
People find themselves asking all sorts of questions all the time. Who are we? Why are we here? What purpose do we serve? From where do we come? Forty-two what, chickens? And so on. When we receive answers to our questions, we are greatly relieved. What better gift can one receive than the answers to his questions and a fresh outlook on life?

"Stop being so stubborn, Gunnhild!" Astrid calls, trying to coax the red arboreal from out of the trees in which she is hiding. "Don't you want to be all clean for your Shantel?" She peers up at the red tail that hangs down from the tree, the only indication Gunnhild is not high above the forest, flying.

*Not particularly,* is Gunnhild's icy reply. She doesn't really want to go anywhere that involves other people right now.

"Don't make me come up there and get you," Astrid says testilly, drying off her armor. She pauses and looks up at the tail again. "You know I will."

Gunnhild sighs and floats down to the ground. *Yes, I know you will,* she replies quietly. *Let's just get this over with.* She flies over to the nearby stream and submerges herself entirely before flitting out of the brook entirely, exclaiming how cold it is.

Astrid chuckles. "Come on, get over it, and stop being such a woman," she says, a mischevous spark in her eyes.

*I am a woman, Lady Astrid!*

"So you are. Your refusal to wash made me forget."

*You'll pay for that!* Being careful to keep her spines down and out of Astrid's way, Gunnhild flits behind Astrid and pushes her into the river.

"That was cursed cheap!" the woman exclaims, now dripping wet and chilled to the bone.

*So was your barb. Now, let's get me clean, eh?*


*How can you possibly know where you're going?* Gunnhild asks Ingegerd as the Valkyrie leads the group through the woods.

"I didn't achieve a commanding rank in the Valkyrie forces for naught," she replies. "Look here, foot prints of something non-human, walking dragons by the way you described the one. They all travel the same direction, to something big, by the looks of it. My guess is that it's that Shantel the old, red flier told you about."

*I see,* Gunnhild replies, noticing a few more broken twigs than usual in the trees. *Do you think we're close?*

"Closer than we were ten minutes ago when you last asked that question," Astrid supplies, holding Dagmar tightly.

*Going to the Shantel?* a red dragon with four legs asks as the group rounds a corner.

"Was it that obvious?" Astrid asks, blinking at Havelock, who shrugs. She sees a woman a bit further off and is extremely relieved that she practically forced everyone to wash earlier that morning.

*It's up ahead,* the legged dragon replies after a moment, smiling cheerfully enough. A bit too cheerfully, actually, as far as Gunnhild is concerned. *Just in that clearing a little bit ahead.*

Gunnhild is looking about. A kilometer ahead of them is the clearing that the other dragon just mentioned. She lets out a sigh of relief.

"Thank the gods!" Astrid remarks, glad to be able to stop walking soon. As the group begins moving again, Astrid trips over a root that spans the trail. She topples forward, and Dagmar flies from her arms. The red, legged dragon is very quick, and he catches the babe before she can hit the ground. Gunnhild is at the same spot a split-second afterwards, for she had made a dive to catch Dagmar as well.

"Umm... I'd put Dagmar down if I were you," Havelock observes to the dragon.

A deep growl floats out of the depths of Gunnhild's chest. She glares at the other dragon, fairly offended that he would dare to touch little Dagmar.

*Are you okay?* the legged dragon asks, approaching Astrid. Ingegerd stands nearby, ready to stop Gunnhild from killing the other dragon.

As soon as the other red gives Astrid, who did not get nearly as dirty as she had feared, Dagmar, Gunnhild swoops forward, spines extended, and cuts the other dragon on his shoulder fairly deeply. She says nothing, but stares at the other dragon, who had issued forth a chirp of confusion and surprise.

"Gunnhild!" Astrid exclaims. "What was the meaning of that?" she demands.

Gunnhild, even if she was going to, has no chance to respond. Almost immediately, the woman whom Astrid had seen from afar is by the other dragon's side.

"Pierre!" the woman calls. "Are you okay?"

Pierre says nothing, but he staggers to his feet and glares at Gunnhild.

"What happened?" the woman asks, her voice not at all frightened or weak as Ingegerd had expected it to be.

"La - I mean, Astrid tripped, Dagmar went flying, Pierre caught her, and Gunnhild sliced him. She's really possessive," Havelock relates.

"Gunnhild, apologize," Astrid instructs the red female.

*But-* Gunnhild begins to object, but one look at Astrid tells her better. Dropping to the ground, Gunnhild bows her head and suppresses her spines. *My apologies. I should not have let my emotions cloud my judgement.* Her voice is flat and calm, and she looks up a moment later.

*Yeah, okay,* Pierre replies, still sore at her.

"Let's get you all to the Shantel and then I can get Pierre fixed up," the woman says, trying to change the subject. "My name is Indyana, by the way. You are...?"

"Astrid, Gunnhild, Ingegerd, Havelock, and Dagmar," Ingegerd relates, pointing to each of the group. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Yes, of course. Pity it was under such odd circumstances." Indyana smiles, and then she begins to walk slowly for Pierre, motioning for the others to follow.


"Well, at least you can walk on it..." Indyana says as the group filters into the clearing. She has been trying to make Pierre see the bright side of the situation, but it has been to no avail. Pierre just keeps limping badly.

*Pierre!* a blue marine Bishen cries, slithering over to the red, Terran Bishen's side. Indyana had explained the different types of dragons as they had plodded down the trail. *Thank goodness Clarinet isn't here! If she saw you like that...* the blue continues, trailing off and crooning by Pierre's shoulder. The gash heals nicely, and the blue seems pleased. *There,* she says, noting that the cut turned into only a faint mark. *Now, what happened?*

"A little misunderstanding," Indyana supplies, still trying to smooth everything over. Pierre, on the other hand, shoots Gunnhild a dirty look.

