'Tis True I Love You
By LittleBird
'tis true I love you
despite your character
I will love you today,
I will love you after

Of smoke and booze your scent
Your mop of hair so black
with your teeth unkempt
A taste-filter you lack

Though habits you have
and your eye's strange hue
Though you may be "bad"
I want to be with you

My lovely pagan
My demon lover
Love you always
Always and forever

a little something for Murdoc

sung to the tune of "Denis" (all I did was change the name)
Oh Murdie doo-be-do
I'm in love with you, Murdie doo-be-do
I'm in love with you, Murdie doo-be-do
I'm in love with you
Murdie Murdie, oh with your eyes odd hue
Murdie Murdie, I've got a crush on you
Murdie Murdie, I'm so in love with you oh oh

Oh when we walk it always feels so nice
And when we talk it seems like paradise
Murdie Murdie I'm so in love with you oh oh

You're my king and I'm in heaven every time I look at you-ou-ou-ou-ou
When you smile it's like a dream
And I'm so lucky 'cause I found a guy like you

Murdie Murdie, oh won't you hold me tight?
Murdie Murdie, please can we kiss all night?
Murdie Murdie, I'm so in love with you

Murdie Murdie, avec tes yeux si bleux
Murdie Murdie, moi j'ai flashe a nous deux
Murdie Murdie, un grand baiser d'eternite

Murdie Murdie, je suis si folle de toi
Murdie Murdie, oh embrasse-moi ce soir
Murdie Murdie, un grand baiser d'eternite

Oh Murdie ooh-be-do
I'm in love with you, Murdie ooh-be-do
I'm in love with you, Murdie ooh-be-do
I'm in love with you

hm is that me?

By the Pricking of My thumb....
by LittleBird

By the pricking of my thumb
something wicked this way comes

An odd-eyed stranger
Black and red
A wicked wicked creature
stands beside my bed

By the pricking of my thumb
something wicked this way comes

He stands tall beside me
A gangly man
He kneels upon a slender knee
Through my hair his fingers ran

By the pricking of my thumb
something wicked this way comes

He takes me as I am
demon lover
He takes me far, he takes high
From him I have no cover

By the pricking of my thumb
something wicked this way comes

Snarling beast, wild animal
Not a man,
But my lover

By the pricking of the same
something wicked this way came