

Click on Me!

Noodle (thanks kiki)

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Group Bio

The story of Gorillaz is a characteristally messy one. Saturday Boy Stu-Pot, a keyboard obsessive and nice kid dullard, is the star employee at Uncle Norm's Organ Emporium, on course to make regional manager. But then comes a Saturday to end all weeks (just like a Sunday, but with shopping).

Murdoc, with his nasty bad boy crew, ramraids the shop in a tatty Vauxhall Astra. His plan: to seize the synths and form a chart topping band with the booty. He drives... SMASH!... through the shop window and... SMASH!... into Stu-Pot's head, fracturing his eyeball. Result: 30,000 hours of community service for Murdoc, plus 10 hours every week of caring for the vegetabilised Stu-Pot.

Soon, Murdoc's rotten driving skills again force life to take a different turn. While attempting a 360 doughnut spin in Nottingham's Tesco carpark, he catapults Stu-Pot through the windscreen and into a kerb. Stu-Pot's other eye is fractured, his mind is revived and he stands a young, black eyed god, with hedgehog hair and a vacant stare. Not only that, but his synth playing takes a serious turn for the weird.

Perfect pop material. Stu-Pot is renamed 2D (because he's got two dents in his head). Now Murdoc needs a drummer.

Rewind a few years. In New York State, Russel, a middle-class kid, is forced out of his posh private school due to his being possessed by a demon. He lies in a coma for four years, until an elaborate exorcism sets him free. Russel joins Brooklyn High, where he falls in with a group of talented street musicians, rappers and DJs. Hip-Hop saves his soul. For a time. A random drive-by shooting kills all of his friends and as Russel, the lone survivor, lies in a state of shock, the spirits of his chums invade his body, turning Russel's eyes a spooky white and giving him amazing drumming, rapping and general hip-hop skills.

His parents move him to England, where they hope he'll have the chance of a quieter life. They hadn't reckoned on Murdoc, who tracks Russel down in a Soho Rap Record Store. Now, all the fledgling group need is a guitarist. They place an ad in the NME. The day the ad is published, a Fed-Ex'd freight container is delivered to their door. Out jumps a small Japanese person carrying a Les Paul. She jabbers at them incomprehensibly, before launching into a riff to end all riffs, rounding it off with a hi-karate jump. The boys are speechless. Noodle has one word for them. It is Noodle.

Gorillaz are born, and signed amidst the mayhem of their very first gig*. Such is the way legends are created. -from

*(the Camden Brownhouse was their first gig. a riot occur while they played...)


full name: Murdoc Niccals
born: June 6th, 1966 (gemini) in Stokes On Trent, England
father: Jacob Niccals (d.1994); mother: ? (still alive?); brother: Hannibal: a possible sister...
plays: bass
religion: Satanism
influences: Black Sabbath, dub, Satan, Fatty Arbuckle, Peter Faulk, Chuck Jones, Horse Mouth
likes: making pacts with the devil, pretty young (18-25) girls, sex, alcohol, Debbie Harry, Kate Bush, porn
The snaggle toothed svengali of Gorillaz, his flop fringe disguises a mind like a rusty steel trap.

Self-taught bassist, wannabe frontman, he's the band's warped back seat driver who knows that good tunes aren't enough to succeed. You need good looks - which he hasn't got - and a twisted mind - which he has.

Murdoc likes to dominate interviews, a rent-a-quote misogynist who speaks without a taste filter.

Ex speed freak. Personal hygiene problem. Kiddie frightener. Shoplifter. Heavy smoker. Max power subscriber. Used to set fire to cats. - from the official website
He's 5'9, and also has a false thumb!


Never forget that this is my band, my band!

I saved 2-D's life, he owes me his soul!

He might be a big hit with the pre-pubescents but ladies want a real maaan

I visualise a smorgasbord of sexual liaisons with young lovelies from every nation. I would then make smoking, lovebites and porn compulsory on the National curriculum...

Hail Satan!

I’m not answerable for the conclusions you may draw about popular culture, I just make it.

