Chapter 1
Lovely Murdoc
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
His Winnebago
Chapter 4
The Morning After
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Animal Style
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Love in an Elevator
Chapter 10
Late Night Love
Chapter 11
2D Joins the Fray
Chapter 12
The Pontiac
Chapter 13
"How I love her"
Chapter 14
Frolics in Bath
Chapter 15
Wine and Roses

Chapter 16
Blood Ritual

Chapter 17

Chapter 18
Thighs and Whispers

Chapter 19
Happy Birthday Mudoc

Chapter 20
The Joy of Sex
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Poolside Manners

pornograhpic fantasies of Murdoc, for any who may wish to read...
Now this is very NC-17 after Chap.2, So if you don't like that kind of thing, just leave...
I believe I was the second (second to Onnachan's "Winnebago Priveledges" she hadn't gotten to the sex in her story before I wrote this, but I knew where her story was going and it inspired me to go ahead with writing this) to put a story involving (hetero) sexual escapades with Murdoc up at FFnet. I wonder if I've influenced anyone...I know all (except 17 to 23) of this predates the recent stories at FFnet. And I wasn't really influenced by any other story...
Read this like a certainly plays out like one...I'm not looking to write the great American novel.
I just wanted to write porn.

My Days with Murdoc Niccals

By “LittleBird”


Chapter 1 “Lovely Murdoc”
I first met him when I visited Kong Studios. We didn’t hit it off real well. He was a bit drunk that day, couldn’t pay much attention. Noodle and I played Powerpuff Girls all day in the room I was staying in. But one morning, I was in the kitchen, listening to some of my homemade cds and making myself breakfast, and I had Black Sabbath’s 'Paranoid' playing, he came in and we struck up a pleasant conversation. “You’ve got a great taste in music,” he told me. We learned we like some similar things, like the song “Ghost Town” by the Specials and an affinity for Pagan things (I like folklore, and I believe in the sanctity of nature, I’m not a devil worshipper). We spoke of folklore for a while. “You’re a smart little lady, no really you are,” he said to me. I smiled coyly.  I revealed my desire to learn bass guitar. He said he would teach me. He went to get his bass. When he came back, I stood up and he placed the strap over me. He then stood behind me, and helped me with fingering. He put his hand over my small hand on the neck and guided my other on the body. I felt very nervous to have him standing behind me. I adored him, and to have the man you adore behind you is very exciting. With his help, I managed to pluck a simple tune. “There you go, your first bass riff,” he said appraisingly. I smiled at him. “Listen,” he said, “there’s to be a little party tonight and I want you to come, be my date.” I was stunned. “Yes, I’ll come” I barely got out. “Good, good” he said, “Starts at 7 o’clock. I’ll meet you at your room” I glanced at my watch; it’s 4 o’clock now.


I rushed back to my room and I pulled out everything in the closet, desperately looking for the best thing to wear.  I finally picked out a lovely pair of flared legged black jeans and a red one ¾ sleeved top. I put on my accessories; a chain belt around my hips, a gold bangle bracelet and a gold tone watch on opposing wrists, and simple gold earrings.  I spritzed on a little perfume (I decided on Poison).  I put on my makeup (I suggest one get a friend to help with applying liquid eyeliner when worked up) and ironed my hair to make it relax a little. I finally got it and my make up in order, and I must say I looked wonderful. For me that’s something because I never feel I look beautiful…

A knock on my door gets my attention. I hurried over and answered it. “Hi Murdoc, I’m almost ready” “No hurry,” he said. I quickly pull on my high heel booties and zip them up. I stood and said, “All set” “You look gorgeous,” he said and winked at me. “Thank you Murdoc.” I blushed as we walked downstairs to the party…

Chapter 2 “Party”
It was quite a shindig. Music was blasting; people were dancing. There was food and drink.  The other Gorillaz were there. Noodle ran up to me, chattering in Japanese. My Japanese is very limited. I could only make out “Hello” and my name. Her translator told me she said “Hello, Robyn-san, you look pretty.” I bowed to her and said thank you in Japanese. She bowed back. Russel waved to me. I waved back. Some young women ran up to Murdoc. They were all taller, thinner, and prettier than me. He looked at them and smiled. I felt rather depressed; I’m sure he prefers young women like that, not like me. One of the women asked Murdoc if she and her friends could come to his place tonight. “Sorry girls, not tonight. I’ve got other plans with another girl.” What’s this? He’s turning down 3 girls at once? Who’s this other girl? My thoughts were interrupted by Murdoc saying “Shall we go get something to drink” I nodded. We walk over to bar and ordered drinks. I asked for a glass of Coca Cola with ice. He asked for vodka. We talked a little. “So, who’s this girl you have plans with this time,” I found myself asking. “You’ll find out” he retorted. How can I find out if I’m not there, I thought. 2D came over. “Hiya Robyn,” He sniffed a little, “gee, you smell nice” He leaned in a little to get a better whiff. “Heyheyhey, back off, face ache!” Murdoc snapped. “Murdoc, calm down, he just said I smelled nice.” Murdoc sat back a little and grumbled to himself. “Oh, Murdoc,” I cooed playfully “Don’t be mad.” He smiled at me and we laughed a little. “Latin Simone” (the Spanish version) started playing. I did something a little crazy for me; I got up and started dancing. Murdoc watched as I did a sexy little dance to the beat. All the guys there were watching me. But I kept my eyes on Murdoc. I had a lot fun doing this; I should do it more often. Later on, as the party wound down, Murdoc said to me, “You wanna come back to my place?” I smiled and nodded. “Let’s go,” he put his arm around my shoulders and we headed to the garage…

Chapter 3 “His Winnebago”
He took me back to his Winnebago. He brought me inside and we sat on the couch. We talked some more. He asked me “Have you ever been kissed?” I blinked, startled by the question. I answered truthfully “No” “No, a pretty girl like you? Never kissed?” I nodded. “Oh, I’m not pretty” “Yes you are, yes you are.” I looked at him; he was smiling at me. He got up went to his record player. I got up and followed. I looked at the collection. “Oh cool, you have the Beach Boys Pet Sounds, that’s a good album. And AC/DC. I like ‘You Shook Me All Night Long”. And Suzi Quatro. I don’t know much about her, except she’s a lady bass player. One of the few I can name…” He picked up a record and put in on the turntable. Phil Collins ‘In the Air Tonight’. Ah, I know what he’s up to. And I loved it.

He had a lovely body. Strong, yet not overly muscular. I wanted to nuzzle his chest. I’m surprised he was attracted to me.  I’m not a page three lovely. I’m short, plump, and have thick, curly hair.

I stood up and he put an arm around me. He showed me his mask collection and turned on the Pazzuzu lamp and cross lamp. We then slow danced a little. And then we went back to the couch. He looked straight into my eyes. “So you’ve never been kissed” “Nope, never. I’ve never even been on a date.” “Well there’s a first for everything…” He pulled me in close and kissed me. It was long and passionate. I put my arms around his neck. I ran my fingers through his hair. I love his hair; it’s so beautiful. We kept kissing. I felt his tongue push into my mouth. Such a wonderful tongue, I thought, He must be great at cunnilingus. A hand stroking my breast intercepted my thoughts. His hand had strayed from my hip to my breast. I pulled away from him and look at him. I smiled; he smiled back. He pulled me close again and began biting my neck. Ah, a love bite. I’ve never had a hickey before. I nipped at his ear and let my hands play with his necklace. I moved down a little and sucked on his neck. He purred, “Oh baby.” I started to unbutton his black shirt. He stopped me. I pulled back and looked at him, feeling confused. He took my hand and led me to the bedroom…

He took off his shirt and then pulled mine off. This startled me. I was worried if he would like my body or not. He undid his pants and pulled them off. “Oh, my,” I gasped. His member was perfect. I wanted to touch it. “Do you like it?” he asked. I shyly looked at him and nodded.  He took a hold of my zipper and undid it. I grabbed his wrists. His beautiful eyes looked at me and he whispered “It’s ok, baby.” I moved my hands and allowed him to pull off my jeans, revealing the black thong panties I chose to wear. I’m so glad I chose them.  He pulled me close and undid my bra. I helped with that. He removed the bra and tossed it aside. He grabbed the sides of my panties and pulled them down. I stepped out of them when they got down around my ankles. He stepped back and eyed me. “Oh Satan, you’re beautiful,” he rasped…

