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40oz Who?


5/11/02-- weve been working alot lately and hopefully want to put a demo or a cd out by the end of summer look for some shows soon

01/07/02--Today we made a new song "Confused" it rocks and we hope to be able to get some better quality recording equipment so we can let you people download our songs hopefully we will soon, until then check the lyrics page for the names and lyrics of our songs....

01/05/02--had a show with After The Fashion they were good people and also rocked out thanks for playing with us and a big thanks to the people that showed to watch and to Shmee's parents for dealin with the noise.

12/15/01--site has new look woo hoo

11/27/01--Today's practice was better than most we are gonna cover chop suey by sytem of a down and we also made a new song and we got some lyrics for the old songs

11/22/01--the site was updated this section added. We(40ozbible) would like to thank the hinkles and Softserve for let us play at/with them we look forward to it again.