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The History of the F.C.F.

The history of the Fist City Fighters (F.C.F.) begins as far back as 3005, with the assignment of four green officers to the District Regular Forces (D.R.F.) in the Rassalhague MIlitary District of the Draconis Combine. Stationed in the different units -the 9th, 17th, 20th, and 21st Rasalhague Regulars after graduating from the Rasalhague Military Academy, our founders, callsigns Blackguard, White Blossom, Rended Heart, and Dancing Cat, set our history into motion. Over the next nearly three decades, they all proved themselves to be loyal Combine officers, furthering the Will of the Dragon. Their careers brought them much honour and commendations, including 4 White Starbursts of Rasalhague, 3 Orders of the Dragon, 3 Katana Clusters, 2 Bushido Blades, and 1 Knight of New Samarkand. Being all highly decorated and loyal officers of the Combine, they found themselves in a quandary in the year 3034. That was the year of independence for the Rasalhague Military District, thus becoming the Free Rasalhague Republic, it was also the year of the Ronin Wars. Torn between duty to the Combine, loyalty to family, friendship with those in the new republic, nor wishing to fight their comrads turned ronin, they resigned their comissions in the Draconis Combine Mustered Solidery (D.C.M.S.). Retiring to a near-Periphery Combine planet in the Pesht Military District-Richmond, they were surprised to find many of their subordinates followed suit by making their way to the world. With this influx of mechwarriors, the seeds were planted for the formation of a mercenary unit of nearly battalion stength. This demi-battalion became the Fist City Fighters in the year 3036. From that year until the Clan Invasion, the F.C.F. worked extended contracts for the Free Worlds League and in Comstar's Explorer Corps. Being in the Periphery at the onset of the Clan Invasion, they saw engagements with Clan Wolf, after which they withdrew back to Richmond to protect their operations base and families. After which time, they skirmished with Clans Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat, keeping the Richmond free of Clan insurgence. During the remainder of the invasion they once again fought for the Combine, strenghtening the border defences during Operations Serpent and Bulldog. With the success of the Star League Defence Force (S.L.D.F.) in halting the Clan advance, we now keep watch over the Combine border with Clan Ghost Bear. Ever diligent in protecting Richmond and the Inner Sphere. Yet, all this was at a great price to F.C.F., having lost most of the demi-battalion and it's leadership. Yet before us is the road to reformation. We welcome our destiny, and strive to make our coming future as honourable as our glorious past. Thus, the story of the F.C.F. will continue. But, will you be included......?