This was a project I began while reading some French histories, and became interested in the position of the various “Princes of the Blood” in the French Royal House. The below shows the legitimate male members of the Capet family at the times of the accessions of the respective French Kings. Some reigns were so short that I lumped them together, and that of Louis XIV so long that I made a list for 1680 as well. I included the Courtenays throughout, though it is not at all clear that they were always considered to be in the line of succession, and I omitted some lines which, legitimate or not, were probably never considered to be in line.




996 Robert II (972-1031)


1. his uncle Henri, Cte de Nevers, Duc de Bourgogne (d.1002)



1031 Henri I (1008-1060)


1. his brother Robert, Duc de Bourgogne (1011-1076)

2. his brother Eudes



1060 Philippe I (1053-1108)


1. his brother Robert (1055-1060)

2. his brother Hugues, later Cte de Vermandois (1057-1102)

3. his uncle, Robert, Duc de Bourgogne (1011-1076)

4. Henri de Bourgogne, son of #3

5. Hugues de Bourgogne (1057-1093), son of #4

6. Eudes de Bourogne (1058-1103), son of #4

7. Robert de Bourgogne (1059-1111), son of #4

8. Robert de Bourgogne (1040-1113), son of #3

9.Simon de Bourgogne (1045/5-    ), son of #3



1108 Louis VI (1081-1137)


1. his half-brother, Philippe, Cte de Mantes (ca 1093-    )

2. his half-brother, Fleury, sn de Nangis

then the descendants of Hugues, Cte de Vermandois, son of Henri I:

3. Raoul I, Cte de Vermandois (d.1152)

4. Henri de Vermandois, sn de Chaumont

5. Simon de Vermandois

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

6. Hugues II, Duc de Bourgogne (ca 1085-1143)

7. Henri de Bourgogne (ca 1087-1131), brother of #6

8. Robert de Bourgogne, Bp of Langres (ca 1059-1111), uncle of #6

[?9. Henri de Bourgogne, Conde de Portugal, uncle of #6; whether he was legitimate or not, he and his descendants, the royal house of Portugal, were never considered as French dynasts as far as I can tell]



1137 Louis VII (1120-1180)


1. his brother Henri, later Archbishop of Rheims (1121-1175)

2. his brother Robert, Cte de Dreux (1123-1188)

3. his brother Philippe, later Archbishop of Paris (1125-1161)

4. his brother Pierre, later sn de Courtenay (1126-1179)

then the descendants of Hugues, Cte de Vermandois, son of Henri I:

5. Raoul I, Cte de Vermandois (d.1152)

6. Hugues de Vermandois (1127-1212), son of #5

7. Raoul de Vermandois (1145-1167), son of #5

8. Hugues de Chaumont, 1st cousin of #5

9. Gautier de Chaumont, 1st cousin of #5

10. Simon de Vermandois, Bp of Noyon (d.1148), uncle of #5

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

11. Hugues II, Duc de Bourgogne (ca 1085-1143)

12. Eudes de Bourgogne (ca 1118-1162), son of #11

13. Gauthier de Bourgogne, later Archbp of Besançon (ca 1120-1180), son of #11

14. Hugues de Bourgogne (ca 1121-1171), son of #11

15. Robert de Bourgogne, later Bp of Autun (ca 1122-1140), son of #11

16. Henri de Bourgogne (ca 1124-1170), son of #11

17. Raymond de Bourgogne (ca 1125-1156), son of #11



1180 Philippe II Auguste (1165-1223)


1. his uncle, Robert I, Cte de Dreux (ca 1123-1188)

2. Robert de Dreux (ca 1154-1218), son of #1

3. Henri de Dreux, later Bp of Orléans (ca 1155-1199), son of #1

4. Philippe de Dreux, Bp of Beauvais (ca 1158-1217), son of #1

5. Pierre de Dreux (ca 1161-1185/8), son of #1

6. Guillaume de Dreux (ca 1163-    ), son of #1

7. Jean de Dreux (ca 1164-    ), son of #1

then the descendants of his uncle, Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

8. Pierre II de Courtenay, later Emperor of Constantinople (ca 1155-1219)

9. Robert de Courtenay (ca 1168-1239), brother of #8

10. Philippe de Courtenay, brother of #8

11. Guillaume de Courtenay, brother of #8

[?12. Jean de Courtenay, later sn de Yerre, who may or may not have been a brother of #8]

then the descendants of Hugues, Cte de Vermandois, son of Henri I:

13. Hugues de Vermandois, former Cte de Vermandois (1127-1212)

14. Hugues II de Chaumont, first cousin once-removed of #13

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

15. Hugues III, Duc de Bourgogne (ca 1148-1192)

16. Guillaume, sn de Chalon, 1st cousin of #15



1223 Louis VIII (1187-1226)


1. his son Louis, Dauphin, later Louis IX (1215-1270)

2. his son Robert (1216-1250)

3. his son Jean (1219-1232)

4. his son Alphonse (1220-1271)

5. his son Philippe (1222-1232)

6. his brother Phillipe, Cte de Clermont, de Mortain, d’Aumale, etc (1200-1234)

7. Albéric de Clermont (1222-    ), son of #6

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

8. Robert III, Cte de Dreux (1185-1234)

9.Jean de Dreux (1215-1249), son of #8

10. Robert de Dreux (1217-1264), son of #8

11. Pierre de Dreux, son of #8

12. Pierre de Dreux, Duc de Bretagne (1191-1250), brother of #8

13. Jean de Bretagne (1217-1286), son of #12

14. Arthur de Bretagne (1220-    ), son of #12

15. Henri de Dreux, later Archbp of Rheims (1193-1240), brother of #8

16. Jean de Dreux, Cte de Vienne et de Macon (1198-1239), brother of #8

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

17. Philippe de Courtenay, Margrave of Namur (1195-1226)

18. Pierre de Courteny, brother of #17

19. Robert I de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople (1201-1228), brother of #17

20. Henri de Courtenay (1206-1229), brother of #17

21. Baudouin de Courtenay, later Emperor of Constantinople (1218-1273), brother of #17

22. Robert de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1168-1239), uncle of #17

23. Pierre de Courtenay (1218-1250), son of #22

24. Philippe de Courtenay (1221-1246), son of #22

25. Raoul de Courtenay (ca 1223-1271), son of #22

26. Guillaume de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1172-    ), uncle of #17

27. Robert de Courtenay (1205-1260), son of #26

28. Jean de Courtenay (1206-    ), son of #26

29. Baudouin de Courtenay (1211-    ), son of #26

then the descendants of Hugues, Cte de Vermandois, son of Henri I:

30. Guy de Chaumont; he may have had brothers/uncles living

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

31. Hugues IV, Duc de Bourgogne (1213-1272)

32. Eudes, sn de Montagu (1196-    ), 1st cousin of #31; it is unclear whether his descendants were ever considered dynasts

33. André de Bourgogne, Cte de Gap, etc (1184-1237), uncle of #31



1226 Louis IX (1215-1270)


1. his brother Robert, Cte d’Artois (1216-1250)

2. his brother Jean, Cte d’Anjou et de Maine (1219-1232)

3. his brother Alphonse, Cte de Poitou et d’Auvergne (1220-1271)

4. his brother Philippe (1222-1232)

5. his brother Charles, later King of Naples (1226-1285)

6. his uncle Phillipe, Cte de Clermont, de Mortain, d’Aumale, etc (1200-1234)

7. Albéric de Clermont (1222-    ), son of #6

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

8. Robert III, Cte de Dreux (1185-1234)

9.Jean de Dreux (1215-1249), son of #8

10. Robert de Dreux (1217-1264), son of #8

11. Pierre de Dreux, son of #8

12. Pierre de Dreux, Duc de Bretagne (1191-1250), brother of #8

13. Jean de Bretagne (1217-1286), son of #12

14. Henri de Dreux, later Archbp of Rheims (1193-1240), brother of #8

15. Jean de Dreux, Cte de Vienne et de Macon (1198-1239), brother of #8

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

16. Robert I de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople (1201-1228)

17. Henri de Courtenay, Margrave of Namur (1206-1229), brother of #16

18. Baudouin de Courtenay, later Emperor of Constantinople (1218-1273), brother of #16

19. Robert de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1168-1239), uncle of #16

20. Pierre de Courtenay (1218-1250), son of #19

21. Philippe de Courtenay (1221-1246), son of #19

22. Raoul de Courtenay (ca 1223-1271), son of #19

23. Robert de Courtenay, later Bp of Orléans (1224-1279), son of #19

24. Jean de Courtenay, later Archbp of Rheims (1226-1270), son of #19

25. Guillaume de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1172-    ), uncle of #16

26. Robert de Courtenay (1205-1260), son of #25

27. Jean de Courtenay (1206-    ), son of #25

28. Baudouin de Courtenay (1211-    ), son of #25

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

29. Hugues IV, Duc de Bourgogne (1213-1272)

30. Eudes, sn de Montagu (1196-    ), 1st cousin of #31; it is unclear whether his descendants were ever considered dynasts, and I will not include them after this