He stood in front of me, and put his hands on my shoulders. I looked at him. He leaned down to kiss me. “I’m[kiss] so [kiss] turned on [kiss] by you,” [kiss] he whispered to me. I felt his hands stray from my shoulders to my large breasts. “You have such beautiful breasts,” he purred. He gently pinched my small nipples. “Damn, so beautiful.” My eyelids fluttered a little. I cooed softly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close; his hands slipped down to my rump and he squeezed a little. I felt his member against me, so hard. He was hung like a horse. I wasn’t sure if I could handle him. I whispered to him, “I’m a virgin…” “That’s ok, baby [kiss] you won’t be when I’m done with you, mmhmhm.” I laughed quietly. Oh, I was so ready for him. He led me to the bed. “Get on” he said. I climbed on and settled myself. He climbed on and positioned himself over me. He gently squeezed my breasts. He leaned down and sucked on my nipples. His mouth moved to the inner edge of my breast (near the center of my chest) and he sucked and chewed at it. His soft mouth moved to my hip and he sucked and chewed more. He hovered over me. His hands then slid down to my hips, my soft inner thighs, and then to my pubic area. I gasped quietly. I looked at him and seductively licked my upper lip. I stroked his chest. I leaned forward and nipped at his nipple. He liked that. My hands strayed to his penis. It was thick, hard, smooth skinned with a few veins popping up a little, a nice thick ridge down the back, and had a nice prominent head; it was so erotic. He played with my clitoris; it felt so good. “Such a beautiful twat” he purred. He stopped and leaned over to the nightstand. He reached into the drawer and pulled out a condom. Oh good he’s a smart man, I happily thought. He took it out of the wrapping and rolled it down his penis. I opened my legs. I was ready. I was throbbing and wet. He put the head of his cock in line with my vaginal opening. “Ready, baby?” I nodded. He pushed into me. I clutched his shoulders and bit my lip; it was a little painful. His penis suddenly plunged in. It wasn’t as difficult as I expected. Once he was in me, he leaned his head down and kissed me. He started the motions. He pounded my pussy with such expertise. I moaned and clutched at him, and wrapped my legs around him, to allow deeper penetration. He grunted and growled. Sweat started on his brow. He drove into me relentlessly. I gasped and groaned and moved my hips to meet his thrusts. His cross was swinging forward and bumping against my chin. I caught in my mouth at one point. He pounded harder and harder. “Do you like this baby?” he gasped. I moaned happily. He kept pumping me. Suddenly I threw my head back, arched my body, and cried out. “OH, OOOOH. HARDER!” “Cum baby, cum for daddy” “OHHH!” “YEAH BABY” “OH, MURDOC! AH AH AH AH AH! OHHHHH!” I was shaking and gasping, and my legs kept jumping. I arched my back and I raised my hips to meet Murdoc’s thrusts. Murdoc started to ejaculate. He threw his head back, and all his muscles tightened. “AAAAAAH! OH BABY!” He collapsed onto me. He growled happily, removed his penis and rolled off me. We lay there, gasping. We looked at each other and smiled. I rolled over and put my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He pulled out his cigarettes from somewhere and put one in his mouth. He put one in my mouth too, but I pulled it out and held it in between my fingers. I played with his chest hair. He lit his cigarette. “That was great, baby,” he purred while playing with my hair. “Mmm” I responded sleepily. He stroked my back. I shut my eyes and drifted off. Last thing I remember his him pulling the sheets up over me…

Chapter 4 “the morning after”
I awoke to the gentle snores of the sleeping Murdoc. His arm was around me; I felt so safe here. I had my head on his chest. I ran my fingers through his chest hair. He stirred a little, but kept on sleeping. I looked about for my clothes. My panties were on the helmet on the turtle rug; my bra was on the Pazzuzu lamp; my top was on the record player, and everything else was in a pile in the corner, except my watch and bracelet; I was still wearing those. I pulled myself up to his cheek and kissed it. He grunted and stirred. He opened his eyes. “’Morning, babe” he smiled. “’Morning’ Muds” “Oh Satan, you were good last night” “Oh thank you,” I gushed. The overhead lights were still on; the lights were never turned off. I got out of bed and went to gather my clothes. “Babe, What are you doing?” “Gathering my clothes.” “Oh, Birdie, don’t worry about that,” he said while getting up. He put on a pair of pants, “I’ll go get you some fresh clothes. Where do you keep your undies?” he said with a wry smile. “In a chest of drawers in the closet. Top drawer.” “All right, stay here and stay beautiful.” He gave me a peck on the lips. He headed to the door. “Oh, Murdoc,” “Yes?” “Could you bring me my tooth brush and some cold cream from my bathroom?” I just realized that I needed to wash off my make-up, and brush my teeth. I’m sure I looked horrid since I slept in my make-up. He nodded. “Will do,” he said and headed out the door. I counted the love bites on me: my neck, my inner right breast and left hip. I stretched and sighed, “God I love that man.

When he came back, he had a pair of white thong panties, my toothbrush, toothpaste and cold cream, but no other clothes. I took the items and used water from the shower to wash my face and brush my teeth. I dried off my face (and chest. I always end up getting water down my front when washing my face) and slipped on the panties. He was watching me from the bed. “Where’s the rest?” “I didn’t bring any” “Why?” “I want you to stay here with me” “Oh, why didn’t you ask me to stay” “[shrugs] More fun this way” I looked at him and laughed. He chuckled. He then went to his closet and pulled out an old black shirt. He tossed it to me. “Here you can wear this” “I’ll stretch it out. I’m bustier than you” “Don’t care, it’s an old shirt.” I slipped it on. I fit snuggly round my breasts and stopped just above my navel. I caught site of myself in the reflection on the shower door. I looked pretty sexy. Murdoc smiled his smile at me. I looked at him lovingly. “Oh I need to brush my hair” “I’ll get it.” He headed out the door. I plopped down on the bed. I was in heaven. He came back and got on the bed with me. I sat up and he started to brush my hair. He was gentle. It surprised me. I sighed contentedly. “Birdie,” he said, “I want you to stay here again tonight.” “Mm, ok, Murdoc” I stayed there every night since…

Chapter 5 “Fellatio”
I wanted to please him. I wanted his hard dick. I wanted to go down on him, I had never done it before, but I wanted to try. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. I came over and took his head in my hands and kissed him passionately on the lips. Our tongues played a little into each other’s mouths. I took off my robe to reveal my nude body. Then I let myself slide slowly down him, until I was sitting on the floor with my legs tucked under me. I put my breasts on his lap. He watched me intently. I rubbed my breasts against him. I then took his penis and gently pulled it. I gently kissed his penis. He started and then relaxed. He purred, “Oh, baby” and put a hand on the back of my head. I brushed my fingertips down his inner thighs. I stroked him until he was hard. I then took the head into my mouth. I sucked at it. He moaned. I started to move my mouth up and down, and I gently stroked him with my hands at the same time. I let my tongue run up along his shaft. He growled and moaned happily. I could feel him throbbing. I flicked the head of his penis with my tongue. I felt so sexy doing this. I knew he was enjoying this; he was groaning and growling. I took his penis into my mouth again. I put my down on it as far as it would go. He wrapped his fingers in my hair but he didn’t hurt me. “Good girl,” he breathed.  I lovingly gave his penis a sucking kiss. And then I swallowed the head again and moved my mouth up and down. After several minutes, he started to gasp “Oh baby, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum.” I sucked him harder, until he exploded in my mouth. I pulled my mouth off, startled by what happened (I’m not stupid. I knew that was going to happen, I was just a little surprised). He ejaculated again. It landed on my cheek, and drip down onto my breasts. I swallowed the semen in my mouth. It tasted good. I rubbed the semen off my cheek and licked it off the back of my hand. I then took my breasts into my hands and licked the semen off. I sensed Murdoc was watching me. I glanced up at him. He looked a little startled. I guess he was surprised that I could lick my own nipples. He suddenly took me by my arms…

Chapter 6 “Cunnilingus”
He took me and pushed me onto the bed. “Lie down,” he ordered. I did so and I watched him. He got down on his knees. He then wrapped either arm around my thighs and leaned down to kiss my vagina. I shivered from the first sensation. He pulled my labia apart and started to lick my clitoris. It felt wonderful, the best thing I’ve ever felt. His soft warm tongue caressing was the most sensational thing ever. He took long, languid licks at first. I moaned, and trembled a little. I could feel myself getting wet. He flicked my clit with his tongue. I shivered. He lapped at me. And then he slipped a finger in my vagina while licking me. He moved it in and out. I gasped and moaned. He now very lightly licked my clitoris. That drove me wild. He reached up to pinch my nipples. He squeezed my soft tits. I stroked his hands while he did this. He sucked at my right inner thigh, leaving a mark. He returned to licking my clit. I put my hand on the back of his head. “Oh, Murdoc, more.” I started to orgasm. I trembled and gasped and opened my legs further. He lapped at me until I arched and cried “I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” He climbed up and got over me. He kissed me gently. “I love seeing you cum,” he growled…

