What A Drinking Problem Gets You…
by “LittleBird”


Chapter 1 “Noodle’s words of wisdom…”

Murdoc came in ranting and raving. “Damn it! A whole bottle of liquor has disappeared from my van! A whole bottle! Did one of you sods take it?!” 2D replied, “No, I haven’t seen any liquor bottles except the one outside your place, I fink.” Murdoc got down in 2D’s face. “You took it didn’t you, you little arsehole?!” No I didn’t,” 2D answered, shrinking away from Murdoc. Murdoc balled his hands into fists. 2D shut his eyes and prepared for it. “DO NOT HIT HIM MURDOC!” a voice sharply intoned. “I'll rough you up big time, man,” Russel called from the other room.  Russel came in; Noodle skipped in behind him. “Put your hands down. He didn’t do it. Here’s your booze,” He said handing him the bottle, “You were downing it last night in the lobby. I left you there last night. You were drunk out of your mind.” Murdoc grumbled something. 2D sighed in relief. Noodle wagged her finger at Murdoc and said something in Japanese. It sounded like scold. Her translator heard her from the other room and said “She said you better watch how much you drink or you’ll do something you’ll regret.” “I’ll drink as much as I want, when I want and I don’t care who I piss off,” Murdoc snarled. He then turned and stomped out of the room…


Chapter 2 “the next evening…”

Murdoc was drinking again. He had 2D doing it too. 2D had been watching TV in the lobby. Murdoc stumbled in with a ¼ full bottle of liquor. He plunked down in a chair near 2D. 2D looked at him. “What’re you lookin’ at?” Murdoc slurred. “Nutt’n’” muttered 2D and turn his attention to the TV again. “Hey you want [hic] a drink?” “Huh?” “A drink! A drink, moron!” “Oh no, no thanks.” “G’wan! ‘Ave a drink.” Murdoc shoved the bottle to 2D. 2D took a sip. He coughed and sputtered “strong stuff [cough]” “Yeah! Hahaha!” Murdoc took a swig from the bottle. 2D took another drink. Soon 2D was as drunk as Murdoc. Their drunken laughter could be heard halfway out to the parking garage. “Oh all gone,” Murdoc said, tipping the bottle. There’s more where that came from! Back at my place!” They stumbled out to the Winnebago, singing…


Chapter 3 “Murdoc and 2D’s wild evening…”

Murdoc and 2D clambered into the Winnebago. Murdoc looked through his bottles of booze. 2D picked up the voodoo doll. “Hey, who is this s’posed to be?” 2D slurred. Murdoc tried to snatch away the doll. It took him three tries and 2D wasn’t trying to keep it away. “None of your business. Hold still,” Murdoc said trying to focus on 2D. Murdoc finally looked 2D in the face, as square as a drunk could. “Oh you are so beautiful.” Murdoc suddenly grabbed 2D and kissed him roughly. He grabbed 2D bottom. “Whoa, hahaha, I fink someone’s a little frisky, eh?” “Your arse is like a Satsuma,” Murdoc growled. He ripped off 2D shirt. He shoved him onto the couch and ripped off his pants and underclothes. He eyed 2D’s manhood hungrily. He took hold of it and squeezed. 2D jumped and gasped.” Murdoc took it in his mouth. His sharp teeth nipped 2D’s sensitive skin. “Oh Murdoc, Nobody’s done that to me before!” Murdoc sucked hard on 2D. 2D groaned and his body shivered from Murdoc’s touch. 2D’s member throbbed. 2D soon climaxed. Murdoc licked the semen from his lips. He was hard now. He stood over 2D. 2D lay there gasping and watched him. Murdoc pulled off his own clothes and got over 2D. He shoved his erection in to 2D’s orifice. He thrust roughly into 2D. “Oh, Murdoc!” gasped 2D. Murdoc grunted. Sweat started on his body. He pulled out and flipped 2D over and penetrated him again. He grunted and groaned. 2D lay there in quiet surprise. No man has done this to him before. Murdoc started to cum. He pulled out his cock, rubbed it against 2D’s rump and ejaculated onto 2D’s back. “Ohhhhh,” he sighed and rolled off 2D. He landed with a dull thump onto the floor. “Murdoc,” whispered 2D. No answer; just snoring. 2D put his head down and soon zoned out…


Chapter 4 “the Next Day…”

Murdoc woke with a splitting headache. “Oh,” he groaned, and sat up. What a night. He looked around. His eyes alighted on the figure on the couch. He squinted to bring it into focus. It wasn’t a woman; it was 2D! He jumped with a scream. Murdoc knew exactly what he did last night! 2D started and opened his eyes. “Oh man…” he groaned rubbing his head. “What did I do last night? My head hurts…” Murdoc quickly shoved 2D out of the Winnebago. “Hey wot about my clothes?” 2D said as he was being evicted from the van. Murdoc grabbed 2D’s clothes and threw them at him. 2D gathered them up and held them in front of his nakedness and scuttled back to his room. Murdoc sat on the sofa, rubbing his aching head. He heard a tap on the front windows. It was Noodle. She said in Japanese ‘See I told you.’ He threw a shoe at the window. She scampered away. After a while, and a drink or two, Murdoc felt more at ease about the situation. He thought to himself ‘Maybe I oughta get the little bugger drunk more often…’


More to come