I’m the living definition of "the real" world. I see people walking around like regurgitated copies of themselves everyday, acting the way they think they should, trying to say the right thing, trying to make their bands have the right sound. Fuck that! I might be a drawing but at least I’m not shit-dull-boring.

Too right love, do you want me to get the pizzas in or shall we just get down to making the beast with two backs?

Dirty I don’t mind but bad taste I cannot abide!

Ohhahaha...I can't remember. I think I made a hideous mistake [2D goes "Oh have ya then? Anything I can help you wif?"] eh, only joshing, he he you little faggot....

There aren't any other bands like us so were not in any competition.

The charts have always been dominated by turdy music for children's parties, that's nothing new. I'm not gonna waste my time getting pissed off about it because the more shit there is about, the better it is for us. But I quite like Kylie [Minogue?] though.

Like I said he may get all the attention from 13-year-olds but I think we all know who the ladies like.

This band is the bollocks of the gods...We are virtual crack for the stereo and the sooner you twats realise that, the better.

I reached puberty when I was eight and I lost my virginity to a dinnerlady at age nine and I've been in a bad mood ever since.

[When asked about his shoplifting sentance where the judge called him "truculent, devious and profoundly wicked] Absolutly. I am truculent. I am wicked.

...War pigs in the area! 'Witches gather at black maaaasses/Bodies burn in red aaaaashes.'

I'm just larger than life pal and getting more real by the column inch.

[on being a sex symbol]...I am the sex-toting behemoth of their dreams. Everyone is so uptight about sex, man. Not me baby!

Some people have told me I model myself on a young Keith Richards. But I'm more fucked up than he is.

On a Sunday morning I like to play hide the sausage with a naughty naked lady while I breathe my stale Vodka breath all over her.

remember the seventh satanic rule of the earth: Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained. So vote and you shall be acknowledged. Hail Satan.

On the contrary my fat fellow I love the ladies and none of them have ever complained about my donkeyness.

Never ever trust any fucking skin heads!

If he tries it near me again I'm gonna go Captain Ahab on his ass and it will be the last time this Moby sees any dick.

I would drop my trousers for the benefit of any lucky young lady who might find herself in my company.

Yeah great, but how do you get monkey crap out of a rug?

I've always seen myself as a kind of Errol Flynn kinda character.

I could tell you about it but I'd have to kill you. Actually that's not a bad premise; "Cartoon Kills Journalists in Misquote Horror".


full name: Stu-Pot
born: ?/?/1978 in Hertfordshire, England
raised in: Crawley
age: 23
parents: ?? siblings: ??
girlfriend: Paula
plays: keyboard, sings
likes: zombie movies, zombie games
nfluences: Butorphanoi, Tartrate, Phill Oakey, Lucio Fulci
Hit twice on the head when young [by Murdoc!], 2D is a sweetheart with a blank sheet of paper where a brain should be. He has really good hair. People think he's cool and enigmatic but he's just got a migraine.

2D idolises Murdoc, who, he feels, saved his life. Keyboard wizard, melodica maniac, graffiti compulsive and the perfect pin-up product. Voice like an angel, arse like a satsuma. Mind full of zombies and painkillers. Says nothing controversial. Says nothing much at all.

Loved by everyone (except the green eyed Murdoc), 2D has legions of lady followers and would make a good boyfriend if only he'd wake up. - from the official website
Apparently born in Hertfordshire. His famliy moved after he broke his piano teacher's hand to escape a lawsuit, but he's not allowed to talk about that...and a satsuma is a type of orange, by the way...


When I was a kid my Mum told me that if anybody started on me in the playground that I should punch them on the nose. So when Chelsea Bonnet started pushing me around, when we were playing British bulldogs, I punched him and he just punched me back and it really bloody hurt. Being a man has nothing to do with fighting, you’re getting masculinity mixed up with moronity or something.

Ta very much. I don’t feel anything about being whatchamanizer thingyamybob I don’t think. What is one of them things anyway?

It say’s this is catchier than a dose of the Clap on a Spanish Holiday, I thought they used Maraca’s over there! Eer!, it sounds like the sort of thing that if you were just coming out of a coma and covered in first degree burns and you heard this you’d fall into relapse!