Chapter 7 “Animal Style”
I looked at him from the bed one evening. “Murdie.” I purred, “I’m horny” “Oh, are ya baby?” “Uh-huh” I seductively opened my legs, and licked my lips. He watched from the doorway as I played with myself a little. I got up on my knees and teasingly removed my top. I turned my back to him and slowly pulled down my panties. I presented my rump to him and looked imploringly at him over my shoulder. He was aroused now. He grinned at me and eyed me hungrily. “I’m gonna enjoy this, mmhaha.” He came up behind me. He ran his tongue up the length of my back and then gripped my hips. He pushed his dick into my pussy. He pushed and pulled me on his member. He was grunting and snarling like an animal. I purred and cooed; I was really enjoying this. His hands strayed to my clit and back to my hips. He banged his pelvis against me. “Oh fuck, baby this is good….” I started to meet his thrusts. I purred, “Ooh, Murdoc, harder. Fuck me harder” He complied. I felt drops of sweat drip onto my back. All of sudden he hit my spot. I threw my head back. I gasped and groaned. I lowered my top half to put my bottom half up. He leaned over and he moved his hands to clutch my breasts. He growled, “Fuck, this is good.” He squeezed my tits. His nails dug in a little. His cock pounded into me. I clutched the sheets. “OH MURDOC! AH AH!” “YEAH BABY. COME ON! CUM, SLUT!” “OHHHH!” “AAAAAH!” He came; I came. He pulled out his cock, and slapped my bottom. “Oh, baby. You’re a slut,” he chuckled. “I know,” I purred, “I know.”…

Chapter 8 “Spies”
Murdie was in a bad mood. He was sitting up in bed, grumbling angrily to himself. I lay beside him. I don’t like seeing him upset; it’s not good for you. I moved up to him and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. He stopped grumbling. I nibbled on his ear. He jumped slightly. He smiled contentedly and put his arm around me. “Oh baby…” I kissed his neck. I gave him light kisses over his face and neck. My hand played with his chest hair. It wandered down to his groin. I played with his cock. He grunted. I could feel it responding to me. I straddled him. He look at me, through half closed eyes. I bounced a little. He opened his eyes all the way and smiled hungrily while watching my breasts bob. He licked his lips and grabbed my breasts. “Oh, such lovely breasts…” He kissed them. I put my arms around his head, and pressed my breasts to his face. He growled, happily. I gently ran my fingertips down and up his back. He shivered a little.  I positioned myself over his now erect penis. I gently slid down onto it. He leaned back and put his hands on my hips. I started to move up and down. “Yeeaah, mmm oh good…” he grunted. I put my arms around him. He bucked me slightly. I nuzzled him. He kissed me gently. He brushed my hair out of my face. He gripped my bottom and pulled me up and lowered me. Over and over we did this. He closed his eyes, leaned back his head and moaned. I moaned a little. We attained our orgasms. Our foreheads were pressed together. We were gasping. We were wrapped in a warm embrace. I put my head on his shoulder. Some gut instinct told me to open my eyes. I opened them. There were faces pressed to the window! We were being leered at! “Murdoc! Look!” I cried. His attention snapped to the window. “GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE! GO ON GET OUT OF HERE!” he hollered. I hurriedly got off him and hid under the sheets. I felt violated. I was confused. Murdoc got up and screamed at the window. “GO ON BEAT IT! YOU LITTLE SHITS!” I heard laughs and giggles and feet rushing away. Murdoc came over to me “Baby, they’re gone.” “Oh Murdoc…” He put his arms around and gently kissed my forehead. “I feel violated…” “I know, I know. It’ll be ok” “I think we should get curtains or drapes for the windows. I don’t want that to happen again.” “I agree. We’ll do that tomorrow. Just try to sleep.” He shut off the lights. I cuddled against him and fell asleep.

The next day we went out and pick out some deep burgundy colored drapes for the three bedroom windows. They could be tied off to the side the leave the window open or closed for our privacy…


Chapter 9 “Love in an elevator”
There’s another party tonight. And I have something for you.” he handed me a box. I opened it. It was a lovely white mini-dress with long bell sleeves. There was also a black mini-dress with long straight sleeves. “Murdoc, thank you” I gushed. “But wait there’s more.” He handed me two more boxes. I opened the first one. Brown leather knee-high high-heel boots! I’ve always wanted a pair. I opened the other. More boots! but black suede instead. “Oh thank you thank you! That’s why you took my measurements a week ago.” He nodded. I decided to wear the white dress with the brown boots. I pulled my hair up and put on my make-up. I slipped on some stockings and held them in place with a garter belt. I put on some gold hoop earrings. “I’m ready, Muds” “Ok, let’s go” He offered me his arm. I took it and we walked out. “Owzabout we take the lift? It’s on the top floor.” “Ok.” We walked to the lift and pushed the call button. We waited. “You look stunning. Absolutly ravishing.” “Thank you Muds. You look very handsome yourself.” I felt his eyes looking me up and down. The elevator arrived. It was empty. We boarded and he pushed the button for the top floor. But before we reached the designated floor, he pushed the emergency stop button. “Why did you do that?” He turned on me and pressed me into a corner. “You look so sexy. You’re turning me on. I can’t stand it anymore.” He grabbed me around the waist and kissed me.  He turned me around. I made no efforts to struggle against him. This was arousing me. I put my hands up on the wall. I leaned close to the wall and presented myself. He lifted my skirt and pulled my panties down some.  He put his hands on my rump. I felt his tongue lick my clit. His face was pressed against my pussy. He stopped and pulled his pants down a little, then gripped my hips. He began grinding himself against my privates. He did so until he was fully erect. He then penetrated my vagina. He pounded me. His hands moved up under my dress and pinched my nipples. He played with my tits a little then his hands returned to my hips. He pulled me onto him over and over again. I began to tremble and I threw my head back. He was hitting my g spot. I felt my vaginal fluids starting to run down my leg. Murdoc grunted and growled. He gasped, “You like this baby?” I merely moaned in response. “I’m gonna cum.” I gasped. “Good” growled Murdoc. We grunted and moaned. Murdoc was panting wildly. I could feel him throbbing in me. I started to cum. I cried out. Murdoc pounded harder until he climaxed. “Oh Satan” he sighed laughing a little. “That was excellent.” He zipped his pants back up and helped me get my panties back on. I felt so relaxed; I had to lean against him for support. “Let’s not stay to long tonight, ok Murdie?” “Sure baby, we won’t” He put his arm around me and kissed the top of my head. Somebody finally noticed the elevator wasn’t working. It started up again. And we continued on to the party, though didn’t stay very long. We were tired…


Chapter 10 “Late night love”It was dark. I think it was around midnight. I felt Murdoc brush up against my back. I stirred. “Hey, birdie. You awake?” “Yeah, why?” “I’m feeling horny, baby.” He laughed a little and kissed me on the cheek. His stubble scraped me a little. He leaned over me and turned on the inverted cross lamp. Its gentle glow illuminated the room. I felt Murdoc’s arms around my middle. One of his hands worked its way to my inner thighs. He stroked me.  I sighed a little. His hand now moved to my clitoris. He tenderly kissed my neck and shoulder. He nipped my shoulder. He took from the nightstand drawer a length of soft rope and tied my right wrist to my right ankle. It forced me to keep my leg up and left my vagina exposed. He held my leg behind my knee. I felt his member enter me. He gently began his thrusts. I moaned softly and wriggled. His chest was pressed to my back. He rubbed against me. He held me tight around the waist. He pinched one of my nipples with his free hand. His thrusts became more powerful. He stopped and change position. He was now over me; I was still on my side. He supported himself over me and penetrated me again. He undid the rope around my wrist and ankle. I returned my hand to the bed and clutched the sheets. I moaned. He kept thrusting. I looked at him lovingly. He smiled and grunted softly. His thrusting became faster now. He began to groan. I began to climax. He was trying to hold off his. He watched me moan and tremble. As I came down from my high, his started. His body tensed and he groaned loudly. I watched him. Oh god, he’s so beautiful. He pulled himself out of me and lay down along my back. We were curled up like spoons in a drawer. We slept in the next day. We didn’t want to get up…