31. André de Bourgogne, Cte de Gap, etc (1184-1237), uncle of #29

32. Guigues de Bourgogne (1225-1269/70), son of #31



1270 Philippe III (1245-1285)


1. his son Louis (1265-1276)

2. his son Philippe, later Philippe IV (1268-1314)

3. his son Charles, later Cte de Valois (1270-1325)

4. his brother Pierre, Cte d’Alençon (1251-1284)

5. his brother Robert, Cte de Clermont (1256-1318)

6. Robert II, Cte d’Artois (1250-1302), son of his uncle Robert

7. his uncle Alphonse, Cte de Poitou et de Toulouse (1220-1271)

8. his uncle King Charles I of Naples (1226-1285)

9. Charles of Naples (1254-1309)

10. Philippe of Naples, Pr of Achaia (1256-1277)

11. Albéric, Cte de Clermont et d’Aumale (1222-    ), son of Philippe, son of Philippe II

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

12. Robert IV, Cte de Dreux (1241-1282)

13. Jean de Dreux, brother of #12

14. Robert, sn de Beu (1265-1306), 1st cousin of #12; it is unclear whether he and his descendants were considered dynasts, and I will not include them after this

15. Jean I, Duc de Bretagne (1217-1286)

16. Jean de Bretagne, Earl of Richmond (1239-1305), son of #15

17. Arthur de Bretagne (1262-1312), son of #16

18. Jean de Bretagne (1266-1334), son of #16

19. Pierre de Bretagne (1269-1312), son of #16

20. Olivier de Dreux, sn de Machecoul (1231-1279); it is unclear whether his issue were ever considered dynasts, and I will not include them after this

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

21. Baldwin II de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople (1218-1273)

22. Philippe de Courtenay (1243-1283), son of #21

23. Raoul de Courtenay (1223-1271)

24. Robert de Courtenay, Bp of Orléans (1224-1279)

25. Guillaume de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1228-1280)

26. Robert de Courtenay (1251-1323), son of #25

27. Pierre de Courtenay (1259-    ), son of #25

28. Jean de Courtenay (1265-ca 1318), son of #25

29. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Tanley (1230-1285)

30. Robert de Courtenay (1260-1310), son of #29

31. Etienne de Courtenay (1262-    ), son of #29

32. Philippe de Courtenay (1264-1300), son of #29

33. Jean de Courtenay (1266-1300), son of #29

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

34. Hugues IV, Duc de Bourgogne (1213-1272)

35. Robert de Bourgogne (1248-1306), son of #34

36. Hugues de Bourgogne (1260-1288), son of #34

37. Jean de Bourgogne, Dauphin de Viennois (1264-1282)



1285 Philippe IV (1268-1314)


1. his brother Charles, later Cte de Valois (1270-1325)

2. his half-brother Louis (1276-1319)

3. his uncle, Robert, Cte de Clermont (1256-1318)

4. Louis de Clermont (1279-1342), son of #3

5. Jean de Clermont (1283-1316), son of #3

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

6. Robert II, Cte d’Artois (1250-1302)

7.Philippe d’Artois (1269-1298), son of #6

then the descendants of King Charles I of Naples, son of Louis VIII

8. King Charles II of Naples (1254-1309)

9. Charles of Naples, later King of Hungary (1271-1295), son of #8

10. Louis of Naples, later Bp of Toulouse (1275-1298), son of #8

11. Robert of Naples, later King of Naples (1277-1343), son of #8

12. Philippe of Naples (1278-1332), son of #8

13. Ramon Berengar of Naples (1281-1307), son of #8

14. Jean of Naples (1283-    ), son of #8

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

15. Jean II, Cte de Dreux (1265-1309)

16. Robert de Dreux, brother of #15

17. Jean I, Duc de Bretagne (1217-1286)

18. Jean de Bretagne, Earl of Richmond (1239-1305), son of #17

19. Arthur de Bretagne (1262-1312), son of #18

20. Jean de Bretagne (1266-1334), son of #18

21. Pierre de Bretagne (1269-1312), son of #18

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

22. Robert de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1251-1323)

23. Pierre de Courtenay (1259-    ), brother of #22

24. Jean de Courtenay (1265-ca 1318), brother of #22

25. Robert de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1260-1310)

26. Etienne de Courtenay (1262-    ), brother of #25

27. Philippe de Courtenay (1264-1300), brother of #25

28. Jean de Courtenay (1266-1300), brother of #25

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

29. Robert II, Duc de Bourgogne (1248-1306)

30. Hugues de Bourgogne (1260-1288), brother of #29

31. ___ de Bourgogne ( 1288), son of #30



1314 Louis X (1289-1316)

1316 Jean I (1316-1316)

1316 Philippe V (1291-1322)

1322 Charles IV (1295-1328); because these kings had such short reigns, the following list will show only those alive at the accession of Louis X on 29 Nov 1314:


1. his brother Philippe, later Philippe V (1291-1322)

2. his brother Charles, later Charles IV (1295-1328)

3. his uncle Charles, Cte de Valois (1270-1325)

4. Philippe de Valois, later Philippe VI (1293-1350), son of #3

5. Charles de Valois (1297-1346), son of #3

6. his uncle Louis, Cte d’Evreux (1276-1319)

7. Philippe d’Evreux (1301-1343), son of #6

8. Charles d’Evreux (1305-1336), son of #6

9. his great-uncle, Robert, Cte de Clermont (1256-1318), son of Louis IX

10. Louis de Clermont (1279-1342), son of #9

11. Pierre de Clermont (1311-1356), son of #10

12. Jean de Clermont, Baron de Charolais (1283-1316), son of #9

13. Pierre de Clermont (1287-    ), son of #9

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

14. Robert d’Artois (1287-1342)

then the descendants of King Charles I of Naples, son of Louis VIII

15. King Charles II Robert of Hungary (1288-1342)

16. King Robert I of Naples (1277-1343)

17. Charles of Naples (1298-1328), son of #16

18. Philip of Naples, Pr of Tarento (1278-1332), brother of #16

19. Charles of Tarento, Pr of Achaia (1296-1315), son of #18

20. Philippe of Tarento (1297-1330), son of #18

21. Pietro of Naples, Cte di Gravina (1292-1315), brother of #16

22. John of Naples (1294-1336), brother of #16

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

23. Robert V, Cte de Dreux (1293-1329)

24. Jean de Dreux (1295-1331), brother of #23

25. Pierre de Dreux (1298-1345), brother of #23

26. Simon de Dreux, brother of #23

27. Jean III, Duc de Bretagne (1286-1341)

28. Guy de Bretagne (1287-1331), brother of #27

29. Jean de Bretagne (1295-1345), half-brother of #27

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

31. Robert de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1251-1323)

32. Jean de Courtenay (1265-1317), brother of #31

33. Jean de Courtenay (1291-1334), son of #32

34. Philippe de Courtenay (1292-1346) , son of #32

35. Robert de Courtenay (1296-1331) , son of #32

36. Guillaume de Courtenay (1299-1331) , son of #32

37. Etienne de Courtenay (1302-1352) , son of #32

38. Pierre de Courtenay (1305-1348) , son of #32

39. Guillaume de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1285-    )

40. Robert de Courtenay (1307-1345/7), son of #39

41. Jean de Courtenay (1308-1342/5), son of #39

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

42. Hugues V, Duc de Bourgogne (1294-1315)

43. Eudes de Bourgogne (1295-1350), brother of #42

44. Louis de Bourgogne, Pr of Achaia (1297-1316), brother of #42

45. Robert de Bourgogne (1302-1334), brother of #42



1328 Philippe VI


1. his son Jean, later Jean II (1319-1364)

2. his brother Charles, Cte d’Alençon (1297-1346)

3. his brother Louis, Cte de Chartres (1318-1328)

then the descendants of Louis, Cte d’Evreux, son of Philippe III:

