I hope to eventually put their radio interviews from Murdoc's winne in here...If you can help with those, even bits and pieces, please do...If anything's incorrect let me know...
This page isn't finished. I'm working on it. If you can help in any way, please do.

Murdoc's Session Obsession

HiHiHiHiHiHiHiHi! this is Murdoc from Gorillaz, you love me don't you? And this is my uh session obsession.
The first single that I ever bought,
actually I stole it no Ididn't Ididnt', it was actually the Rolling Stones, Start Me Up , *to the beat* ohuhuhuh. sexy song man, oh yeah. no I've always love music. My mum, y'know, she used to dance around the house doing the house work with a, with me on her hip y'know. We used to listen to Motown, y'know, albums buying albums [?]...

yeah I suppose yknow it was the The Jams first album. I bought that because y'know I-I thought their bassist was in the Professionals [UK cop show].[?] That's what started me off on the bass you know.and you see I thought I'd like land a role in some cool [?] sort of tv cop show and that would be my way in ...

I bought a copy of Men at work, ohhh, *sings* living in land down under *stops* I don't care what you say, I think it's S---. [?] Something about 5 foot zombies and marmite sandwiches and belgium, god damn [?]...

Ziggy Stardust,yknow he is the most imaginative living/dead musican, y' know. really. *sings* Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly...He played it left hand, but took it too far. Became one so loaded man OH!...

Debbie Harry, oh, she was sort of my first big pop crush. I didn't actually have any pictures of her on my wall, they were just under the matress mmhmhmhmhm. I also loved Kate Bush. Oh man, seventies ladies ohOhOhOhOhOhOh....

um track that I put on before I go out , uuumm, "True Confessions" by the Undertones. Fegal Sharkey, y' know I always thought his face y' know looked like one those little faces that you draw on your thumb. like Hugh Scalings that old man from Antiques Roadshow. Thumb-print head, hahahahaha!

I'm happy to say I'm proud of everything that we've actually done so far, y'know, no really. y'know. It-It-It really is one from the hear, yknow. But if I had to pick a single track I-I would say M1A1 is my best because Russel and 2D didn't stick their noses in and make it sound like Snoop Diggety Dog S---!

oh man my older brother, Hannibal, was a skin y'know and he took me to see the UK Subs. What he didn't tell was is that he taken me y'know so that him, right, and all his mates could give me a kicking because I was a rocker! the griever[?]....

My favorite musical memory is an early one. I was about seven. And I was playing musical chairs at Sally Benson [?] birthday party and were were playing musicals chairs. It got down to me and her running around the last chair, y'know all out of breath, were panting wildly, hahaha. Suddenly, I got-I got bit of a semi-on y'know, catch my drift. I was so freaked out that I-I didn't noticed the music had stopped and she had won. The music Mr. Benson was using for us to play the game, just before he threw me out, as Benny Hills "Early". And I like to think that on the day, I was the fastest milkman in the west...yknow

My favorite band at the moment is the Super Furry Animals.mm yeah. Oh you know what, they really inspired me when I was getting my band together.Oh man They're very very good [?]...


Song Introductions

2D = blue, Murdoc = Red, Noodle = Orange, Russel = Green

Hi, Were the Gorillaz! Gorillaz! Gorillaz, and you're listenin' to your radio and don't ,uh, touch your dialy fing...

Hi, my name's Murdoc and I'm from the Gorillaz and this our new single, Clint Eastwood...

Hi, I'm Russel. You're listening to the Gorillaz. That'sRight[?], Noodoru! and this is our new single, Clint-o Eastwood-do!

Uh, hello, I-I'm 2D. And I am not 2D *uhahahaha*. 2D or not 2D... that is the question man, I-I-I..., no the question, the question is, uh what is the question? The question what's our new single called and the answer is? Clint Eastwood doo-doo like Noodle would say. Riiight...

HiI'mMurdocfromtheGorillaz and you're listening to our lovely lovely little single called 5/4...

Hi, I'm 2D and this is our new single ,uh, 5/4, a-actually it's not that new 'cause we done it a long time ago...

Uh, I'm 2D and you're listenin' to the radio. 5/4! that's our new single so go out and get it. gorillaz...

MTV Awards acceptance speech.

Ohhh, uh, hello, I, I'm Murdoc and oh we-we're Gorillaz.and we'd like to thank you for this MTV award it will take pride in place on my mantel next to my, uh, upside-down rrrrrubber cross and my signed copy of the Wicker Man *hehehehm* Hail Satan *BRRAAAAAP*

Murdoc's Year End Awards

Hhhiiiiii...This Murdoc of Gorillaz *coughs* Oh my head feels like a box of ?
Making their holes again. I swear none of them would look out of place on the pages of Razzle.
unequivabc-c-c-cly is Genesis. I lay down on Broadway once. Oh it was very cold.