*Indeed,* he says eventually. *Now if you'll excuse me, I'm supposed to be preparing everyone for the Shantel.* He walks off, still limping a bit, and muttering about 'crazy flighty females'

*Daughter!* Another voice calls, and a red arboreal female and a green terran male move over to land in front of Gunnhild.

Gunnhild backs up slightly and gives them an amazed look. 'These are my parents?' she thinks to herself. She blinks, surprised, startled, and vaguely amused. Indyana and the others exit discreetly. *You're my parents?* Gunnhild asks the two Bishens.

*Yes,* the green male says, nodding. *I'm Keisne, your father. This is Amon'Ra, your mother.*

Gunnhild stares at them, dumb-founded. *How- What- Why-* She has so many questions she wants to ask them, but she can formulate none of them. Amon'Ra simply smiles, and Keisne shakes his head paternally.

Suddenly, a green terran-arboreal hybrid announces that the Kailan is ready. Thankful to get out of that odd silence, Gunnhild excuses herself meekly and goes to line up with her siblings. She feels the blood rush to her face, and she is glad for her red coloring; none will see her embarassment.

The Kailan is indeed a red arboreal male, but he seems nothing like Gunnhild in the least. 'They were toying with me!' she seeths inwardly, recalling the blue terran male. The only similarity she can catch is the coloring, the element, and the Kailan's scars. He inspects the group of shrapes before flitting up to a rock above them.

*Well, it seems we have quite a few good clutches to start of our year,* the Kailan says. *A few of you have traveled great distances to be here today, and not without trials along the way. However, you have all survived and are here today to become full Bishen.* He pauses, then says, *Estrella, come forward.*

A blue marine female shrape complies and is rewarded with an insturment that will allow her to speak the languages of others as well as call upon sea creatures for help. She returns to the line, and the Kailan calls forth another. Another blue marine slithers forward. She is given a stone to create clouds upon which she can ride from place to place.

*Kashi, come forward,* the Kailan announces, and a green terran male seems to trot forward. He is given a Spring Orb, evidently what Keisne was given at his Shantel. Another green terran male trips over Kashi on his way forward, and he is given a stone to light the way through his tunnels. He trips over a green marine male with no backridges on his way back in line.

The marine male is given a stone to control the movements of water. He is cautioned that water can nurture as well as destroy. He returns to the line and is replaced by a female green arboreal. She is given a stone that permits her to create a feast at any time as well as breath a mist of confusion. She returns to the line, and finally, it is Gunnhild's turn.

*Gunnhild, come forward,* the Kailan intones.

She moves forward, feeling the burning of eyes on the back of her neck. Behind her stand her companions, Astrid, Dagmar, Ingegerd, and Havelock. The Kailan looks at her long and hard before announcing her gift.

*Gunnhild, you are one of the few Bishel Dragons of your generation who has seen the horrors of war and violence,* he tells her sternly. *They have scarred your body, but never your spirit.* For this, he seems almost proud. *To you I give this Rift Cloud. It will allow you to create powerful bursts of energy that can turn back even the most powerful of foes. It also allows you to open rifts in reality and travel to any place you know well. Use this object with great caution, as the abilities to harm others and alter the fabric of reality are a great responsibility. I trust that you will use this object wisely and make our clan proud.*

The Kailan produces a cloud-shaped red stone with a yellow lightning bolt emblazoned upon it. It floats next to Gunnhild as she nods to the Kailan and returns to the line. Glancing to the side, Gunnhild notes that Amon'Ra is actually glowing with pride at the good fortune of all her children. Gunnhild smiles as Keisne and another woman back off to avoid being burned.

The Kailan, however, redirects her attention. *Now, shrapes, you are full Bishen, ready to take your place in our clan,* he intones. *You have all shown great skill, great courage, and great spirit through all your trials. Many of you may leave and travel far from this place, but remember that the Realm is always your home, and no matter where you may wander, the connections of blood hold you to this place. Now go, little free spirits.* With that, the Kailan bows to the crowd, and the Shantel is officially over.

After the ceremony, Gunnhild is swarmed by two other new Bishens, and they show each other their new magical objects. For once, she feels as if she belongs; deep in her bones, she knows this is her family. However, she knows that Astrid, Dagmar, Havelock, and Ingegerd are also her family. Soon, she seeks their shelter once more.


The woods of the Bishen Realm are dark and quiet, for by now most of the dragons have gone away. Gunnhild is curled peacefully on the ground, staring into the fire, keeping Dagmar safe and warm as the child sleeps. She stares up into the sky, searching the alien sky for markings she knows, but she finds none. Sighing, she watches Astrid and Havelock sleep as Ingegerd, too, remains awake.

*What troubles you?* Gunnhild projects quietly.

"I was simply thinking," the Valkyrie replies, staring up at the sky. "Everything is so different now. Midgard is gone, my lord is dead, and I have no purpose any longer."

*What do you mean 'no purpose?' You have been charged by your lord to keep watch over us. That is a purpose, is it not?*

"I suppose. I was just wondering what Midgard is like now."

*We could find out. We could return.*

"But what if there is nothing, or something so terrible it destroys us?"

*I can protect us. The Kailan granted us a second chance, a chance at happiness, at change. Surely he wouldn't do that to set us up to die.*

"You put a lot of faith in him."

*As did you in your lord.*

"Aye. You're right, of course."

Ingegerd nods solemnly and stares back into the fire. Dagmar stirs a bit, and Gunnhild wraps her tail about the child, sheltering her in warmth. Soon, the dragon sleeps, and the child rests. The Valkyrie, however, remains awake and ponders.

Background by Ender Design.

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