4. Philippe, Cte d’Evreux, King of Navarre (1301-1343)

5. Charles, Cte d’Etampes (1305-1336), brother of #4

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX

6. Louis, Duc de Bourbon (1279-1342)

7. Pierre de Bourbon (1311-1356), son of #6

8. Jacques de Bourbon (1319-1362), son of #6

9. Pierre de Clermont (1287-    ), brother of #6

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

10. Robert d’Artois (1287-1342)

11. Jean d’Artois (1321-1387), son of #10

12. Jacques d’Artois (1325-after 1346), son of #10

13. Robert d’Artois (1326-after 1346), son of #10

then the descendants of King Charles I of Naples, son of Louis VIII

14. King Charles II Robert of Hungary (1288-1342)

15. Ladislaus of Hungary (1324-1329), son of #14

16. Louis of Hungary, later King of Hungary and Poland (1326-1382), son of #14

17. Andrew of Hungary (1327-1345), son of #14

18. King Robert I of Naples (1277-1343)

19. Charles of Naples (1298-1328), son of #18

20. Philip of Naples, Pr of Tarento (1278-1332), brother of #18

21. Philippe of Tarento (1297-1330), son of #20

22. Robert of Tarento (    -1364), son of #20

23. Louis of Tarento (    -1362), son of #20

24. John of Naples, Pr of Achaia, Cte di Gravina (1294-1336), brother of #18

25. Charles of Naples (1323-1348), son of #24

26. Louis of Naples (1324-1362), son of #24

27. Robert of Naples (1326-1356), son of #24

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

28. Robert V, Cte de Dreux (1293-1329)

29. Jean de Dreux (1295-1331), brother of #28

30. Pierre de Dreux (1298-1345), brother of #28

31. Jean III, Duc de Bretagne (1286-1341)

32. Guy de Bretagne, Cte de Penthièvre (1287-1331), brother of #31

33. Jean, Cte de Montfort, later Bretagne (1295-1345), half-brother of #31

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

34. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1291-1334)

35. Philippe de Courtenay (1292-1346), brother of #34

36. Robert de Courtenay (1296-1331) , brother of #34

37. Guillaume de Courtenay (1299-1331) , brother of #34

38. Etienne de Courtenay (1302-1352) , brother of #34

39. Pierre de Courtenay (1305-1348) , brother of #34

40. Robert de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1307-1345/7)

41. Jean de Courtenay (1308-1342/5), brother of #40

42. Philippe de Courtenay (1320-1383/5), brother of #40

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

43. Eudes IV, Duc de Bourgogne, titular King of Thesalonika (1295-1350)

44. Philippe de Bougogne (1323-1346), son of #43

45. Robert de Bourgogne (1302-1334), brother of #43




1350 Jean II (1319-1364)


1. his son Charles, Dauphin, later Charles V (1337-1380)

2. his son Louis (1339-1384)

3. his son Jean (1340-1416)

4. his son Philippe (1342-1404)

5. his brother Philippe, Duc d’Orléans (1336-1375)

then the descendants of Charles, Cte d’Alençon, brother of Philippe VI:

6. Charles, Cte d’Alençon (1337-1375)

7. Philippe d’Alençon (1338-1397), brother of #6

8. Pierre d’Alençon (1340-1404), brother of #6

9. Robert d’Alençon (1344-1377), brother of #6

then the descendants of Louis, Cte d’Evreux, son of Philippe III:

10. King Charles II of Navarre (1332-1387)

11. Philippe d’Evreux (1336-1363), brother of #10

12. Louis d’Evreux (1341-1372), brother of #10

13. Louis de Dreux, Cte d’Etampes (1336-1400), 1st cousin of #10

14. Jean de Dreux (1336-after 1373), brother of #13

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX

15. Pierre, Duc de Bourbon (1311-1356)

16. Louis de Bourbon (1337-1410), son of #15

17. Jacques de Bourbon, Cte de la Marche (1319-1362), brother of #15

18. Pierre de Bourbon (1342-1362), son of #17

19. Jean de Bourbon (1344-1393), son of #17

20. Jacques de Bourbon (1346-1417), son of #17

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

21. Jean d’Artois, Cte d’Eu (1321-1387)

22. Charles d’Artois, Cte de Longueville (1328-1385), brother of #21

then the descendants of King Charles I of Naples, son of Louis VIII

23. King Louis I of Hungary and Poland (1326-1382)

24. Stephen of Hungary, Duke of Transylvania (1332-1354), brother of #23

25. Robert, Prince of Tarento, Titular Emperor of Constantinople (    -1364)

26. Louis, Prince of Tarento (    -1362), brother of #25

27. Philippe of Tarento (1329-1374), brother of #25

28. Louis of Naples, Cte de Gravina (1324-1362)

29. Charles of Naples, later King of Naples (1345-1386), son of #28

30. Robert of Naples, Prince of Morea (1326-1356), brother of #28

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

31. Jean V, Duc de Bretagne (1340-1399)

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

32. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1330-1392)

33. Pierre de Courtenay (1334-1394), brother of #32

34. Jean de Courtenay (1346-1412), 1st cousin of #32

35. Etienne de Courtenay (1302-1352), uncle of #32

36. Philippe de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1320-1383/5)

then the descendants of Robert, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Robert II:

37. Philippe I, Duc de Bourgogne (1346-1361)



1364 Charles V (1337-1380)


1. his brother Louis, Duc d’Anjou (1339-1384)

2. his brother Jean, Duc de Berry (1340-1416)

3. Charles de Berry (1362-1382), son of #2

4. Jean de Berry (1363-1401/2), son of #2

5. his brother Philippe, Duc de Touraine, later Duc de Bourgogne (1342-1404)

6. his uncle Philippe, Duc d’Orléans (1336-1375)

then the descendants of Charles, Cte d’Alençon, brother of Philippe VI:

7. Charles, Cte d’Alençon (1337-1375)

8. Philippe d’Alençon, Archbishop of Rouen (1338-1397), brother of #7

9. Pierre d’Alençon (1340-1404), brother of #7

10. Robert d’Alençon (1344-1377), brother of #7

then the descendants of Louis, Cte d’Evreux, son of Philippe III:

11. King Charles II of Navarre (1332-1387)

12. Charles of Navarre (1361-1425), son of #11

13. Louis d’Evreux (1341-1372), brother of #11; he had issue by his probably 1st marriage to Maria de Lizarazu, but they were never considered dynasts

14. Louis de Dreux, Cte d’Etampes (1336-1400), 1st cousin of #11

15. Jean de Dreux (1336-after 1373), brother of #14

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX

16. Louis II, Duc de Bourbon (1337-1410)

17. Jean, Cte de la Marche, Cte de Vendôme (1344-1393)

18. Jacques de Bourbon (1346-1417), brother of #17

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

19. Jean d’Artois, Cte d’Eu (1321-1387)

20. Robert d’Artois (1356-1387), son of #19

21. Philippe d’Artois (1358-1397), son of #19

22. Charles d’Artois (1359-1368), son of #19

23. Charles d’Artois, Cte de Longueville (1328-1385), brother of #19

then the descendants of King Charles I of Naples, son of Louis VIII

24. King Louis I of Hungary and Poland (1326-1382)

25. Robert, Prince of Tarento, Titular Emperor of Constantinople (    -1364)

26. Philippe of Tarento (1329-1374), brother of #25

27. Charles of Naples, Cte di Gravina, later King of Naples (1345-1386)

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

28. Jean V, Duc de Bretagne (1340-1399)

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

29. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1330-1392)

30. Pierre de Courtenay (1334-1394), brother of #29

31. Jean de Courtenay (1346-1412), 1st cousin of #29

32. Philippe de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1320-1383/5)

33. Pierre de Courtenay (1352-1383), son of #32

34. Etienne de Courtenay (1356-1383), son of #32



1380 Charles VI (1368-1422)


1. his brother Louis (1372-1407)

2. his uncle Louis, Duc d’Anjou (1339-1384)

3. Louis d’Anjou (1377-1417), son of #2

4. Charles d’Anjou (1380-1404), son of #2

5. his uncle Jean, Duc de Berry (1340-1416)

6. Jean de Berry (1363-1401/2), son of #5

7. his uncle Philippe II, Duc de Bourgogne (1342-1404)

8. Jean de Bourgogne (1371-1419), son of #7

then the descendants of Charles, Cte d’Alençon, brother of Philippe VI:

9. Philippe d’Alençon, Archbishop of Rouen (1338-1397)

10. Pierre, Cte d’Alençon (1340-1404), brother of #9

then the descendants of Louis, Cte d’Evreux, son of Philippe III:

11. King Charles II of Navarre (1332-1387)

12. Charles of Navarre (1361-1425), son of #11

13. Pierre of Navarre (1366-1412), son of #11

14. Louis d’Evreux, Cte d’Etampes (1336-1400), 1st cousin of #11

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX

15. Louis II, Duc de Bourbon (1337-1410)

16. Jean, Cte de la Marche et de Vendôme (1344-1393)

17. Jacques de Vendôme (1370-1438), son of #16

18. Louis de Vendôme (1376-1446), son of #16

19. Jean de Vendôme (1378-1457), son of #16

20. Jacques de Bourbon, Baron d’Argies (1346-1417), brother of #16

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

21. Jean d’Artois, Cte d’Eu (1321-1387)

22. Robert d’Artois (1356-1387), son of #21

23. Philippe d’Artois (1358-1397), son of #21

24. Charles d’Artois, Cte de Longueville (1328-1385), brother of #21

then the descendants of King Charles I of Naples, son of Louis VIII

23. King Louis I of Hungary and Poland (1326-1382)

24. Charles of Naples, Cte di Gravina, later King of Naples (1345-1386)

25. Ladislaus of Naples (1376-1414), son of #24

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

26. Jean V, Duc de Bretagne (1340-1399)

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

27. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1330-1392)

