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Fist City Fighters News

June 10,01
Added new pics and final scores to battle review section
June 08,01
Just a quick note that final scores from our most recent battles as well as a
"stats" page will be going up in site tommorow, so keep your eyes open!
June 05,01
I am very pleased and excited to announce a new recruit
i want everyone to welcome Private Syberus to our elite ranks
this kid(only 16) has super potential, and knows what the score is, even though he has barely played MW4 online ,
he was a MW2 and MW3 vet, so lets all welcome him into the elite brotherhood

June 04,01
ok i have the variant section up, with only 3 variants but as soon as you guys send in more i can post them. we are trying to schedule a grudge match against house ronin of the VL
we were dissed by them and must now teach them some manners
thats all for now boys!
June 01,01
alright i have slacked off and havent posted news due to joyriding in my new car.
ok so i have added some screenshots of us beating the Black Warriors in a really good battle
also ummm, er, uh well yeah i dont know what else to say other than keep up the good work,
our unit is progrssing faster than my wildest dreams
i am super impressed, as well as deusifer, at the rate at which our rookies have progressed so keep up the good work guys!!
May 23,01
So what does everyone think of message board? let me know by posting in it,
Also some new screenshots courtesy of BW_Apollo
May 20,01
I think for someone who has little experiece with web design, ive made a pretty kick ass site!
anyways, i added the first section of the Field Manual so all you green privates, read up!! Also, we have a new promotion
Supreme Jackal, in recognition for everything he has accomplished in his short time,
has been promoted to Bravet Sergeant (field promotion) also has been promoted to Training NCO (the guy who kicks our asses to get in gear and work hard) so rookies, if you have questions go to him. anyways, if you have any questions or anything, weve got a message board now.
May 18,01
good day to you mechwarriors, some website news fur ya
be sure to check out the R&D section and post comments on message board also check results in battle review from last nights "unnoficial" scrum against BW
May 15,01
Private SupremeJackal assigned NCO
May 14,01
News. Unit switching to 1.5 patch, HeavyFisted apperently had knee surgery so that is why he was MIA, and will be taking tryout sunday most likely, also SJ taking Trial of Rank soon, wednesday having battle against BlackWarriors will post results in Battle Review, the battle will be a 5v5 in a best of 5 series (simulating a planetary assault)
so until wednesday, keep out of the red!
May 10,01
Lotsa news, stuff being done to website, prepare for changes, also HISTORY page up and runnin, tell me what you think.
2 new recruits added to lances, Private Reddawn(formerly john darvis) added the the S.O.T.
and Private WildWolf added to the S.L.
Private Idolmind succesfully completed trial of rank and is now Corporal(all the privates gotta salute him now)
and IRONxMONKEY got stoned and broke his fingers so he cant play for a bit(WIA)
well thats all for now, later kiddies!
News = I got Promoted to Major YEAH!
may 07,01
Hey there mechwarriors, a bit of news on this fine monday afternoon, New recruit WildWolf trying out teusday, looks promising, also with heavyfisted failing to respond he will be removed to reserve and eventually stricken from ranks. Idolmind99, eager to advance in this fine military unit has requested a trial for rank so good luck buddy!, also supremeJackel will probably be takin same thing soon, new things to come for website very soon, new features and the such,
so until later fellow mechwarriors have a Tres Bien day!
May 06,01
alright i actually got the battle review pics
WORKING sorry bout that :) anyways nothing new other than that
oh yeah team battle against the Black Warriors next wednesday!
it should prove to be interesting anyways till later, dont overheat yur mechs
May 03,01:
Aha! Privates Idolmind, and SupremeJackel added to lances
we screwed up so John Darvis never had chance to come to finals but probably
make it this weekend,HeavyFisted hasent replied yet so were not sure sbout him
but ranks up to 7 now!
uodating battle review pics tonight as soon as i get home later machwarriors!
May 02,01:
Good Day mechwarriors! we have another 2 recruits to accounce Private. SupremeJackel,
and Private. HeavyFisted
April 29,01:
Whew!, finally!. i worked my ass off to get the recruit page
up and runnin, feel free to go check it out(or even apply for recruitment)
also i got the battle review page goin, so go and check
out the pics, we havent had any league battles yet
but as soon as we do i will have pics
Code of conduct page is open but not complete so enjoi!

April 28,01:
Hey FcF, website just starting to get up and running,
expect a recruiting page and history(as soon as deus as done it)
and all that cool stuff, we got some new recruits in the works
a big FcF welcome to John Darvis And Idolmind999,
lets hope they make the cut!

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