Chapter 11 “2D joins the fray”
Murdoc and I were playing one afternoon in the Winnebago. I was the catholic schoolgirl. I wore white knee socks, a plaid grey skirt, and a long sleeved white button down shirt and white cotton panties. He was standing behind with a riding crop and was taking pleasure in using it to lift my skirt. “Do you want me to be a naughty school girl or a sweet school girl?” “Either way,” he replied while looking at my panties. I playfully slapped away the riding crop. “Ooh. A nice schoolgirl. You’ll be naughty enough when I’m done with you,” growled Murdoc, jumping on me to bite my neck. I laughed while he chewed on my neck. He tossed me onto the bed and held my wrists. I lay submissively under him. He looked at me. I smiled up at him. He leaned in to kiss me. A knock on the door interrupted us. “WHAT?!” hollered Murdoc. He was furious at being interrupted. “It’s 2D. I need to talk to you.” “JUST A MINUTE!” Murdoc got up and answered the door. “WHAT” he snapped. “Uh, Hi. I need to talk to you about these lyrics.” 2D came in and showed Murdoc the paper in his hand. “I can’t quite read your hand writing. Oh hi Robyn.” He suddenly turned bright red, covered his eyes and turned away. “Oops sorry.” I suddenly realized I was sitting with my knees apart. I quickly brought them together. Damn, I’m not used to wearing skirts. “HEY FACEACHE! DON’T EYE MY WOMAN!” “It was accident Murdoc, don’t yell at the boy,” I said as I came over to the guys. Murdoc grumbled something and went to get himself a drink. I look at the paper. 2D and I discussed it. Murdoc watched us. “Hey, Robyn. C’mere.” I came over. He whispered to me “How would like a threesome?” His left hand slid up under my skirt. He pinched my bum. I caught sight of 2D watching us. “Hey Stu-Pot.” He motioned 2D over. He put his right hand on the back of 2D slender neck. “Do you find her attractive?” he asked, motioning to me. 2D stuttered, “Y-Yeah, I guess so” “Then let me see you touch her” “w-what?” “Touch her.” 2D touched my arm. “No, no. Touch her” Murdoc took 2D’s hand and put it on my breast. 2D’s hand was shaking a little. He looked at me with those big black eyes. I looked at him reassuringly. I wasn’t sure if I should stop this. I didn’t want to see 2D hurt. A threesome intrigued me, but if someone were to end up emotionally scarred I wouldn’t go through with. Murdoc made 2D put his head on my chest. I put my arms around him. He relaxed and sighed, “you smell real nice.” I ran my fingers through his soft, purple spikes. Murdoc moved around behind me. 2D was hugging me. Murodc took 2D’s hands and moved them to my rump. 2D squeezed it a little. He sighed happily. “Both of you, get in the bedroom,” ordered Murdoc.

I led 2D to the bedroom. Murdoc was sitting on the edge of the bed. Murdoc took me and set me on his lap, facing 2D. He ripped my blouse open. He took my breasts in his hands. “She has lovely tits, doesn’t she?” 2D was staring at us. Murdoc squeezed my nipples. “C’mere and suck them” 2D dropped to his knees and crawled over to us. He took a nipple into his mouth. He nipped and licked at it. “Good boy” purred Murdoc. “Now,” he said taking me and turning me around. He pulled down my skirt and panties. He had me position myself on all fours, on the bed. “She’s been a naughty girl. She needs to be spanked.” Murdoc took the riding crop and struck me on my right buttock. “You try, Stu-Pot.” 2D took the crop and lightly tapped me. “Harder” 2D tapped harder. “I said Harder!” 2D struck me with it. I gasped. It stung like a mother, but it was fun. “Lick her twat” Murdoc pushed 2D’s face to my vagina. He gingerly licked at first, but he started to get into it. His tongue became more relaxed. Murdoc stood 2D up yanked off his clothing and grabbed 2D’s penis. “Good, you’re hard.” He chuckled to himself. “Babe, show him that little trick you can do, y’know the one with the condom.” I retrieved a condom from the drawer. I unwrapped it and put the end in my mouth. I got down in front of 2D. I gently rolled the condom down on 2D’s member using only my mouth. I felt a shiver run through 2D. Murdoc ordered, “Robyn, lie down. Missionary style.” I complied. I spread my legs. Murdoc purred into 2D’s ear, “I wanna see you fuck her.” 2D jumped on me and began thrusting. He was very worked up. I held him tight. He gasped and groaned and a light sweat appeared on his body. He was so excited he came after a few minutes. He collapsed gasping and laughing slightly. He rolled to the side. Murdoc climbed on and had his fun with me. 2D watched us. When Murdoc and I had finished, Murdoc rolled off me to the other side of me. We lay there quietly for a few minutes. Murdoc lit a cigarette. 2D lay quietly with an arm behind his head. I noticed I had been wearing my socks throughout the acts. I sat up and took them off. I cuddled up to Murdoc. 2D cuddled up against my back. I looked at him and stroked a finger along his chin. He smiled. Murdoc piped up, “Well baby did you enjoy that?” “Yes, although there is something I’d like to see…” “Mm, what is that?” “I’d like to see you guys make out” “What?” “You heard me.” “I won’t do it,” Murdoc said stubbornly. “Oh Murdie, please…” I batted my lashes at him. “Men like the idea of two women making it, why should be different for me to see two guys make it” “She’s right you know,” 2D piped in. “Oh shut it. All right, for you.” 2D and Murdoc got on the end of the bed and face each other. “Put your arms around each other,” I demanded. They did so. “Kiss.” They made out passionately. “Tongues, please.” Their tongues flicked between their mouths. Murdoc’s mouth moved to 2D’s neck. 2D nipped at Murdoc’s ear and ran his fingers through his hair. “2D, bite his nipples. He likes that.” 2D moved down to Murdoc’s nipple. He licked and nibbled on it. Murdoc grunted. Murdoc pinched 2Ds nipples. 2D jumped a little. “Oooh, good boys. You’re both hard,” I purred. I was watching them and masturbating. “One of you suck the others cock.” 2D was the first to move down. He took Murdoc’s large penis in his mouth. He sucked on the head of Murdoc’s dick. I moved to 2D. I reached out to his beautiful cock and gently squeezed it. While he sucked on Murdoc’s dick, I gave him a hand job. I ran my hand up and down the length of his smooth cock. I gently pumped it. He was licking the head of Murdoc’s penis. I moved to Murdoc’s penis. “Here. Try this. He loves it.” 2D moved aside.  I demonstrated a little technique I have. I put the head of his penis on my tongue. I slowly licked, following the curve of the head. Murdoc trembled. “Yeah, baby…” he sighed and put his hand on the back of my hand. I looked to 2D. “You try.” He did, and I went back to stroking his dick. Murdoc put a finger in my vagina and had another finger on my clit. He and 2D were about to climax. I can tell. 2D was moaning. Murdoc was gasping and grunting. Murdoc came in 2D’s mouth and 2D came on my hand. I licked it off. Both men looked at each other, panting. They suddenly turned on me and pushed me to the bed. They both went down on me and licked at the same time. I climaxed in no time. They both curled up next to me. Murdoc kissed me (gave me a little tongue too). 2D put his head on my chest. “Now guys. No making it together without me, all right.” “Ok,” they mumbled sleepily. They fell asleep on either side of me. I put one leg on one man and the other on the other man and fell asleep too. They wore me out…


Chapter 12 “the Pontiac”

We don’t sex all the time. He’s got a job to do and I’ve got other things as well. Tonight we had been out shopping and I got my first tattoo; on my back near my left shoulder there’s now an ocean wave in a circle. I wanted something based on irezumi, Japanese tattooing. I was looking at Murdoc’s tattoos one evening and he said to me, “You like those?” “Yeah they’re pretty neat” “Why don’t you get one yourself?” “Hm, I think I will” and there you go. I now have a tattoo.

But our evenings generally lead to sex. Tonight we came home and he parked his Pontiac where it always goes. “How’s you shoulder?” “Fine. A little tender” I let him look at it. He stroked it. Next thing I remember is we’re getting naked and making out. “Get in the back” he breathed. I climbed in the back. He came after me. I lay down and allowed him to mount me. We made passionate love. I gripped the back of the front seat, and cried out. The windows were fogged up. We were panting heavily. We sat up. I put my head on Murdoc’s shoulder and put my arms around him. “Oh god, Muds. That was wonderful.” “Of course, birdie, of course.” He chuckled and kissed my forehead. We dressed and climbed out of the car. Murdoc lit a cigarette as we walked to the Winnebago. We got inside and got ready for bed. We snuggled down and watched a movie.