28. Pierre de Courtenay (1334-1394), brother of #27

29. Pierre de Courtenay (1377-1411), son of #28

30. Jean de Courtenay (1379-1460), son of #28

31. Jean de Courtenay (1346-1412), 1st cousin of #27

32. Philippe de Courtenay, sn de Tanlay (1320-1383/5)

32. Pierre de Courtenay (1352-1383), son of #32

33. Etienne de Courtenay (1356-1383), son of #32



1422 Charles VII (1403-1461)


first the descendants of his uncle, Louis, Duc d’Orléans, son of Charles V:

1. Charles, Duc d’Orléans (1391-1466)

2. Jean, Cte d’Angoulême (1404-1467), brother of #1

then the descendants of Louis, Duc d’Anjou, son of Jean II:

3. Louis III, Duc d’Anjou, Titular King of Naples (1403-1434)

4. René d’Anjou (1409-1480), brother of #3

5. Charles d’Anjou (1414-1472), brother of #3

then the descendants of Philippe II, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Jean II:

6. Philippe III, Duc de Bourgogne (1396-1467)

7. John IV, Duke of Brabant (1403-1427), 1st cousin of #6

8. Philippe of Brabant, Cte de Ligny et de St.Pol (1404-1430), brother of #7

9. Charles, Cte de Nevers (1414-1464), 1st cousin of #6

10. Jean de Nevers (1415-1491), brother of #9

then the descendants of Charles, Cte d’Alençon, brother of Philippe VI:

11. Jean II, Duc d’Alençon (1409-1476)

then the descendants of Louis, Cte d’Evreux, son of Philippe III:

12. King Charles III of Navarre (1361-1425)

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

13. Jean I, Duc de Bourbon (1381-1434)

14. Charles de Bourbon, Cte de Clermont (1401-1456), son of #13

15. Louis de Bourbon (    -1486), son of #13

16. Jacques II, Cte de la Marche (1370-1438)

17. Louis, Cte de Vendôme (1376-1446), brother of #16

18. Jean de Vendôme, sn de Carency (1378-1457), brother of #16

19. Pierre de la Marche, sn de Préaux (1390-1422), 1st cousin of #16

20. Jacques de la Marche (1391-1429), brother of #19

21. Charles de la Marche (d.after 1472) , brother of #19

22. Jean de la Marche (1394-after 1442) , brother of #19

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

23. Charles, Cte d’Eu (1394-1472)

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

24. Jean VI, Duc de Bretagne (1389-1442)

25. François de Bretagne (1414-1450), son of #24

26. Pierre de Bretagne (1418-1459), son of #24

27. Gilles de Bretagne (1420-1450), son of #24

28. Arthur de Bretagne, Cte de Dreux (1393-1458), brother of #24

29. Richard de Bretagne (1395-1438), brother of #24

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

30. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1410-1472)

31. Jean de Courtenay (1379-1460), uncle of #30

32. Jean de Courtenay, sn de la Ferté-Loupière (1388-1438)



1461 Louis XI (1423-1483)


1. his brother Charles, Duc de Berry (1446-1472)

then the descendants of Louis, Duc d’Orléans, son of Charles V:

2. Charles, Duc d’Orléans (1391-1466)

3. Jean, Cte d’Angoulême (1404-1467), brother of #2

4. Charles d’Angoulême (1459-1496), son of #3

then the descendants of Louis, Duc d’Anjou, son of Jean II:

5. René d’Anjou, Duke of Lorraine and Bar, titular King of Naples (1409-1480)

6. Jean d’Anjou, Duke of Lorraine, Duke of Calabria (1425-1470), son of #5

7. Nicolas of Lorraine (1448-1473), son of #6

8. Charles, Duc de Maine (1414-1472), brother of #5

9. Charles de Maine (1436-1481), son of #8

then the descendants of Philippe II, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Jean II:

10. Philippe III, Duc de Bourgogne (1396-1467)

11. Charles de Bourgogne (1433-1477), son of #10

12. Charles, Cte de Nevers (1414-1464), 1st cousin of #10

13. Jean de Nevers (1415-1491), brother of #12

then the descendants of Charles, Cte d’Alençon, brother of Philippe VI:

14. Jean II, Duc d’Alençon (1409-1476)

15. René d’Alençon (1454-1492), son of #14

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

16. Jean II, Duc de Bourbon (1426-1488)

17. Charles de Bourbon (1434-1488), brother of #16

18. Pierre de Bourbon (1438-1503), brother of #16

19. Jacques de Bourbon (1445-1468), brother of #16

20. Louis de Bourbon, Cte de Montpensier (    -1486), uncle of #16

21. Gilbert de Montpensier (1443-1496), son of #21

22. Jean de Montpensier (1445-1485), son of #21

23. Jean II, Cte de Vendôme (1428-1478)

24. Pierre, sn de Carency (1424-1481)

25. Jacques de Carency, sn d’Aubigny (1425-1493/9), brother of #24

26. Charles de Carency (1444-1503/5), son of #25

27. Jean de Carency (1446-    ), son of #25

28. Philippe de Carency, sn de Duisant (1429-1492/8), brother of #24

then the descendants of Robert, Cte d’Artois, son of Louis VIII

29. Charles, Cte d’Eu (1394-1472)

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

30. François II, Duc de Bretagne (1433-1488)

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

31. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1410-1472)

32. Jean de Courtenay (1425-1480), 1st cousin of #31

33. Guillaume de Courtenay (1427-ca 1485), brother of #32

34. Pierre de Courtenay, sn de la Ferté-Loupière (1429-1504), brother of #32

35. Charles de Courtenay (1434-1488), brother of #32



1483 Charles VIII (1470-1498)


first the descendants of Louis, Duc d’Orléans, son of Charles V:

1. Louis, Duc d’Orléans (1462-1515)

2. Charles, Cte d’Angoulême (1459-1496), 1st cousin of #1

then the descendants of Philippe II, Duc de Bourgogne, son of Jean II:

3. Jean, Cte de Nevers (1415-1491)

then the descendants of Charles, Cte d’Alençon, brother of Philippe VI:

4. René, Duc d’Alençon (1454-1492)

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

5. Jean II, Duc de Bourbon (1426-1488)

6. Charles de Bourbon (1434-1488), brother of #5

7. Pierre de Bourbon (1438-1503), brother of #5

8. Charles de Bourbon (1476-1498), son of #7

9. Louis de Bourbon, Cte de Montpensier (    -1486), uncle of #5

10. Gilbert de Montpensier (1443-1496), son of #9

11. Jean de Montpensier (1445-1485), son of #9

12. François, Cte de Vendôme (1470-1495)

13. Louis de Vendôme (1473-1520), brother of #12

14. Jacques, sn de Carency (1425-1493/9)

15. Charles de Carency (1444-1503/5), son of #14

16. Jean de Carency (1446-    ), son of #14

17. Philippe de Carency, sn de Duisant (1429-1492/8), brother of #14

18. Antoine de Carency, son of #17

then the descendants of Robert I de Dreux, son of Louis VI:

19. François II, Duc de Bretagne (1433-1488)

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

20. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1465-1511)

21. Pierre de Courtenay, sn de la Ferté-Loupière (1429-1504), uncle of #20

22. Hector de Courtenay (1475-1549), son of #21

23. Jean de Courtenay (1477-1534), son of #21

24. Charles de Courtenay (1480-1510/3), son of #21

25. Charles de Courtenay (1434-1488), uncle of #20



1498 Louis XII (1462-1515)


1. his 1st cousin, once removed, François, Cte d’Angoulême (1494-1547)

