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Theme Song-

Wind, Rain, Shadow, Wood, Sword, Thunder, Power, Sleep! Card
Captor of the Clow Expect the unexpected now!
The secret of the Clow were all a mystery, But when this mighty book was open, the power were set free...
Card Captors--A mystic adventure
Card Captors--A quest for all time
Each card possesses a power of its own
We got to find them to bring the power home...
Wind, Rain, Shadow, Wood, Sword, Thunder, Power, Sleep! Card Captors of the Clow
Expect the unexpected now!
Card Captors!--A mystic adventure!
Card Captors!--A quest for all time
Card Captors! Card Captors!

Cave song-

You can do anything If you believe it's true
See what this friendship brings
It can only get stronger when you will get through
You're the guardian of the clow