Chapter 13 "How I Love Her"
I watched Robyn climb into bed. She’s a small, delicate bird. She’s so pale, almost as pale as the moon. Her round hips shifted sexily as she climbed into bed. Oh Satan, such a woman. I watched her fluff the pillows on her side of the bed. She knew I was looking at her, she always knows when I looking at her; she’s so amazing. She smiled. I walked up to her and played with her curls. “Your hair’s beautiful,” I sighed to her. She played with my cross; I took it off and slipped it over her neck. “Thank you Murdie,” she purred. I love her soft voice. I watched her soft full lips say the words. I want her now. I grabbed her and kissed her. She allowed me to move to her neck. She loves getting love bites. “Murdoc, that tickles,” she said, giggling a little. I pulled her nightshirt off. Oh, baby, she’s got lovely tits. She folded her arms, which pushed her big breasts up. My cross was nestled snuggly in her bosom. I reached out and grabbed one. It’s soft, and heavy. I licked her nipples. For a girl with such large melons she has rather small nipples. Doesn’t matter to me though, she’s still sexy.  She sighed, “Oh Murdoc.” I pushed her down onto the bed. She presented all her round beauty to me. I ran my fingertips down her center. She wriggled as I ran them over her ribs and belly. I stroked her outer thighs and moved to her silky inner thighs. I continued down her calves and her toes. She stuck out her leg to let me do it. Of course, now I’ve got a bit of a sammy-on. I ran my fingers over her pubes. She looked at me with those big brown eyes. She batted her long lashes at me. She opened her legs, spread her twat with her fingers, and whispered, “Please Murdoc.” I leaned down and gave her lick. She shivered and sighed. She was juicy and ready. I got over her and shoved myself all the way in. Her nails dug into my shoulders. She wrapped her legs and arms around me. She moaned as I pounded her. I supported myself over her on my hands. I watched her breasts bounce as I drove into her. She was softly vocalizing. Her nails scratched down my arms. I put my hand on her cheek, with my thumb near her mouth. She took my thumb and chewed on it a little. My little filly’s getting a bit frisky. I took my it away before she got too frisky. She looked me in the eyes. I pulled myself out and drove back in. She then threw back her head and groaned. I love it when she groans my name. Her back arched. She’s about to cum. “Come on bitch,” I gasped as in between thrusts. She suddenly turned both of us over so she was on top. She drove herself up and down on my big dick. I grabbed her about her small waist.  Ah, ah ah ah ohhhh!” she had cum.  I was climaxing. She continued her up and down motions while I delivered my cream. “Ohhh, baby. That was good,” I sighed. She got off and lay down beside me. One of her tiny, delicate hands played with my hair; the other played on my chest. I got my cigarettes. I put one in her mouth. I wished she would smoke; she’d look very sexy doing that. I lit mine and patted her plump arse. She looked at me with the fag in her mouth. She took it out and smiled at me. She played with the ring on my finger. I took it off and slipped it onto her small finger. “You were great,” she sighed. “I know, birdie, *hehehe*, I know. You’re my wild little filly, you know that?”…


Chapter 14 "Frolics in Bath"
I needed a long soak in a warm tub. I had a rough day. I went to my old room in Kong studios. It had big black and white bathroom. I filled the big black tub half full of water. I slipped out of my clothes, pulled my hair up and climbed in. I leaned back and closed my eyes. After a little while I felt two strong hands start rubbing my shoulders. My eyes snapped open. “Oh, it’s you,” I sighed, relieved. Murdoc was behind me. “Well who’d ya think was?” I smiled at him. “Keep rubbing my shoulders, please.” He massaged my shoulders and worked down my arms a little. His hands are so strong, I marveled to myself. His hands strayed to my bosom. I playfully slapped his hands away. “Is that all you ever think about?” He grinned and chuckled. I took a pouf and put a bit of body wash on it. I worked into a lather on my arms and shoulders and across my bosom. “Murdoc will you help me get my back?” I asked looking at him over my shoulder. I handed him the pouf and he lathered my back. “Mm you’re so virile, Murdoc.” “Don’t I know it? I’m your man I’m your man, I’m your man…” “Yeah, my strong stallion…” I brushed a finger along his chin and smiled at him. He cupped some water in his hands and poured it over the back of my neck. It tickled. I stood up and soaped up my hips and legs. I heard Murdoc rustling behind me. I glanced his way. He had undressed. I sat back down and he climbed in. “Lean back, babe,” he said encouraging me to settle in front of him. I settled back against his chest. He rubbed my temples with his fingertips. “Mm.” “You like that?” “Yeah” “would you like this too?” His tongue ran up along my ear. I laughed, “That tickles.” “How ‘bout this?” He kissed my neck. He started chewing on it.  I’ll have another love bite in the morning. I turned to face him. I moved up to him and kissed him lightly on the lips. I nuzzled him near his ear. I then sucked gently on his neck. “Oh, yeeaah…” he sighed. His hands played upon my back. I then stood up and got out of the tub. He watched me dry myself off. He got out and helped me dry off. I sashayed from the room and over to the bed. He watched me. He was getting excited. I sat down upon the bed. I let the towel slip down my back. I looked expectantly over my shoulder at him. I winked at him. I enticed him to me. We didn’t get back to the winne that night…


Chapter 15 "Wine and Roses"
I came back to the Winnebago after a day of errands. What I found inside surprised me. It was clean. The lights were off, there were candles lit everywhere and red roses abound. There was a trail of petals leading to the bedroom. The bed was cover in rose petals. “Well hello,” a gravelly voice purred. I jumped and turned towards the voice. “You scared me.” He was holding two glasses of wine. He handed me one. “Sorry, didn’t mean to,” he smiled at me. I took a sip.  What’s with all this?” I asked, motioning to the petals. “Well, I wanted tonight to be special.” I looked at him quizzically. “Because,” he said softly while playing with my necklace, “tonight, one month ago, I brought you here for your first with your king.” He took my chin into his hand, kissed me gently and grinned broadly at me. “Ah, yes. My first time…” I sighed.  Mm,” growled Murdoc. He suddenly grabbed me and forced his tongue in my mouth. I nearly spilled my wine. “Oh, Murdoc,” I gasped pulling my mouth away, “lets take a moment and enjoy our wine first.” He looked a little disgruntled. “Oh allright.” We sat down on the sofa. We tapped glasses together. “Bottoms up,” he said, smiling. He drained his glass. I continued to sip mine. He watched me. He seemed a little anxious. Finally he took the glass from me, drained it, and tossed the glass over his shoulder. He pressed me to the corner to the sofa. “Ok baby, I need you now, I can’t wait any longer, let’s play” he said feverishly. His teeth latched to my neck. I cried out. “Ow, Murdoc! That hurt!” He eased up a little but kept a firm hold on me. He pulled my clothing off and grabbed my leg and forced it up on his side. He kissed me firmly. He suddenly got off me and pulled me into the bedroom. He pointed to the bed; I knew what he meant. I lay down on the soft petals. He wasn’t a rough as he was a few moments ago. He took a rose and ran the blossom down my center. “Roll over,” he said. I did and he slowly ran the rose down my back. He leaned down and ran his tongue up my back. He nipped the back of my neck. He pushed my legs apart and got between them. I felt him enter me. He lay down on my back and began thrusting. He put a fingertip in my mouth. I sucked on it. He grunted, his sweat dripped onto me.  He removed himself and turned me over to face him. He reentered. He quickly climaxed. I hadn’t quite reached my peak yet. He noticed that and his hand crept down to my vagina. His finger stimulated me. It moved around my clitoris and then gently brushed the tip. I shivered. He lightly kissed me on the bridge of the nose. I slipped one of my fingertips in his mouth. He chewed on it. I ran my fingers through his hair. He continued kissing me. His kisses moved down me, kissing me every inch along the way. He finally reached my womanhood. His tongue gently nudged my clitoris. He ran the tip of his tongue along my labia. I sighed happily. He sucked on my clit. I was reaching my peak. He gently tapped my clit with his fingers then his tongue flicked my clit. I was climaxing. I reached a little heaven on a bed of roses…


Chapter 16 "Blood Ritual"
I awoke to find a box upon the bed. Murdoc wasn’t here. The note on the box said for Robyn. I opened it. There was a skimpy outfit and several gold accessories in it. There was a note with it. It read: ‘Baby. Here’s a little present for you. I want you to meet me at midnight tonight near the graveyard. Follow the mausoleums. Wear this. This is what you make me’ There was an arrow pointing to a little drawing of his of what seemed to be a horned toad with an erection. Oh, I get it: a horny toad. I pulled out the outfit and looked at it. It consisted of a black bikini top and a long black loincloth with a deep red stripe down the center. There were various wrist cuffs, arm cuffs, and anklets as well. All were gold with a deep red stone on them. There was also a decorative belt. I glanced at the time. Noon. I sat and pondered what he had given me and why near the graveyard at midnight. I got up and carried on with the day ‘til 11 that night…