Rock 'n' roll is like space right? It's infinite, innit, so you can like, be whatever. And I am whatever. Whatever is my is father and my muvver. And my nan. You just gotta let it out. Forever and whatever, amen.

If the pressure gets too much I'm gonna tell everyone to fuck off.

I'm not badly drawn and he looks like a gnome [he being badly drawn boy]

free your mind and your ass will follow

Christina's (Aguilara) out straight away for looking like a man in drag. She looks like the singer of Twisted Sister or that other bloke Courtney Love. Urgh!!.

Like the mould in my pants. A real rock resurgence

Noodle (thanks kiki)(Noodle)

(thanks kiki)

(thanks kiki)

full name: ??
born: ?/?/1991 in Osaka, Japan
age: 11
parents: ?? siblings: ??
plays: guitar
Influences: Haiku poetry, Loa Zi, Richie Sambora
Likes: Powerpuff Girls, Tomagatchi pets, Pokemon, Yo-yo's, her radio headphone hat, rice and noodles.
Noodle arrived in a crate. She's a kick ass riffmeister, the Asian axe princess. Doesn't speak more than a word of English, and that word is "Noodle."

Martial Arts expert, little ice maiden, she looks at the world through unfazed eyes.

Usually found with Russel. Special zen bond with 2D. Tickled by Murdoc's desperation.

Irrepressible. Inscrutable. Irresistable. - from the official website
Noodle was sent to a Zen Guitar monastary at age 3 (a tradition in her family). She mailed herself in answer to an ad Murdoc placed in the NME. Is starting to like Justin Timberlake...and she gets the most fan mail...

Quotes (translated of course)

"Gunned in a blaze of glory!" Richie Sambora san!

I love all of my fellow Gorillaz. Russel and 2D are like my big brothers and Murdoc is very naughty.

It’s always very messy because the others are boys! I wouldn’t usually put up with it but Russel is so nice and 2D smells like Butterscotch flavoured Angel delight and I love them.

I can stay up late if I want to but it makes me tired and moody, like Murdoc.

I was sent to a Zen guitar monastery at the age of three, this is a long tradition in my family, my great great great great grandfather discovered the missing chord.

You make your own fate by creating good luck!

Midoruneme wa femi des! [Fame is my middle name, yeah!]

Atashitachi wa chikyu o osaeru zo! [We're on a non-stop mission to take over the world!]

I'm only ten and that joke seems really old.

Russel Bio

full name: Russel Hobbs
born: ?/?/1976 in New York City, USA
age: 25
parents: ?? siblings: ??
plays: drums
influences: Farrakhan, Chaka Khan
likes: eating, sneakers,
A hip-hop hard man from the US of A, Russel draws upon spooky spirit mates to help guide his beats. The funkyphantoms live within Russel's hunking frame and pop out every so often to provide some undead rapping.

Russel himself is well adjusted, with an enviable wardrobe. Beautifully spoken. Polite to his elders. Privately educated.

Proper musician. Without Russel, Gorillaz couldn't survive: he's the safety net, the linebacker, the true defender. Women love his solid safety, men his solid credentials.

Multiple trainer owner. Likes to eat. - from the official website
Russel was the only survivor of a drive-by shooting, which took his friend Del. Del's spirit now resides in him, and from time to time will emerge to rap.


If the shit fits wear it and I’m a big fella so you had better believe me when I say that.

Just because the boy [Murdoc] thinks he’s Keith Richards I don’t think you’ll find him wearing a T-shirt that says "Who the Fuck is Russel Hobbs" you dig? Murdoc 2D Noodle and I might not always see eye to eye but we do make sweet music together and I don’t mean we get jiggy.

...I'm not the Doris Stokes of the hip hop world.

Remove him [2D] from the snack Murdoc!

You hanging out with a chicken inside an old van in an underground car park wearing a baggy pair of red tights and some novelty horns does not an award winning web site make, Muds.

Yeah it's about time that thing had an airing. (about Murdoc's "tadger")