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

2. Pierre II, Duc de Bourbon (1438-1503)

3. Louis, Cte de Montpensier (1483-1501)

4. Charles de Montpensier (1490-1527), brother of #3

5. François de Montpensier (1492-1515), brother of #3

6. Charles, Cte de Vendôme (1489-1537)

7. François de Vendôme (1491-1545), brother of #6

8. Louis de Vendôme (1493-1557), brother of #6

9. Louis, Pr de La Roche-sur-Yon (1473-1520)

10. Charles de Carency, Cte de la Marche (1444-1503/5)

11. Bertrand de Carency (1494-1515), son of #10

12. Jean de Carency (1446-    ), brother of #10

13. Antoine de Carency, 1st cousin of #10

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

14. Jean de Courtenay, sn de Champignelles (1465-1511)

15. François de Courtenay (1495-1561), son of #14

16. Philippe de Courtenay (1497-1547), son of #14

17. Pierre de Courtenay, sn de la Ferté-Loupière (1429-1504), uncle of #14

18. Hector de Courtenay (1475-1549), son of #17

19. Jean de Courtenay (1477-1534), son of #17

20. Charles de Courtenay (1480-1510/3), son of #17

21. Louis de Courtenay (1485-1540), son of #17

22. Pierre de Courtenay (1487-1525), son of #17

23. Edmé de Courtenay (1489-1516), son of #17

24. François de Courtenay (1485-ca 1540), 1st cousin of #14



1515 François I (1494-1547)


first the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

1. Charles III, Duc de Bourbon (1490-1527)

2. François de Bourbon, Duc de Chatellerault (1492-1515), brother of #1

3. Charles, Duc de Vendôme (1489-1537)

4. Louis de Vendôme, Cte de Marle (1514-1516), son of #3

5. François de Vendôme, Cte de St-Pol (1491-1545), brother of #3

6. Louis de Vendôme, Bp of Laon (1493-1557), brother of #3

7. Louis, Prince de La Roche-sur-Yon (1473-1520)

8. Louis de Bourbon (1513-1582), son of #7

9. Bertrand, Prince de Carency (1494-1515)

10. Jean de Carency (1500-1520), brother of #8

11. Antoine de Carency, 1st cousin once removed of #9

12. Philippe de Carency (d.1530), son of #11

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

13. François de Courtenay (1495-1561)

14. Philippe de Courtenay (1497-1547), brother of #13

15. Edmé de Courtenay (1501-1553), brother of #13

16. Jean de Courtenay (1505-    ), brother of #13

17. Hector de Courtenay (1475-1549)

18. René de Courtenay (1510-1562), son of #17

19. Philippe de Courtenay (1512-1552), son of #17

20. Jean de Courtenay (1477-1534), brother of #17

21. Louis de Courtenay (1485-1540), brother of #17

22. Pierre de Courtenay (1487-1525), brother of #17

23. Edmé de Courtenay (1489-1516), brother of #17

24. François de Courtenay (1485-ca 1540)



1547 Henri II (1519-1559)


1. his son François, Dauphin, later François II (1544-1560)

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

2. Antoine, Duc de Vendôme, Duc de Bourbon, later King of Navarre (1518-1562)

3. Charles de Bourbon, Bp of Nevers (1523-1590), brother of #2

4. Jean de Bourbon (1528-1557), brother of #2

5. Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Condé (1530-1569), brother of #2

6. Louis de Vendôme, Cardinal, Archbishop of Sens (1493-1557), uncle of #2

7. Louis II, Duc de Montpensier (1513-1582)

8. François de Montpensier (1542-1592), son of #7

9. Charles, Prince de La Roche-sur-Yon (1515-1565), brother of #7

10. Henri de Montpensier (1545-1560), son of #9

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

11. François de Courtenay (1495-1561)

12. Philippe de Courtenay (1497-1547), brother of #11

13. Edmé de Courtenay (1501-1553), brother of #11

14. Hector de Courtenay (1475-1549)

15. René de Courtenay (1510-1562), son of #14

16. Philippe de Courtenay (1512-1552), son of #14

17. Jacques de Courtenay (1515-1557), nephew of #14

18. Guillaume de Courtenay (1520-1592), brother of #17

19. François de Courtenay (1526-1578), nephew of #14

20. Louis de Courtenay (1527-1561/8), brother of #19

21. Charles de Courtenay (1530-after 1554), brother of #19



1559 François II (1544-1560)

1560 Charles IX (1550-1574)


1. their brother Henri, Duc d’Orléans, later Henri III (1551-1589)

2. their brother François Hercule (1555-1584)

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

3. Antoine, Duc de Vendôme, Duc de Bourbon, King of Navarre (1518-1562)

4. Henri de Bourbon, Prince of Viana, later Henri IV (1553-1610), son of #3

5. Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon, Archbishop of Rouen (1523-1590), brother of #3

6. Louis de Bourbon, Prince de Condé (1530-1569), brother of #3

7. Henri de Condé, Duc d’Enghien (1552-1588), son of #6

8. François de Condé (1558-1614), son of #6

9. Louis II, Duc de Montpensier (1513-1582)

10. François de Montpensier, Marquis de Mézières (1542-1592), son of #9

11. Charles, Prince de La Roche-sur-Yon (1515-1565), brother of #9

12. Henri de Montpensier (1545-1560), son of #11

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

13. François de Courtenay (1495-1561)

14. Gaspard de Courtenay (1550-1609), son of #13

15. Odet de Courtenay (1552-after 1595), son of #13

16. Jean de Courtenay (1559-ca 1624), son of #13

17. René de Courtenay (1510-1562)

18. Guillaume de Courtenay (1520-1592)

19. Jacques de Courtenay (1556-1617), son of #18

20. François de Courtenay (1526-1578)

21. Louis de Courtenay (1527-1561/8), brother of #20



1574 Henri III (1551-1589)


1. his brother François Hercule, Duc d’Alençon (1555-1584)

then the descendants of Robert, Cte de Clermont, son of Louis IX:

2. King Henri III of Navarre, later Henri IV (1553-1610)

3. Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon, Archbishop of Rouen (1523-1590), uncle of #2

4. Henri, Prince de Condé, Duc d’Enghien (1552-1588)

5. François de Condé (1558-1614), brother of #4

6. Charles de Condé (1562-1594), brother of #4

7. Charles de Condé, Cte de Soissons et de Dreux (1566-1612), brother of #4

8. Louis II, Duc de Montpensier (1513-1582)

9. François de Montpensier, Marquis de Mézières (1542-1592), son of #8

10. Henri de Montpensier (1573-1608), son of #9

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

11. Gaspard de Courtenay (1550-1609)

12. Odet de Courtenay (1552-after 1595), brother of #11

13. Jean de Courtenay (1559-ca 1624), brother of #11

14. Guillaume de Courtenay (1520-1592)

15. Jacques de Courtenay (1556-1617), son of #14

16. René de Courtenay (1561-after 1638), son of #14

17. Jean de Courtenay (1566-1639), son of #14

18. François de Courtenay (1526-1578)



1589 Henri IV (1553-1610)


1. his uncle, Charles, Cardinal de Bourbon, Archbishop of Rouen (1523-1590)

2. Henri II, Prince de Condé (1588-1646)

3. François, Prince de Conti (1558-1614)

4. Charles de Condé, Cardinal (1562-1594)

5. Charles de Condé, Cte de Soissons et de Dreux (1566-1612)

6. François, Duc de Montpensier, Marquis de Mézières (1542-1592)

7. Henri de Montpensier (1573-1608), son of #6

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

8. Gaspard de Courtenay (1550-1609)

9. François de Courtenay (1575-1602), son of #8

10. Edmé de Courtenay (1577-1640), son of #8

11. Odet de Courtenay (1552-after 1595), brother of #8

12. Jean de Courtenay (1559-ca 1624), brother of #8

13. Guillaume de Courtenay (1520-1592)

14. Jacques de Courtenay (1556-1617), son of #13

15. René de Courtenay (1561-after 1638), son of #13

16. Jean de Courtenay (1566-1639), son of #13



1610 Louis XIII (1601-1643)


1. his brother Nicolas Henri, Duc d’Orléans (1607-1611)

2. his brother Gaston, Duc d’Anjou (1608-1660)

3. Henri II, Prince de Condé (1588-1646)

4. François, Prince de Conti (1558-1614)

5. Charles de Condé, Cte de Soissons et de Dreux (1566-1612)

6. Louis de Condé (1604-1641), son of #5

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

7. Edmé de Courtenay (1577-1640)

8. Gaspard de Courtenay (1602-1655), son of #7

9. Jean de Courtenay (1559-ca 1624)

10. Jacques de Courtenay (1556-1617)

11. René de Courtenay (1561-after 1638)

12. Jean de Courtenay (1566-1639), son of #13



1643 Louis XIV (1638-1715)


1. his brother Philippe, Duc d’Anjou (1640-1701)

2. his uncle Gaston, Duc d’Orléans (1608-1660)

3. Henri II, Prince de Condé (1588-1646)

4. Louis de Condé (1621-1686), son of #3

5. Armand, Prince de Conti (1629-1666), son of #3

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

6. Gaspard de Courtenay (1602-1655)

7. Louis de Courtenay (1610-1672)




1680, midway through the reign of Louis XIV


1. his son Louis, Dauphin (1661-1711)

2. his brother Philippe, Duc d’Orléans (1640-1701)

3. Philippe d’Orléans (1674-1723), son of #2

4. Louis II, Prince de Condé, Duc de Bourbon (1621-1686)

5. Henri, Duc d’Enghien (1643-1709), son of #4

6. Louis de Condé (1668-1710), son of #5

7. Louis Armand I, Prince de Conti (1661-1685)

8. François Louis de Conti (1664-1709), brother of #7

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

9. Louis II Charles, Prince de Courtenay (1640-1723)

10. Louis Gaston de Courtenay (1669-1691), son of #9

11. Charles Roger de Courtenay (1671-1730), son of #9

12. Roger de Courtenay, Cte de Césy (1647-1733), brother of #9

then the descendants of Jean, bâtard d’Orléans, Cte de Longueville (whose male-line descendants were in 1653 raised to the status of Princes of the Blood with rights of succession, presumably behind the rights, if any, of the Courtenays):

