Chapter 1
Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 2
House Hunting
Chapter 3
Labor and Delivery
Chapter 4
Our Wedding
Chapter 5
(not complete)

This is certainly sappy. and rather cliched. I wrote this shortly after the first.
I had intended all along to do so. I didn't put as much effort into it as I had on the other
and yes he is rather out of character...I'm aware of that. I had a hard time writing him here.

My Days with Murdoc Niccals

Part. 2

By “LittleBird”


Chapter 1 “Expect the Unexpected”

Murdoc. I’m pregnant.” “What?” “I’m pregnant, about 4 weeks” “Oh, shit.” Murdoc put his head in his hands. I started to sob. He looked up and moved over to me on the couch. “Sh, sh. it’s ok. I’m gonna take care of you.” I put my head on his chest. He held me tight. I felt a little at ease. I’m still worried about what we should do though…

The next evening, Murdoc prepared a special dinner for me. He brought me to his Winnebago. Candles were lit; there were plates of food on the table. We ate a nice meal, though I didn’t say much through dinner. I had a lot on my mind. Murdoc suddenly got down on one knee in front of me. “Baby. I didn’t make a special speech or anything so I’ll say it out right. Will you marry me?” he opened the ring box. Inside was a lovely oval cut sapphire (my favorite and my birthstone) on a silver band “Oh, Murdoc,” I started to cry. “Yes, Yes I will.” He slipped the ring on my finger. I threw my arms around him and we kissed…

The next day we gathered everyone at Kong Studios in the lobby. Murdoc and I stood before everyone. Murdoc cleared his throat. “Everyone. I have a big announcement to make.” He looked over at me. “Robyn and I are getting married.” Everyone gasped and whispered amongst each other. Murdoc raised his gravelly voice. “And another thing,” he put his arm around me. “Robyn’s pregnant.” A louder gasp. I felt a little embarrassed. Alan was translating to Noodle what Murdoc said. Her face lit up. She jumped around us, chanting in Japanese “Baby, Baby, Baby,” Russel came over to us. He gave me a big hug. “Congratulations, for real.” 2D came up to me and threw his long arms around me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Congrats.” Noodle put her ear to my belly, “Baby?” I laughed “hai, hai. Baby.” 2D asked, “When is the wedding.” “Uh, I think I would to get married on the Winter Solstice. Whatever day it’s on this year. What do you think Murdoc?” “Sound fine to me.” Russel turned to Murdoc, “So what are two going to do for living arrangements?” “We haven’t thought about that yet,” Murdoc said rubbing the back of his neck. I cast my eyes over to him. “I guess we should start house hunting, eh babe?” “Yeah I guess so.” “A small Winnebago isn’t much of a place for a growing baby, or a growing mother for that matter.” He grinned at me; I punched him lightly on the arm. “Ow.”


Chapter 2 “House Hunting”

Murdoc and I began looking about for a house we liked. We would keep the winne of course. And we could stay at Kong Studios (they were making a room for us there already). But we decided a home of our own was best. We had already worked out the details of our wedding and we had already talked about names, so we decided to concentrate on finding a house. The first place we looked at was a wreck! The paint was peeling; the wallpaper was coming off. The railing of the porch fell off while we were there! The realtor just smiled and pretended it didn’t happen. We looked at each other and shook our heads no. The next house we looked at was to close to the road. And a busy road it was. I didn’t like it; too much noise. But third times a charm, we found a house we loved. A beautiful Tudor style two story house; very English, which I loved. There were two fireplaces, one in the family room and the other in the living room. The family room ceiling was beamed and had skylights between them. A big beautiful bathroom, with a huge tub, was downstairs. There were bay windows in the living and family room and lovely kitchen with an island and a breakfast area. There was also a large formal dining room. Upstairs there was a spacious master bedroom, A room perfect for the nursery. Three more rooms that could be used as spare bedrooms for later additions, and a study. And the outside, oh! The outside. It was gorgeous. Lots of trees out back. A large oak tree out front; and lots of space for a lovely garden and pond and fountain. Murdoc and I agreed. We loved this house. We got the deeds signed and we moved in just in time for the baby…


Chapter 3 “Labor and Delivery”