I dressed in the outfit I was given and made my way down the hill from the studio and to the graveyard. I walked down the path with the mausoleums on either side. There was patch of trees at the end. Lights were burning there. I walked to the circle of trees. A lone mausoleum stood there. Torches were light by the doorway of it. There was stone slab in front, like an altar. Braziers sat at either end of the slab. There was a red pentagram painted upon the ground in front of it. Lit candles surrounded it and an animal skull was in the middle of it. Murdoc was there in the door of the mausoleum. He wore a long black loincloth, a black rope around his waist, and on his wrists, he wore gold cuffs. He had ritualistic markings down his arms, on his chest, and a line across his face. In his left hand, he held a knife. “Good to see you baby. You look lovely,” he said, eyeing me. “I brought you here for a special reason. I’m going to give you the blessing of Satan, so to speak. It’ll put you on his good side.” I gave Murdoc a frightened look. “Oh, don’t worry,” he said, taking my hand, “It won’t hurt. It’ll just prevent any harm from coming to you.” He led me to the pentagram. “Sit in the center, and take the skull into your lap.” I did and he painted ritual markings down my arms, legs, back, and one in the center of my chest. He was incanting quietly while he did this. He took my wrist and put the knife to my forearm. My eyes widened as he prepared to cut. I started to pull my wrist away. He looked at me and stopped chanting. “Relax. It won’t hurt long, I promise.” He started chanting again. He ran the knife a little down my forearm at an angle. The wound stung slightly. A drop of blood landed on the skull. He did the same to his arm. A drop of his blood mixed with mine on the skull. He took my cut to his mouth. He licked it. He offered his arm to me. I gingerly tasted his blood. He rose and had me stand. He led me to the slab and had me lie down. He painted a large mark onto the center of my stomach. He placed the skull on my stomach and started incanting different words. He threw something into the brazier near my head. I heard the coals hiss. He did the same to the brazier at my feet. He removed the skull and waved the knife over me. His incanting ceased. He took my hands and pulled me up right. He helped me off the slab and led me to a nearby tree. He took off the rope around his waist. He bound my wrists. He threw the lose end over a branch a little above my head. He tied it to my wrists. My arms were stretched above my head and I had been pulled up so much I was standing on my toes. Blood from the wound ran down my arm a little. There was strange gleam in his eyes. I noticed the front of his loincloth was standing away from him a little. He entangled his fingers in my hair and he pulled my head back to kiss the front of my neck. He ran his hands over me, smearing the markings painted on me. His hands slid under my top and pushed it away to expose my breasts. He licked his lips. He took one of my nipples into my mouth and gently bit. His sharp teeth almost broke the skin. He took the knife and cut away my top. He then removed my skirt. I was completely exposed to him. He pulled aside the front of his loincloth and revealed his erection. He parted my legs. He entered me. He bit my bottom lip; I tasted blood. He supported me by holding me under my rump. I put one leg up on his side. He slid in and out of me. He gritted his teeth and grunted while he thrust.  He then pulled him self out of me completely. Why did he stop? He pulled the rope from the branch and led me, my wrists still bound, to the pentagram. He had me kneel in the center again. He placed the skull between my legs. It rubbed against me whenever I shifted. He stood in front of me, his penis right in my face. “Suck it,” he ordered. I took the perfect head into my mouth. I move my mouth up and down his length as far as I could. He groaned.  I shifted continuously, causing me to rub my vagina against the skull over and over again. He suddenly stopped me again. He undid my wrists and led me to the slab once more. He had me sit at the edge. He penetrated me again. He drove himself over and over again into me. His wound smeared blood on me. I gasped and moaned. He growled and gripped my hips to pull me towards him. I attained my orgasm. He then delivered his seed. I looked him in the eyes and kissed him. He wiped the blood from my lips. He helped me from the slab. He retrieved a cloak and wrapped it around me. He gathered up the ritual items and my clothes, and we walked back to the winne to rest…


Chapter 17: "Lemony"
The others were away on a little excursion into town. It was just Murdoc and me, alone at the studios. I was in the kitchen fixing myself some tea. I looked about for lemons. I wanted to make tea like I had in America; iced tea with lemon. I found some and went about slicing them. Murdoc came up behind me and nuzzled my neck. “Mm, what’cha doin’ babe?” “Making tea, you want some?” “Nah, thanks” I sat down at the table to enjoy my tea.  Murdoc sat down beside. Murdoc and I talked a while. Murdoc picked up a lemon wedge while we talked. Murdoc stroked the lemon wedge down my forearm. He looked at me, desire in his eyes. He took my hand and licked my arm where he stroked the lemon. He pulled me closed and kissed me. He undid my dress. He stroked the lemon down my bare back.  I shivered and wondered what he would do next.  He stood me up, turned me around and licked my spine. He pulled my dress down, and slipped my bra straps off my shoulders. He licked and nipped at my shoulders and moved up to my neck. He stroked the lemon down my neck. My dress dropped to the floor. I lightly stepped over it and used my foot to push it out of the way. Murdoc’s hands slipped around to my front. He unhooked my bra, and slowly slid it off me. He entangled my fingers into my semi-short hair, and pulled my head back softly. He lightly bit my neck. His other hand slide into my panties. His fingers soon found my clitoris.  He rolled it gently between his fingers. I shivered. He let go of my hair, and I turned around and place a passionate kiss on his lips. My hands moved up under his shirt. I pushed it upward, and he grabbed his collar and pulled it over his head. He gripped my upper arms and sat me down in a chair. He undid his pants. His member was in front of me. It was hard and throbbing. I eagerly took it into my mouth. My hand found it’s way to my clitoris. I use my other hand to grip his length. He stopped me after only a few moments. I looked at him, almost hurt. That soon ended for he pulled my panties off and put my legs up over his shoulders. He leaned his head down and gently parted my labia. His tongue ran up along my inner labia and stopped at my clitoris. He flicked it with his tongue. I was nearing orgasm. He knew this. He stopped and gripped my hips and slid his member into me. He gripped the side edges of the chair, with my legs braced over his arms, and began thrusting. He gave firm, long strokes. I was teetering on the edge now. He thrusted harder. His breath came in quick gasps and intermittent moans. I started to shake and groan. He growled, “Come on, baby.” My hands gripped his shoulders. I cried out, my orgasm coming to an end. He shivered and moaned; he had delivered his seed. I leaned my head back. Murdoc completely relaxed, sat down on his knees and placed his head on my chest. I played with his hair. “Oh, damn. Muds, I didn’t know I could bend like that.” “Oh baby, mm, you’re good no matter how you slice it.”

Chapter 18 "Thighs and Whispers"
The TV illuminated the darkness.  Murdoc had put on one of his porn movies. Satan’s Sluts or something like that. I sat back against the pillow. I watched and listened to the moans of the couples, or threesomes I should say. I was getting aroused. I looked at Murdoc. He was at the end of the bed.  His head was turned away from me, exposing the nape of his neck. I moved up to him and nuzzled it. “Oh Muds.” I kissed his neck. “You’re so beautiful.” I put my arms around his middle, and pressed myself to him. I gently kissed his bare shoulders. I moved my hands up and down his chest. My hands strayed into his pants.  He was starting to get hard. He seemed to be ignoring me, though.  I pulled my hands out, and sat back on my haunches. “Muds, stop looking at that and pay attention to me.” He stood and turned the sound down on the television. He turned and leaned down to me. “I’m looking. Now what?” He smiled. I smiled at him. I put my arms around his neck. His hand slipped up my nightshirt and stroked my back. I kissed and nuzzled his neck. With his other hand, he ran his fingers through my hair. He gently moved my arms from his neck. He unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off my shoulders. He looked at me, clothed only in my panties. He placed his hands under my heavy breasts, and made them bounce a little. “Damn. They’re beautiful.” I smiled at him, and shyly lowered my eyes. I looked up at him again. “Y’know,” he paused a little, “I think we should try something different.” I looked at him quizzically. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me close. He whispered in my ear, “I wanna fuck you up your plump arse.” I eyed him. “I don’t know…” I started. “Oh, c’mon,” he cooed, “I’ll make it good for you. If it hurts too much I’ll stop. Promise.” He stroked my inner thighs. “Oh baby, they’re quite soft,” he purred. His hand slipped into my panties.. He stroked a finger over my labia and slipped it between to stroke my clitoris. “Ooh, oh. Oh all right, but use a condom and lubricant.” “Whatever you want babe,” he said, while nuzzling my nose. I watched get a condom and lubricant from the nightstand drawer. He set them down beside me, and gently massaged my shoulders. “Relax. You won’t enjoy it if you don’t relax.” He stood in front of me and removed his pants. He had an erection. I watched him put on the condom. He then put lubricant on his palm and rubbed it over his length. “Get into position babe,” he said, smiling. I got onto my hands and knees. I presented my rump to him. I looked over my shoulder, so I could watch everything he did. He poured lube on the crest of my buttocks. He ran his finger down the middle, to spread the lube to my opening. He aligned his cock with my opening. He steadied it with his hand. “Ok, babe. Relax, and everything’ll be fine.” I relaxed as he gripped my hips with one hand and he firmly pushed it into me. I gripped the sheets and sharply inhaled. It was semi-painful yet enjoyable. It was a new sensation for me. I relaxed and his thrusts began. He took long firm strokes. I heard him groan. He altered his thrusts a little. They quickened and then slowed, and he kept alternating between them. One his hands slipped around to my front, and his long fingers found my clitoris. His fingers still had a bit of lubricant on them.  He played with it, gently pulling on it or stroking it along the sides. He ran his finger along my inner labia and hooked it underneath my clitoris. He moved his finger in circles on my clit. I trembled from the multitude of sensations. He stopped and gripped my hips where they meet my thighs. “Oh baby, this is great. Are you doing all right?” he gasped. His breath was coming in ragged gasps, and groans. Yeah, baby,” I sighed. I began to meet his thrusts. I really enjoyed this, though I wasn’t really orgasmic at this point. He started to shake and he moaned my name. He had ejaculated, but he didn’t remove himself from me. Instead he reached back to my clit, and continued stimulating it. I began to tremble and I threw my head back. “Oh yes,” I cried. “Yeah, you like this baby,” he growled at me. “There we go, now we’re making more noise,” he rasped happily. I moved my hips like during intercourse and I soon attained orgasm. He pulled out and went to the shower to wash up. I lay down where I was and tried to catch my breath. He came back and got over me. He kissed me gently near the corner of my mouth. “You ok, baby?” “Yeah,” I breathed. “How’s your bum?” he asked, sounding a bit cheeky. “Fine,” I said as I shifted to my back. He leaned in to kiss me; his hair brushed against my forehead. I rolled over and crawled out from under him to my spot in the bed. I rested against the wall. He crawled over to me and settled in front me. He positioned his shoulders so my breasts were resting on them. “Where’re my fags?” he asked, stroking one of my nipples. “I always need a fag post-coitus.” I smiled at him and looked to the nightstand. His lighter and cigarettes were there. I took them, and put one in his mouth. I flicked the lighter and lit it for him. I set the lighter back on the nightstand, and we finished watching the movie. I yawned. “I’m tired,” I said. He yawned himself. “Ugh, I need to turn off the TV, but I want to stay right here between these lovelies,” he said smiling up at me and stroking the sides of my breasts. I smiled at him and said, “I know, I like this too, but I really need to lie down.” “All right,” he sighed.  He got up, turned off the TV and cuddled up beside me. We soon were asleep in each other’s arms…

