Love my Birdie - now! I command you!!!!





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Noodle (thanks kiki)

My humble Gorillaz site. I can't really offer anything not seen before but I'll try to make something orignal.
at least make it look like it's original, ^-^. Let your mouse hover over the images in the Shrines, & Gallery.
There's a guestbook at the bottom and a couple of other links...

isn't he cute!? Isn't he adorable!? from Gorillaz Webdolls (scroll to the bottom for link)
You can adopt him at Gorillaz Dollz- look below

Murdoc, I'm waiting. *bats lashes & pouts seductively*

is your heart racing yet, Murdie?

Page created August 27th, 2001

last updated Oct 1st, 2003

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I'm Murdoc

Go here to adopt a Gorillaz doll...