About 3 AM late night/early morning Halloween day, I experienced pains in my belly. I got up and hobbled around a bit. I was so uncomfortable. I wasn’t due for another 2 weeks. The pain was making me feel ill. Murdoc got up and massaged my shoulders. “Oh, Muds. I’m so uncomfortable.” Right after I said that, I felt something pop. “Murdoc,” I said slowly “I think my water broke.” “Oh Satan! I gotta get you to the hospital!” He rushed to get my bag. He practically tore the doors off the hinges. I started to hobble downstairs “Ho-Hold it! You need help!” he cried and rushed to help me down the stairs. We got downstairs in one piece. The cat was by the door. “MOVE CAT!” he hollered and kicked at the cat. REOWR! He missed her, but she wasn’t happy about him kicking at her. Murdoc threw the door open and we rushed to the car in the front yard. He yanked on the handles “OPEN DAMN YOU!” “Murdoc, the keys are in the house.” “Oh” he rushed to get them and rushed back. He opened the doors and threw my bag in. I laboriously got in the car. Murdoc started the ignition and floored it. “Murdoc, slow down.”…

We arrived at the hospital in one piece, amazingly. He helped me into the waiting room. “NURSE! NURSE! MY WOMAN'S 'BOUT TO POP OUT A KID!,” he quickly rambled to the nurse. “Pardon sir? Could you keep it down.?" Murdoc went red with frustration. I quickly stepped in. “I’m in labor” I gave all the information he (yes a male nurse) needed to get; my doctors name, my name, and everything else they need. They got a wheel chair and wheel me to the birthing room. They got me situated and gave Murdoc a hospital gown, being as he was only wearing pajama bottoms. “Be glad he was wearing pants,” I whispered to the nurse. They left. They came back and checked on me. My doctor came in. She looked at my vitals. “Everything seems to be going well. You’re ready for the epidural. We’ll get that ready now.” “Oh good” I groaned. Damn, labor really is the worst thing you can go through and I hadn’t even had the baby yet…

The nurse came in and gave me the epidural. I squeezed Murdoc’s hand. I felt so weird after that. I'm kind of numb from the back down. My doctor came back. She checked how dilated I was. “Ms. Stewart, You’re ready.” I sat up and they put me in the stirrups. Man, this is a funny position. I practically had my knees in my ears. “Push.” I grabbed Murdoc’s hand and bore down. “Good, now relax. Deep breaths.” Breath in, Breath out. “Now again.” I gritted my teeth and bore down again. “1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Good. Relax.” This continued a few more times. “One more time Ms. Stewart. The baby’s crowning.” I pushed again. It seemed like forever. Finally a baby’s wail and “It’s a Girl.” I collapsed. I’m completely exhausted. I started shaking. My mother said it would happen, sudden hormone shift. “Oh, baby. She’s beautiful. She’s so beautiful. Damn, I-I need a cigarette.” “Mr. Niccals, would you like to cut the cord?” Murdoc look stunned. He took the cutting instrument and cut the cord. They then handed her to me. “Oh, my god. She’s gorgeous,” I sighed, “Murdoc, we need to call the others.” “I will babe. I will.” Later on Murdoc called everyone we knew and gave the announcements: Arwen Elaine Stewart, born Oct. 31 at 12:15 PM weighing 6 pounds 0 ounces…


Chapter 4 “Our Wedding”

