grip he might on his place within it. But
there were things that could help to bind him there. Real things.
light in her eyes. The rhythm of a heartbeat. The scent of saffron.
that night, for that time, with that grace, he was satisfied.
night, like others before it, and, in hope, like others to come, passed on.