Chapter 19 "Happy Birthday Murdoc"
Today is Murdoc’s birthday. I’ve got a little surprise for him. Murdoc was lying on the bed, thumbing through a magazine. I poked my head out from around the bathroom door. “Close your eyes, Murdie,” I purred. He did. I stepped into the room. I was wearing a maroon corset, black thong panties, black thigh-high stockings, black elbow gloves, and to top it off, black stilettos. “Open your eyes.” “Oh baby,” he purred upon opening them. I started to sing happy birthday a-la Marilyn Monroe. “Happy birthday day to you, happy birthday to you…” Murdoc set the magazine aside and watched me slink towards him. “Happy birthday, Mister Niccals,” I kissed the air and winked at him. “Happy birthday to you.” I sat down beside him on the bed. He looked at me, grinning broadly. “Well birthday-boy, what do you want? It’s your day I’ll do whatever you want.” “I did have a fantasy of me having wild sex with you on the mixing board in the studio,” Murdoc grinned at me. I smiled wryly at him. “But the others are in there right now. So ‘owzabout you take control tonight.” “Mm, all right.” I leaned in and kissed him. I moved down to his chest and stomach. I gently nipped and kissed it on the way down. I came back up and teasingly removed my corset .I reached out to him and lightly ran my gloved fingertips down his middle. He shivered. “Oh baby, you’ve got a magic touch.” He purred softly. He reached out to touch my bare breasts. I pulled away and wagged my finger at him. “Uh-uh-uh. I’m in control. You can touch when I say you can.” He looked taken aback, then he laughed. He lay back and purred, “Do what you will baby.” I went back to play with his body. I opened the front of his pants. My hands found his manhood. I lightly tugged and pumped it a little. “Do you like this, Muds?” He purred and laughed slightly, “Yeah, baby.” I stopped and moved to the end of the bed. I grabbed the waist of his pants and yanked his pants off, underwear too. I slipped my panties off and climbed onto the bed. I crawled to him and positioned myself over him. I lightly kissed his chin, and moved to his lower lip. I moved away a touch as he tried to kiss back. I moved in to kiss again. I slipped my tongue into his mouth. I pulled away a little, and dove back in for another kiss. Our tongues played into each other’s mouths. I kissed the end of his nose. He was extremely excited by now. He cried out “Can I please touch you now!?” I smiled and nodded. His hands glided over my hips and buttocks, then up and down my back. He was hard now, very hard. “Ooh, big man,” I purred to him. I sat back, and slowly settled myself onto it, then began moving up and down on it. He groaned loudly and happily as I bounced. He caressed my stocking-clad thighs. I leaned forward and supported myself on my hands. I continually moved my hips. His hands gripped my hips or would run down my back and arms. I lay down fully on him, still moving my hips, and kissed him many time over his face. He kissed me back, his breath caressing my skin. I was nearing orgasm; he was too. He starting moaning, “I’m gonna cum.” He groaned as he ejaculated. I continued moving on his body, my orgasm just starting. He held me tight as I started to tremble and gasp. I lay on him a few moments before I rolled off of him. We lay side by side, panting and smiling. I pushed myself onto my elbow and leaned close to Murdoc. “How was that, Muds?” He put an arm around and pulled me close to him. His body was warm, and a light sweat was on his skin. “Best present I’ve ever gotten, Birdie,” he sighed. He kissed my ear gently, and gently pulled on my earring with his lips. I pulled off one of my gloves, and he pulled off the other. He helped my roll my stockings down and off. He lay down by me and looked me in the eyes. “I love you,” he said. “I love you too.” He tenderly kissed me. He lay down his head and fell asleep. “I’ll always love you,” I whispered aloud…

Chapter 20 "The Joy of Sex"
It was a lovely afternoon. Murdoc had moved the winne outside because crews were working in the car park. Golden rays light the van.  I was sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall and thumbing through the “The Joy of Sex” book. Murdoc came in. I looked at him over the edge of the book. He noticed what I was reading. “Why are lookin’ at that? You got me to teach you everything you need to know.” He smiled wryly. I smiled back. “I don’t know. I found it lying around. I want to look at it.” I went back to looking. He came over and stretched out beside me. He looked over my shoulder while I read. He put his arm around me and placed his chin on my shoulder. We looked at the pictures together. I was a little aroused. He was stroking my arm lightly with his middle fingertip.  I glanced at him, then turned back to the book and casually said “the feathers look like fun.” “Well, I’ll have to get some feathers then, hehehe.” He put one long arm across me, and held me tight.  Oh, we should try that some time,” he said when a picture caught his attention. After looking at a few more pages, he got up and started rummaging around his closet. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He tossed several items onto the bed: a silk rope, leather cuffs, a couple of feathers, a leather collar and chain, and a riding crop. “All right, then. What do you want to try first?” he asked. I looked at the items. “I recognize some of the items, like the riding crop and the rope, but when did you get these?” I asked holding up the collar. “Oh, uh, ex-girlfriend, but, ahem, never mind about that. What do you want me to use on you first?”  I rolled my eyes a little at the ex-girlfriend part, but smiled at him. “Um, the feathers,” I said handing him a long white feather. “All right. put the book away and I’ll start,” he said eyeing me hungrily. I tossed it aside, and he ran the feather tip down my shins. I took a feather of my own, and traced a little pattern on his bare chest. “Lie down, babe,” he said, smiling. I stretched out, and he opened my white linen shirt. He traced the feather around my breasts and down my ribs and belly. He tickled my hips and thighs with it, and traced back to it’s starting point. I stretched and giggled slightly. “Talk dirty to me Murdoc,” I sighed. He positioned himself over me. He grinned, showing his teeth. “I love your sweet – what do you call it in America? – Pussy? Yeah I love your sweet pussy,” he purred. “Love that wet twat.” “Take my panties off Muds,” I cooed. He promptly pulled them off me. He lay down on me and purred in my ear, “I want to fuck you, drive my big dick into you. You’d like that wouldn’t you? You like being a slut don’t you?” “Oh yes.” We passionately kissed. His mouth moved to my neck, and he chewed and sucked ‘til he left a mark. I nipped at his ear, and then sucked on his neck. He pushed himself up on his hands. I toyed with his cross while he eyed me lovingly. He straddled my hips and unbuttoned his pants. I reached up to run my hands down his chest and belly. He got off me and the bed and pulled his trousers off. He was partially erect. I slipped off the bed and got down on my knees in front of him. He stood tall above me. I looked up adoringly at him. I stroked his thighs. “Please let me taste it,” I begged. Murdoc kept his penis just above my mouth. He took it in his hand and teased me, by bringing just within reach of my lips and then pulling it away. He traced the head along my chin and rubbed it against my cheek. He allowed me to kiss the head. I licked at it, and he put it just out of my reach again. He played with my hair and stroked the back of my neck with his other hand. Finally, he let me take it into my mouth. He stopped me after a few moments. I pulled my mouth off and looked up at him. He placed a finger lightly under my chin and pulled upwards. I rose with him, and he led me to the bed. We lay down, facing each other. I placed my leg onto his side and inched up close to him. I kissed him, long and gentle. I could feel his erection, hard and throbbing, against my thigh. His strong hands brushed over my hips and thighs. He held my leg behind my knee and penetrated me. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him light kisses on his face. His long tongue flicked out and tasted my chin and neck. “Murdoc, your tongue is incredible!” I sighed. Murdoc’s tongue snaked its way into my mouth. We passionately played into each other’s mouths. We held each other tight while we made love. He kept a firm hold on my waist and kept moving me up and down. He began grunting and panting. He started moving me faster. I started to moan and sigh. We soon had reached orgasm. We lay in each other’s arms, happy and warm. Murdoc held me close to him, even after he removed himself from me. “Mm, baby,” he sighed happily, “we didn’t even get to the cuffs and the other items.” I sighed and nestled down into his arms. “There’s always another time.” I closed my eyes, and he pulled the sheet up over us. He tenderly kissed my forehead. We laced our fingers together, and drifted off, content in the knowledge that we love each other…

