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About Me

It all started back in 1984, when we here in New Zealand saw American, Mums and kids alike fighting over boxes of these funny looking dolls, I remember thinking what on earth is all the fuss about. We didn't get CPK's here till I think Christmas 85, and by that time my sister and I wanted one so bad it wasn't funny, we did get fake kids that year for Xmas, we did love them but deep down wanted a REAL one. I think we pestered our mum good enough, cos one day I remember going to The Toy Warehouse, and spending ages choosing our kid,while others rushed round doing the same. Mum tells us now that she had our kids on Lay By for months, before we got them for Xmas. I guess over the years growing up our kids got put into the back of cupboards and forgotten, as boys were far more It wasn't till about 3 years ago that I got him out and remembered how much we loved these kids, and of course now being older and have the funds to purchase these cuties, ive gone overboard, cleaning, dressing and "playing" so my partner tells me. So here are a few pictures of my kids for you to enjoy.......

Sarah my 7year old Step-daughter with a few of my kids - looks like we have another budding Cabbage Patch Collector on our hands.......

My most favorite kid of them all, Dylan my nephew. And not forgetting his great mum, my sister,Lesa, a big thanks to her for creating this page......