Frequently un-answered
and un-asked questions
these pages we will struggle to answer life’s really big questions, like why
does the sun come up? Where do all my odd socks end up? We will NOT however entertain essay questions submitted by
philosophy students and the like, do your own work!
and please all do not mail in “what’s the meaning of life?” as we all know it
is 42, with much thanks to the late Douglas Adams
send any questions to FUUQ ~ U
written by our resident experts Stick guy and Goat boy
appear on these pages, we cannot enter into private mail, unless we really like
you then we might,
we doubt it as were lazy.
and one more thing, these answers are provided as comedic content and may have no
basis at all in scientific fact, so don’t take what we say literally, ok. We
are making it up as we go along.