Chapter 21 "Erotica"
I was napping in the Winnebago one afternoon. I felt something snuggled in my bosom. I awoke and found Murdoc over me, smiling, and a cylinder-shaped object nestled between my breasts. I took it and viewed it a moment. It was quite detailed, and made of a blue rubbery substance, yet was quite firm and about 8 inches long…my eyes came into focus…it was a dildo. “Murdoc?” I mumbled, squinting up at him. He grinned broadly. I looked at him. He then held up a small, pink cylinder with a bent tip. “This vibrator is meant to stimulate your g-spot.” I took it and flipped the switch. It was surprisingly quiet, making only a soft purr. “Baby, promise me you’ll let me watch you, when you first use them.”All right.” I leaned over to the bed stand and put them away in the drawer…

Later that evening, I had taken a shower and decided to examine my new presents more closely. I sat by the nightstand, and took them from the drawer. Murdoc walked in, a bottle of vodka in one hand. He stopped at the doorway. “Are you?” he asked, motioning to the cylinders in my hands. I thought about it for a moment then nodded my head. He set his vodka bottle on his bar and placed a chair at the foot of the bed. He straddled the backwards chair. He folded his arms on the back and put his chin on his arms. “Give me a moment!” I said as I leaned back and supported my self on one hand “All right, all right. Need porn to get you started?” he asked with a Cheshire cat grin. “No, that’s all right. I just need to think,” I said absently, while stroking the dildo along the side of my neck. I opened my robe and lay down on the bed. I ran my hands down my sides. I took the dildo and stroked the end around my vagina then rubbed the end against my clitoris. As grew excited, I inserted the dildo, and moved it in and out. After a while, I glanced over to Murdoc. He had an unmistakable bulge at his groin. He spoke up. “Are you wet?” he asked leeringly. “Yeah,” I purred. I sat up and looked at him. “I want you to come over here and do this,” I said seductively. He jumped up off the chair and sat down beside me. “Take it and move it in and out,” I whispered. He took it and did exactly what I said. First he did it slow, and hard; then he moved it a little faster. Suddenly he stopped. I gasped to him, “why did you stopped?” He said nothing, he only smiled at me, and position himself against the wall at the head of the bed. He sat with his legs apart and said to me; “Sit here.” I settled myself in front of him, and lay back against him. He lightly kissed my left temple. He spread my legs and slowly placed his hand on my vagina. He gently pawed at me. He inserted the dildo again. He did slow gentle movements with it. He put his arm around my waist and moved it a little faster. I bucked my hips. He then stopped again and placed the dildo aside. I then felt two of his long fingers enter me. His moved his middle finger inside of me. He whispered in my ear, “You like this don’t you?” “Yeah” I breathed. I could feel his hard on against my back. His tongue tasted my ear, cheek and neck. He moved his fingers in and out of me a little and played with my clitoris at the same time. I began to shake and moan. I panted and sighed, “C’mon, more, give me more.” He did and I soon arched my back and cried out. I lay on him a moment before shifting and turning my attention to his erection.  I undid his pants and pulled them down a little. I took his member in my hands and gently manipulated it. I whispered, “Do you like this?” He groaned happily. I licked its length and took the head into my mouth. My fingers were wrapped around it and gently moving up and down. I stroked it faster as his hips bucked slightly. Suddenly he groaned and ejaculated. I lapped up the milky fluid that landed on his chest. “It tastes good,” I purred rubbing against his front. Murdoc smiled happily at me, his brow had a slight sheen of sweat. I kissed him long and hard on the lips. “How was that baby?” he panted. “That was fun. The toys can make things interesting but I don’t need toys as long as I have you.” I said to him with a wink. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me. “I’ll be the best toy you’ll ever have, babe,” he said with a grin.

Chapter 22 "Goddess"
She had her back to me. She was across the bed, lounging like a goddess. Her pants were just tight enough to show her curves. I moved close to her. She’s still ignoring me. She was still miffed about me looking at that other woman. I cooed to her. “Aw, come on baby,” I kissed her shoulder, “Don’t be mad. You know I had no intention to that woman.” She sighed, “I know. I just feel like I’m not good enough for you.” “Don’t talk like that! You’re too good for anybody. Even me.” She looked over her shoulder and smiled. She sat up, and I lay down. I reached over to her and grabbed her around the center. She’s quite ticklish and laughed. She lay down beside me and looked me in the eyes. She ran her fingers through my hair. “I love your hair,” she said, “It’s so soft, not greasy at all.” I smiled at her and ran my hands over her curves. “Oh! Murdoc, don’t pinch so hard!” she said, after I pinched her bottom. “Heh, I can’t help it, y’know. I-I love your fat bottom. Fat bottomed girls you make the world go round tonight.” She smiled at my singing. She kissed me lightly on the end of my nose. She traced her finger around my shirt collar and down my chest. “Sooo, what do ya wanna do?” she asked, playfulness in her tone. There was passionate look in her eyes. “Mm, well…” Before I could finish she was straddling me, and kissing me. “What do you find attractive about me? Physically, I mean.” She asked, looking me straight in the eye. “Oh, w-well you have beautiful eyes, and soft, full lips a-and you have lovely, lovely curves…” She sat up but stay straddled over me. I ran my hands over her body and continued. “And you have a lovely bosom.” She pulled of her shirt and revealed her black bra. Oh Satan! She takes anymore off and I’m gonna get a stiffy! “Go on,” she cooed. She started to undo the button of my pants. “A-and…oh baby…” I was too busy staring at her chest. I reached up and rubbed my hands over her bra-clad breasts. The silky material was nice; her skin would be nicer. She reached behind, obviously unhooking her bra. She first slipped the straps from her shoulders, and slowly revealed her large bosom. She tossed the bra to the side, looked at me and licked her lips. I grabbed her sweet breasts. They’re so soft and full. She leaned forward and let me lick and suck on them. She wriggled out of her pants and panties while I did this. She sat back up. She sat there in all her naked glory. She gripped her ankles and leaned back a little. I ran my fingertips down her front to her, hehe, feminine wiles. “Oh, you shaved your bushy a little. Still love that bushy!” She smiled at my comment. “Now,” she started while getting off me, “Take off your clothes. You can leave your cross if you want.” I jumped up and ripped off my clothes. I stood before her. She shyly looked at my manhood. My big dick makes her blush every time. “Oh, Muds, you’re so big,” she sighed playfully, taking my cock into her hand and stroking it. “Yeah baby, you know you like it,” I growled, enjoying every stroke she gave. “Wait, baby. I just realized one of the position we’ve never done,” I said to her, looking her in the eye, “is a standing.”  “But, I’m on the short side Murdoc, it’ll be hard for me, and you can’t lift me…” “You can stand on a book. Look, I have a dictionary around here somewhere. I left to go find it. I found it and brought it back to her. I put it on the floor by the bed. “Stand on that.” She did and it got her to just the right height. We were about nose to nose. She put her arms around my neck, and kissed me. I rubbed my hands up and down her. Her hands slipped down my front, while she was kissing my neck and shoulders, to my bum. She gave it a good squeeze. My hands drifted down her back to do the same. She kissed me on my chin and trailed them down to the center of my chest. I pulled her head back and planted a good one on her. She giggled when I turned loose. I turned her around; this seemed to confuse her a little. She’s a smart girl, though; she soon knew what I was doing. I licked her across the tops of her shoulders. I gave her little nips on her neck, while my hands caressed her breasts. My hands slid down her sides, and over her hips, to her crotch. I cupped her soft bush in my hand and tickled her rosebud with my middle finger. She reached behind her to put her hand on my shoulder. She cooed as I stroked her twat and inner thighs. “Raise your leg, baby,” I breathed in her ear. I put my arm around her waist and held her fast. I held the knee of her raised leg. I pushed into her and started the motions. We would kiss and I would lick her ear during the act. She moaned as I pushed into her. As we became more excited, our pace quickened. “Harder,” she moaned. I rammed into her. I grunted and growled in her ear, “You like it hard don’t you?” She moaned, then cried out, and begged me to stop. I thrusted a few more times and delivered my seed. I removed myself. She collapsed onto the bed. “Oh, God” she sighed, “That was good.” I got over her, “Oh course it was” I said and kissed her lips. She wrapped her arms around my neck. “You’re my god,” she said softly, smiling. “And you’re my Goddess,” I said with smile…

There'll be more Murdoc ;) I promise...