13. Jean Louis, Duc de Longueville (1646-1694)




1715, Louis XV (1710-1774)

From this point on, the line of succession is full of asterisks and footnotes; to the extent that descendants of King Felipe V of Spain were still French dynasts, so long as the two crowns never were held by the same person, I will include them (excepting only reigning Spanish monarchs); if one holds to the view that such descendants were never eligible to succeed to the French throne, then one may ignore them in the following lists


The descendants of his uncle, King Felipe V of Spain:

1. Infant Luis [later, King Luis] of Spain

2. Infant Felipe of Spain (1712-1719)

3. Infant [later, King] Fernando of Spain (1713-1759)

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

4. Philippe, Duc d’Orléans (1674-1723)

5. Louis, Duc de Chartres (1703-1752), son of #4

then the remaining members of the Bourbon line:

6. Louis IV Henri, Prince de Condé, Duc de Bourbon (1692-1740)

7. Charles de Bourbon-Condé, Cte de Charolais (1700-1760), brother of #6

8. Louis de Bourbon-Condé, Cte de Clermont (1709-1771), brother of #6

9. Louis Armand II, Prince de Conti (1695-1727)

10. Louis de Bourbon-Conti, Cte de la Marche (28 Mar 1715-1717), son of #9

then the descendants of Pierre de Courtenay, son of Louis VI:

11. Louis II Charles, Prince de Courtenay (1640-1723)

12. Charles Roger de Courtenay (1671-1730), son of #11

13. Roger de Courtenay, Cte de Césy (1647-1733), brother of #11

shortly before his death, Louis XIV decreed that his illegitimate sons would have succession rights, after all Princes of the Blood; these rights were shortly thereafter taken away; it is unclear whether their rights preceded those of the Courtenays, but it is not unlikely that no one considered the Courtenays to be dynasts at that time

14. Louis Auguste, Duc du Maine (1670-1736), son of Louis XIV

15. Louis Auguste, Prince de Dombes (1700-1755), son of #14

16. Louis Charles, Cte d’Eu (1701-1775), son of #14

17. Louis Alexandre, Cte de Toulouse (1678-1737), son of Louis XIV



1774, Louis XVI (1754-1793)


1. his brother, Louis Stanislas Xavier, Cte de Provence, later King Louis XVIII (1755-1824)

2. his brother, Charles Philippe, Cte d’Artois, later King Charles X (1757-1836)

then the descendants of King Felipe V of Spain:

3. Infant Felipe of Spain (1747-1777)

4. Infant [later King] Carlos of Spain (1748-1819), brother of #3

5. Infant Fernando of Spain [later King of the Two Sicilies] (1751-1825), brother of #3

6. Infant Gabriel of Spain (1752-1788), brother of #3

7. Ferdinando, Duke of Parma (1751-1802), first cousin of #3

8. Lodovico of Bourbon-Parma [later King of Etruria] (1773-1803), son of #7

9. Infant Luis of Spain, Conde de Chinchón (1727-1785), uncle of #3

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

10. Louis Philippe, Duc d’Orléans (1725-1785)

11. Louis Philippe d’Orléans, Duc de Chartres (1747-1793), son of #10

12. Louis Philippe d’Orléans, Duc de Valois [later, King of the French] (1773-1850), son of #11

then the remaining members of the Bourbon line:

13. Louis V Joseph, Prince de Condé, Duc de Bourbon (1736-1818)

14. Louis de Bourbon-Condé (1756-1830), son of #13

15. Louis François, Prince de Conti (1717-1776)

16. Louis François de Bourbon-Conti (1734-1814), son of #15



1814, the restoration of Louis XVIII (1755-1824)


1. his brother, Charles Philippe, Cte d’Artois, later King Charles X (1757-1836)

2. Louis Antoine, Duc d’Angoulême (1775-1844), son of #1

3. Charles Ferdinand, Duc de Berry (1778-1820), son of #1

then the descendants of King Felipe V of Spain:

4. Infant [later King] Fernando of Spain (1784-1833)

5. Infant Carlos of Spain (1788-1855), brother of #4

6. Infant Francisco de Paula of Spain (1794-1865), brother of #4

7. King Ferdinando of the Two Sicilies] (1751-1825)

8. Francesco, Prince [later King] of the Two Sicilies (1777-1830), son of #7

9. Ferdinando, Prince [later King] of the Two Sicilies (1810-1859), son of #8

10. Carlo Pr of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Conte di Capua (1811-1862), son of #8

11. Leopoldo Pr of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Siracusa (1813-1860), son of #8

12, Leopoldo Pr of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Salerno (1790-1851), son of #7

13. Sebastian de Borbón, Infant of Portugal [and later of Spain] (1811-1875)

14. Carlo, Prince [later Duke] of Parma (1799-1883)

15. Luis Maria de Borbón, Cde de Chinchón (1777-1823)

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

16. Louis Philippe, Duc d’Orléans [later, King of the French] (1773-1850)

17. Ferdinand d’Orléans, Duc de Chartres (1810-1842), son of #16

18. Louis d’Orléans, Duc de Nemours (1814-1896), son of #16

then the remaining members of the Bourbon line:

19. Louis V Joseph, Prince de Condé, Duc de Bourbon (1736-1818)

20. Louis de Bourbon-Condé (1756-1830), son of #19



From the 1830 abdication of Charles X and Henri V, and the establishment of the Orléanist Kingdom of the French, note that there are arguably two lines of succession: the “legitimist” line, showing all male Capetians born of Catholic marriages (excepting only the reigning King of Spain), and the “Orléanist” line, showing the heirs of Louis Philippe d’Orléans, King of the French. For practical purposes I will include them all in one list. Those who find only the Orléanist claim to be good may ignore all persons up to the first Orléans in the lists below. Because of the two lines, I will use arbitrary dates instead of using the date of accession of a king.




1 January 1850


1. Henri, Comte de Chambord [King Henri V] (1820-1883)

then the descendants of King Felipe V of Spain:

2. Infant Carlos of Spain, Conde de Molina (1788-1855)

3. Infant Carlos of Spain, Conde de Montemolin (1818-1861), son of #2

4. Infant Juan of Spain, Conde de Montizón (1822-1887), son of #2

5. Infant Carlos of Spain (1848-1909), son of #4

6. Infant Alfonso of Spain (1849-1936), son of #4

7. Infant Fernando of Spain (1824-1861), son of #2

8. Infant Francisco de Paula of Spain (1794-1865), brother of #2

9. Infant Francisco de Asis, King Consort of Spain [though probably prohibited from French throne by his marriage to the Spanish Queen] (1822-1902), son of #8

10. Infant Enrique of Spain, Duque de Sevilla (1823-1870), son of #8

11. Enrique de Borbón (1848-1894), son of #10

12. Infant Fernando of Spain (1832-1854), son of #8

13. Ferdinando II, King of the Two Sicilies (1810-1859)

14. Pr Francesco [later, King] of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1836-1894), son of #13

15. Pr Lodovico of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Trani (1838-1886), son of #13

16. Pr Alfonso of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Caserta (1841-1934), son of #13

17. Pr Gaetano of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Girgenti (1846-1871), son of #13

18. Pr Giuseppe of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1848-1851), son of #13

19. Pr Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Conte di Capua (1811-1862), brother of #13

20. Francesco di Borbone (1837-1862), son of #19

21. Pr Leopoldo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Siracusa (1813-1860), brother of #13

22. Pr Luigi of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte d’Aquila (1824-1897), brother of #13

23. Pr Luigi of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1845-1909), son of #22

24. Pr Filippo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1846-1922), son of #22

25. Pr Francesco of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Trani (1827-1892), brother of #13

26. Sebastian de Borbón, Infant of Portugal and of Spain (1811-1875)

27. Carlo, Duke of Parma (1799-1883)

28. Pr Carlo [later Duke] of Bourbon-Parma (1823-1854), son of #27

29. Pr Roberto of Bourbon-Parma (1848-1907), son of #28

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

30. Louis Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, formerly King of the French (1773-26 Aug 1850)

31. Louis Philippe, Cte de Paris (1838-1894), grandson of #30

32. Robert, Duc de Chartres (1840-1910), grandson of #30

33. Louis, Duc de Nemours (1814-1896), son of #30

34. Gaston, Cte d’Eu (1842-1922), son of #33

35. Ferdinand, Duc d’Alençon (1844-1910), son of #33

36. François, Prince de Joinville (1818-1900), son of #30

37. Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre (1845-1919), son of #36

38. Henri, Duc d’Aumale (1822-1897), son of #30

39. Louis Philippe, Pr de Condé (1845-1866), son of #38

40. Antoine, Duc de Montpensier (1824-1890), son of #30




1 January 1900



first the descendants of King Felipe V of Spain:

1. Infant Carlos of Spain, Duque de Madrid (1848-1909)

2. Infant Jaime of Spain (1870-1931), son of #1

3. Infant Alfonso of Spain (1849-1936), brother of #1

4. Infant Francisco de Asis, former King Consort of Spain (1822-1902)

5. Francisco de Borbón y Castellvi (1853-1942)

6. Francisco de Borbón y Torre [later Duque de Sevilla] (1882-1953), son of #5

7. José de Borbón y Torre (1883-1962), son of #5

8. Enrique de Borbón y Torre (1891-1936), son of #5

9. Alfonso de Borbón y Torre (1893-1936), son of #5

10. Alberto de Borbón y Castellvi, Marques [later Duque] de Santa Elena (1854-1939), brother of #5

11. Alberto de Borbón y Ast de Novelé [later, Duque de Santa Elena] (1883-1959), son of #10

12. Pr Alfonso of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Caserta (1841-1934)

13. Pr Ferdinando of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duca di Calabria (1869-1960), son of #12

14. Pr Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1870-1949), son of #12

15. Pr Gennaro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1882-1944), son of #12

16. Pr Ranieri of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1883-1973), son of #12

16. Pr Filippo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1885-1949), son of #12

18. Pr Francesco of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1888-1914), son of #12

19. Pr Gabriele of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1897-1975), son of #12

20. Pr Pasquale of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Bari (1852-1904), brother of #12

21. Pr Luigi of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Cte di Roccaguglielma (1845-1909)

22. Luigi di Borbone-Roccaguglielma (1873-1940), son of #21

23. Luigi di Borbone-Roccaguglielma (1898-1967), son of #22

24. Pr Filippo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1846-1922), brother of #21

25. Francisco de Borbón, Duque de Marchena (1861-1923)

26. Fernando de Borbón, Duque de Durcal (1891-1944), nephew of # 25

27. Luis de Borbón, Duque de Ansola (1887-1945), nephew of #25

28. Manfredo de Borbón [later Duque de Hernani y Ansola] (1889-1970), brother of #27

29. Roberto, Duke of Parma (1848-1907)

30. Pr Enrico of Bourbon-Parma (1873-1939), son of #29

31. Pr Giuseppe of Bourbon-Parma (1875-1950), son of #29

32. Pr Elias of Bourbon-Parma (1880-1959), son of #29

33. Pr Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma (1886-1934), son of #29

34. Pr Xavier of Bourbon-Parma (1889-1977), son of #29

35. Pr Felix of Bourbon-Parma (1893-1970), son of #29

36. Pr René of Bourbon-Parma (1894-1962), son of #29

37. Pr Louis of Bourbon-Parma (1899-1967), son of #29

38. Pr Enrico of Bourbon-Parma, Cte de Bardi (1851-1905), brother of #29

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

39. Phillipe, Duc d’Orléans (1869-1926)

40. Ferdinand, Duc de Montpensier (1884-1924), brother of #39

41. Robert, Duc de Chartres (1840-1910), uncle of #39

42. Henri d’Orléans (1867-1901), son of #41

43. Jean, Duc de Guise (1874-1940), son of #41

44. Gaston, Cte d’Eu, Pr of Brazil (1842-1922)

45. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (1875-1940), son of #44

46. Pr Luiz of Orléans-Bragança (1878-1920), son of #44

47. Pr Antonio of Orléans-Bragança (1881-1918), son of #44

48. Ferdinand, Duc d’Alençon (1844-1910), brother of #44

49, Emmanuel, Duc de Vendôme (1872-1931), son of #48

50. François, Prince de Joinville (1818-16 Jun 1900)

51. Pierre, Duc de Penthièvre (1845-1919), son of #50

52. Infant Antonio of Spain, Duque di Galliera (1866-1930)

53. Infant Alfonso of Spain (1886-1975), son of #52

54. Infant Luis Fernando of Sdpain (1888-1945), son of #52




1 January 1950


first the descendants of King Felipe V of Spain:

1. Infant Jaime of Spain, Duque de Segovia, Duc d’Anjou (1908-1975)

2. Alfonso de Borbón y Dampierre (1936-1989), son of #1

3. Gonzalo de Borbón y Dampierre (1937-2000), son of #1

4. Infant Juan of Spain, Cde de Barcelona (1913-1993), brother of #1

5. Infant Juan Carlos [later, King] of Spain (b.1938), son of #4

6. Infant Alfonso of Spain (1941-1956), son of #4

7. Francisco de Borbón y Torre, Duque de Sevilla (1882-1953)

8. Francisco de Borbón y Borbón (191201995), son of #7

9. Francisco de Borbón y Escasany [later, Duque de Sevilla] (b.1943), son of #8

10. Alfonso Carlos de Borbón y Escasany (b.1945), son of #8

11. José de Borbón y Torre (1883-1962), brother of #7

12. Carlos de Borbón y Rich (1915-1978), son of #11

13. Carlos de Borbón y Oro (b.1940), son of #12

14. Alberto de Borbón y Rich (1916-1997), son of #11

15. Enrique de Borbón y Campos (b.1948), son of #14

16. Alvaro de Borbón y Rich (b.1922), son of #11

17. Alfonso de Borbón y Caralt, Marques de Squillache (b.1926)

18. Luis Alfonso de Borbón y Caralt (1927-1952), brother of #17

19. Alberto de Borbón y Ast de Novelé, Duque de Santa Elena (1883-1959)

20. Alberto de Borbón y Perez de Pulgar [later, Duque de Santa Elena] (1933-1995), grandson of #19

21. Alfonso de Borbón y Perez de Pulgar (1937-2007), brother of #20

22. Pr Ferdinando of Bourbon-Two Sicilies, Duca di Calabria (1869-1960)

23. Pr Alfonso of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1901-1964), nephew of #22

24. Pr Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1938), son of #24

25. Pr Ranieri of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1883-1973), brother of #22

26. Pr Ferdinando of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1926-2008), son of #25

27. Pr Gaetano of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1917-1984), nephew of #22 and 25

28. Adrian Philip de Bourbon (b.1948), son of #27

29. Pr Gabriele of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1897-1975), brother of #22

30. Pr Antoine of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1929), son of #29

31. Pr Jean of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (1933-2000), son of #29

32. Pr Casimir of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1938), son of #29

33. Luigi di Borbone-Roccaguglielma (1898-1967)

34. Carlo di Borbone-Roccaguglielma (1905-1968), brother of #33

35. Manfredo de Borbón, Duque de Hernani y Ansola (1889-1970)

36. Pr Giuseppe of Bourbon-Parma (1875-7 Jan 1950)

37. Pr Elias of Bourbon-Parma (1880-1959), brother of #36

38. Pr Roberto of Bourbon-Parma (1909-1974), son of #37

39. Pr Xavier of Bourbon-Parma (1889-1977), brother of #36

40. Pr Carlos Hugo of Bourbon-Parma (1930-2010), son of #39

41. Pr Sixte of Bourbon-Parma (b.1940), son of #39

42. Pr Felix of Bourbon-Parma, Pr of Luxembourg (1893-1970),  brother of #36

43. Hereditary Grand Duke Jean [later Grand Duke] of Luxembourg (b.1921), son of #42

44. Pr Charles of Luxembourg (1927-1977), son of #42

45. Pr René of Bourbon-Parma (1894-1962), brother of #36

46. Pr Jacques of Bourbon-Parma (1922-1964), son of #45

47. Pr Philippe of Bourbon-Parma (b.1949), son of #46

48. Pr Michel of Bourbon-Parma (b.1926), son of #45

49. Pr André of Bourbon-Parma (1928-2011), son of #45

50. Pr Louis of Bourbon-Parma (1899-1967), brother of #36

51. Pr Guy of Bourbon-Parma (b.1940), son of #50

52. Pr Rémy of Bourbon-Parma (b.1942), son of #50

53. Pr Gaetano of Bourbon-Parma (1905-1958), brother of #36

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

54. Henri, Cte de Paris (1908-1999)

55. Henri, Cte de Clermont (b.1933), son of #54

56. Pr François d’Orléans (1935-1960), son of #54

57. Pr Michel d’Orléans (b.1941), son of #54

58. Pr Jacques d’Orléans (b.1941), son of #54

59. Pr Thibaut d’Orléans (1948-1983), son of #54

60. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (1913-2007)

61. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1945), son of #60

62. Pr Afonso of Orléans-Bragança (b.1948), son of #60

63. Pr Manoel of Orléans-Bragança (b.1949), son of #60

64. Pr João of Orléans-Bragança (1916-2005), brother of #60

65. Pr Pedro Henrique of Orléans-Bragança (1909-1981)

66. Pr Luiz Gastão of Orléans-Bragança (b.1938), son of #65

67. Pr Eudes of Orléans-Bragança (b.1939), son of #65

68. Pr Bertrand of Orléans-Bragança (b.1941), son of #65

69. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1945), son of #65

70. Pr Fernando of Orléans-Bragança (b.1948), son of #65

71. Charles Philippe, Duc de Nemours (1905-1970)

72. Infant Alfonso of Spain, Duca di Galliera (1886-1975)

73. Alvaro d’Orléans-Borbón, Duca di Galliera (1910-1997), son of #72

74. Alonso d’Orléans-Borbón (1941-1975), son of #73

75. Alvaro d’Orléans-Borbón (b.1947), son of #73

76. Infant Ataulfo of Spain (1913-1974), son of #72





1 January 2013


first the descendants of King Felipe V of Spain:

1. Luis Alfonso, Duc d’Anjou (b.1974)

2. Luis, Duc de Bourgogne (b.2010), son of #1

3. Alfonso, Duc de Berry (b.2010), son of #1

4. Felipe, Prince of the Asturias (b.1968)

5. Francisco de Borbón y Escasany, Duque de Sevilla (b.1943)

6. Francisco de Borbón y Hardenberg (b.1979), son of #5

7. Alfonso Carlos de Borbón y Escasany (b.1945), brother of #5

8. Alfonso de Borbón y Yordi (b.1973), son of #7

9. Enrique de Borbón y Lobez (b.1970), brother of #5

10. Carlos de Borbón y Oro (b.1940)

11. Enrique de Borbón y Campos (b.1948)

12. Alvaro de Borbón y Rich (b.1922)

13. Alfonso de Borbón y Caralt, Marques de Squillache (b.1926)

14. Alfonso de Borbón y Sanchez, Duque de Santa Elena (b.1961)

15. Alfonso de Borbón y Escriva (b.1995), son of #14

16. Alfonso de Borbón y Pérez (b.1999)

17. Fernando de Borbón y Medina (b.1966), uncle of #16

18. Fernando de Borbón Vallejo (b.2001), son of #17

19. Ignacio de Borbón y Vallejo (b.2005), son of #17

20, Jaime de Borbón y Medina (b.1971), brother of #17

21. Pr Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1938)

22. Pr Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1968), son of #21

23. Pr Juan of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.2003), son of #22

24. Pr Pablo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.2004), son of #22

25. Pr Pedro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.2007), son of #22

26. Pr Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1963)

27. Adrian Philip de Bourbon (b.1948)

28. Philippe Charles de Bourbon (b.1977), son of #27

29. Gregory de Bourbon (b.1950), son of #28

30. Christian Peter de Bourbon (b.1974), son of #29

31. Raymond de Bourbon (b.1978), son of #29

32. Pr Antoine of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1929)

33. Pr Franz of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1960), son of #32

34. Pr Antoine of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.2003), son of #33

35. Pr Gennaro of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1966), son of #32

36. Pr Casimir of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1938), brother of #32

37. Pr Luis Alfonso of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1970), son of #36

38. Pr Alexander of Bourbon-Two Sicilies (b.1974), son of #36

39. Pr Carlos Xavier of Bourbon-Parma (b.1970)

40. Pr Jaime of Bourbon-Parma (b.1972), brother of #39

41. Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg (b.1921)

42. Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg (b.1955), son of #41

43. Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume of Luxembourg (b.1981), son of #42

44. Pr Felix of Luxembourg (b.1984), son of #42

45. Pr Louis of Luxembourg (b.1986), son of #42

46. Pr Gabriel of Luxembourg (b.2006), son of #45

47. Pr Noah of Luxembourg (b.2007), son of #45

48. Pr Sebastien of Luxembourg (b.1992), son of #42

49. Pr Jean of Luxembourg (b.1957), son of #41

50. Pr Constantine de Nassau (1988), son of #49

51. Pr Wenceslas de Nassau (b.1990), son of #49

52. Pr Carl-Johann de Nassau (b.1992), son of #49

53. Pr Guillaume of Luxembourg (b.1963), son of #41

54. Pr Paul-Louis de Nassau (b.1998), son of #53

55. Pr Leopold de Nassau (b.2000), son of #53

56. Pr Jean de Nassau (b.2004), son of #53

57. Pr Robert of Luxembourg (b.1968)

58. Pr Alexandre de Nassau (b.1997), son of #57

59. Pr Frederik de Nassau (b.2002), son of #57

60. Pr Philippe of Bourbon-Parma (b.1949)

61. Pr Jacques of Bourbon-Parma (b.1986), son of #60

62. Pr Joseph of Bourbon-Parma (b.1989), son of #60

63. Pr Alain of Bourbon-Parma (b.1955), brother of #60

64. Pr Michel of Bourbon-Parma (b.1926), uncle of #60

65. Pr Eric of Bourbon-Parma (b.1953), son of #64

66. Pr Michel of Bourbon-Parma (b.1989), son of #65

67. Pr Henri of Bourbon-Parma (b.b.1991), son of #65

68. Pr Charles of Bourbon-Parma (b.1961), son of #64

69. Pr Amaury of Bourbon-Parma (b.1991), son of #68

70. Pr Axel of Bourbon-Parma (b.1968)

71. Pr Côme of Bourbon-Parma (b.1997), son of #70

72. Pr Louis of Bourbon-Parma (b.1966)

73. Pr Guy of Bourbon-Parma (b.1995), son of #72

74. Pr Rémy of Bourbon-Parma (b.1942), uncle of #72

75. Pr Tristan of Bourbon-Parma (b.1974), son of #74

76. Pr Jean of Bourbon-Parma (b.1961), brother of #74

77. Pr Arnaud of Bourbon-Parma (b.1989), son of #76

78. Pr Christophe of Bourbon-Parma (b.1991), son of #76

then the descendants of Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, son of King Louis XIII:

79. Henri, Cte de Paris (b.1933)

80. François d’Orléans, Cte de Clermont (b.1961), son of #79

81. Jean d’Orléans, Duc de Vendôme (b.1965), son of #79

82. Gaston d’Orléans (b.2009), son of #81

83. Eudes d’Orléans, Duc d’Angouleme (b.1968), son of #79

84. Pierre d’Orléans (b.2003), son of #83

85. Michel d’Orléans, Cte d’Evreux (b.1941), brother of #79

86. Charles-Philippe d’Orléans (b.1973), son of #85

87. François d’Orléans (b.1982), son of #85

88. Jacques, Duc d’Orléans (b.1941), brother of #79

89. Charles-Louis d’Orléans (b.1972), son of #88

90. Philippe d’Orléans (b.1998), son of #89

91. Constantin d’Orléans (b.2003), son of #89

92. Foulques d’Orléans (b.1974), son of #88

93. Robert d’Orléans ( (b.1976)

94. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1945)

95. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1979), son of #94

96. Pr Filipe of Orléans-Bragança (b.1982), son of #94

97. Pr Afonso of Orléans-Bragança (b.1948), brother of #94

98. Pr Manoel of Orléans-Bragança (b.1949), brother of #94

99. Pr Manoel of Orléans-Bragança (b.1981), son of #98

100. Pr Francisco of Orléans-Bragança (b.1956), brother of #94

101. Pr Francisco of Orléans-Bragança (b.1979), son of #100

102. Pr João Henrique of Orléans-Bragança (b.1954)

103. Pr João Filipe of Orléans-Bragança (b.1986), son of #102

104. Pr Luiz Gastão of Orléans-Bragança (b.1938)

105. Pr Eudes of Orléans-Bragança (b.1939), brother of #104

106. Pr Luiz of Orléans-Bragança (b.1969), son of #105

107. Pr Maximilian of Orléans-Bragança (b.2012), son of #106

108. Pr Eudes of Orléans-Bragança (b.1977), son of #105

109. Pr Eudes of Orléans-Bragança (b.2011), son of #108

110. Pr Guy of Orléans-Bragança (b.1985), son of #105

111. Pr Bertrand of Orléans-Bragança (b.1941), brother of #104

112. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1945), brother of #104

113. Pr Gabriel of Orléans-Bragança (b.1980), son of #112

114. Pr Fernando of Orléans-Bragança (b.1948), brother of #104

115. Pr Antonio of Orléans-Bragança (b.1950), brother of #104

116. Pr Rafael of Orléans-Bragança (b.1986), son of #115

117. Pr Francisco of Orléans-Bragança (b.1955), brother of #104

118. Pr Pedro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1988), son of #117

119. Pr Antonio of Orléans-Bragança (b.1997), son of #117

120. Alfonso d’Orléans-Borbón, Duca di Galliera (b.1968)

121. Alfonso of Orléans-Bragança (b.1994), son of #120

122. Alvaro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1969), brother of #120

123. Alvaro of Orléans-Bragança (b.1947), uncle of #120

124. Andrea of Orléans-Bragança (b.1976), son of #123

125. Alois of Orléans-Bragança (b.1979), son of #123