Our ceremony was to be near dusk. I was preparing in the back room. We were having it in an old cathedral. Blasphemy I know, being as were not Catholic nor even Christians, for the matter. Noodle was the flower girl. She looked so cute in her little dark blue dress. She had shined her MP3 hat to “make it prettier” she said. She was pacing back and forth with her flower basket, anxious for the wedding to start. My two bridesmaids were helping me. They wore long dark blue sheath dresses with white gloves. They had pulled my hair up into a bun, and applied my light make-up. They placed on my head my silver circlet. On it my gossamer veil hung down my back. They also helped me put on a silver chain upon my head. From it, a little teardrop crystal hung onto my forehead. I wore a long white dress that clung to me. I had a delicate lace trim on the v-neck and at the end of the belled sleeves. The back trailed along the ground. I sat quietly contemplating the events about to happen. A knock on the door, Noodle answered it. “2D-san!” He looked quite dapper in his long tailed suit. I arose and approached him. “Oh wow,” he said quietly, “You look like a fairy or sumfing.” “Thank you. What do you need?” “Huh?” “What did you come in here for?” “Oh,oh. Murdoc wanted to give you this. I wouldn’t let see you himself, ‘cuz y’know, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Isn’t that funny…” 2D pulled from his pocket a silver chain with a star shaped pendant. It had a diamond in its center. “Oh, it’s beautiful.” He helped me put it on. One of my bridesmaids piped up. “All set. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue…” “Check, check, check. Ok let’s get this puppy started,” I breathed. My procession and I exited the back room. Murdoc, Russel and 2D were waiting outside. The cathedral was beautiful. The twilight sun shone through the windows. There were candles lit all around. Orange blossoms and gardenias lined the rows of pews. A bridesmaid handed me my bouquet. It was a long (to my knees) mass of silk gardenias and dark green foliage. Murdoc was downright handsome in his knee length black coat, black pants and burgundy silk shirt. He wore a hunting Stewart tartan sash and a pin bearing the Stewart crest and motto (Courage Grows Strong From the Wound). Of course, he wore his inverted cross and Cuban heels. He turned to me and smiled. “Oh, you look stunning,” he whispered to me. He took my hand and we intertwined our fingers. “You look so handsome,” I whispered to him. Noodle hopped excitedly to the front. One bridesmaid walked with 2D, the other with Russel. The music started (Arrival by ABBA. I once said that when I walked down the aisle that song would play.)  Noodle started to walk down the red carpet, tossing the white rose petals from her basket. Russel and a bridesmaid went next, then 2D and the other. Murdoc and I then started to walk down the aisle. Everyone watched us. We reached the end of the carpet just as the song ended. The minister took a ribbon and tied it around our wrists (I was Murdoc’s left, so it was my right wrist and Murdoc’s left). The minister spoke. “Dearly beloved. We are gathered here to witness the joining of these two souls in marriage. If there is reason for these two not to marry, speak now or forever hold your peace.” Silence, the minister continued. “Very well. Murdoc Niccals, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love, honor, and cherish and to obey (we asked him to say that), as long as you both shall live?” Light laughter went through the crowd. Murdoc looked lovingly at me. “I do.” “Do you, Robyn Stewart, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love, honor, and cherish, as long as you both shall live?” “I do.” “The rings, please.” 2D handed Murdoc my band, and my first bridesmaid Murdoc’s. They were beautiful silver bands. Murdoc had had them engraved with Elven writing to say ‘Always’. This is the first I’ve seen them; he wouldn’t let me see them ‘til now. We exchanged rings. “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss each other…” Murdoc and I shared a sweet kiss. We then turned to the crowd. My mom, dad, and sister were in the first row; mom was holding baby Arwen. I don’t known if Murdoc’s mother and grandma were there. I’m not even sure if he invited them. “Ladies and Gentlemen,” the minister announced, “Here now is the Stewart-Niccals.” I had kept my last name. People starting clapping and cheering. The procession proceeded to the end of the cathedral. Before we left, we put on our coats (it was very cold out). Murdoc help me put on my long gray fur lined cloak. My mother handed me Arwen. I wrapped her snuggly in blankets. Murdoc put his forefinger in her little hand. She smiled at him. I pulled my hood over my head and we exited the cathedral. A crowd had gathered outside. They clapped and shouted well wishes as we headed to our car out front. We got in our car and headed home.

We arrived at our home. The oak tree out front had lanterns hanging from the branches. Rows of tables were set out under it. Plates of food and the wedding cake were on one. All the tables had candles, plates, wine glasses, and silverware on them. One table was set apart from the others, facing the rows. Apparently that was our table. The runner on the table was my tartan. Silver goblets sat next to the plates. Our friends, who had left before us to set it up, greeted us, the rest of our friends arrived shortly (they had graciously stayed to clean up the cathedral and bring home the decorations). The celebrations began. I had my mother take Arwen inside. I didn’t want her catching a cold. We had the baby monitor out with us, and someone would go to check on her every so often. Everyone took his or her places at the tables. Murdoc stood, raised his goblet, and spoke, “I’d just to say on behalf of my wife,” he looked and me. I smiled and he continued. “Robyn and I wish to thank everyone here. We really appreciate you lot showing up. And now I wish to raise a toast to my lovely, lovely bride. I will always love you, ‘til the elves all die, or something or other.” I laughed at the Lord of the Rings connection. I rose and proposed a toast to Murdoc. “Murdoc, I will always love you. ‘'Til the days forever end” “Oh, baby, yers is so much better than mine.” Murdoc smiled. Russel then stood and said, “And let’s all raise our glasses to the happy couple.” Everyone toasted us and the festivities began. We cut the cake. Murdoc fed me a bite and I fed him a bite. Oops, I got a bit of frosting on his nose! We opened our gifts. We were presented with a lovely old looking tome. Its pages were all blank inside, except for the first few pages were many people had signed well wishes to us. It was a wonderful gift. Someone also gave us a lovely three-dimensional star swag lamp. We also received a stained glass sun catcher with our last initials bound by a ring. And of course, house wares. We then danced. Murdoc is a wonderful dancer. He’s so graceful. Beautiful harpsichord, lute and bagpipe music was played. Murdoc did play some of his favorite songs later. The celebration lasted well into the evening, until we just thanked everyone and asked them to go home. Above our door we placed a sign that said ‘Stewart-Niccals’. Our honeymoon will be a simple trip into Scotland in the winne, Murdoc, me, our daughter, and the cat.


Chapter 5.


Today we are interviewing Mr. Murdoc Niccals and Ms. Robyn Stewart. They’ve graciously offered as a tour of their home. [walks to the front door. The door opens]

Robyn: Hello, welcome to our home. Come in. [Murdoc walks by without a shirt on] Murdoc put a shirt on! [Murdoc mumbles a little and complies] Be glad he was wearing any pants! [one-year-old Arwen runs up to her mother] Hello baby. [picks Arwen up] This is my daughter [Arwen smiles and blows a kiss to the camera]

Murdoc: Isn’t she cute. [Takes Arwen] Give Daddy a kiss. [Arwen gives daddy a kiss]

Interviewer: Yes, she’s precious

R: Well, let’s see the outside first. [takes us outside] As you can see we’ve decorated for Christmas. I love going all out on Christmas. Well here’s the garden. My roses are here. And over there’s my plumbago and on the porch beams, I have morning glories and moon flowers. And over there’s the fountain, and there’s the pond. And there’s a cat. [points to cat] and there’s another. We have quite a few.

M: Because I can’t say no to her [motions to Robyn]

R: mm, right. [nods head]. Well that’s about it for the yard. Let’s go inside, it’s freezing. [takes us back inside] Here’s the living room. There’s our tree; the cats love climbing it. [a greyhound dog approaches, wagging it’s tail] and this is our dog. She’s a sweet girl, hey puppy [pets dog] and over here’s the formal dining. We only use it on holidays. And here’s the kitchen. I’ve bake some cookies if you’d like any [Murdoc takes a cookie. Robyn gives a cookie to Arwen]....(more will come)



I: People don’t think this marriage will work. What do you feel about it.

R: I’m not going lie. I’m not sure if it will. But I don’t really care what people think. I love this man. I may be 15 years his junior, but I feel a lot a love from him…and we will still love each other even if our marriage doesn’t work out.

M: Yeah, I don’t give a s*** either. I love her. I feel love from her. She’s truly is the only woman I love. And really the only woman I felt love and affection from. I’ve been with many women, all were fun to play with but no real love. I didn’t care up until I met her. Then after being with her I knew I wanted to stay with her. And this marriage will work baby…

R: I knew from the start what he was like, that he was a misogynist. Odd though, [she looks at Murdoc] I don’t feel any hatred from him.

M: Because you’re the only woman I don’t hate baby…

R: I also knew that a relationship with him probably wouldn’t last  being as he once said he wanted to sleep with a woman from every nation. I accepted that. I figured he wouldn’t sleep with me. But he did, that surprised me [Murdoc smiles at her] and at first I don’t think I really loved him, I’m not sure. I guess it was the stardust in my eyes…

M: like with the other girls.

R: But after being him, I felt a strong love for him. I felt safe and comfortable around him. I had never felt that way before. And it grew from then on.

M: Same for me. I really care about her. I noticed she really cared for me when she seemed upset whenever I was in a bad mood, and would try to fix that.

R: he’s very protective of me. Not that I need it; I can fend for myself. But I first found he really cared for me when he defended me from someone who was putting me down…

M: When she’s upset by someone, I just want to kill the b*****d who did that to her.

R: He almost did! He punched a guy because he said I was ugly…He also punched a guy for looking down my dress!

M: You’re beautiful to me babe. Don’t ever forget that. And that arse shouldn’t have been looking…

R: I know Murdie. And you’re very handsome to me…

M: mmm [smiles at her]


I: People say Murdoc wouldn’t be a good father. What do you say about that?

R: People should get their heads out of their asses. That’s not true at all. He is an excellent father. He takes care of her and he cared for me right after she was born. He would bring her to me so I wouldn’t have to get up. He changes her diapers, her feeds her, he gets her dressed; just because he’s a smoker and drinks doesn’t mean he would be a bad father.

M: And for the record, Robyn is an excellent mother. She loves that baby, as do I. Arwen is our world. We would do anything for her…[Arwen runs over and gets in Murdoc’s lap]. Well hello.

R: Say hi daddy [Arwen giggles and grabs Murdoc’s face]


I: Now you’re not a smoker Robyn. How do you cope with the cigarettes?

R: Murdoc and I worked out an agreement. He can smoke outside, in the basement studio, in the sunroom out back, and of course in his winne. He also agreed to not drink anywhere except his winne.

M: And I don’t go out there very often anymore…

R: He’s also not to go anywhere near the cats with intent to light. He know if he even looks at them with a lighter in hand, I’ll kill him…

M: And she will too…

R: [covers Arwens ear] Damn straight.

(more will be written)(and I know Murdoc's out of character)