Home of Gunnhild

Gunnhild, the one-eyed red arboreal bishel.  She and Astrid have many adventures yet to come.

Name -Gunnhild-
Sex -Female-
Age -Bishen-
Colour -Red-
Mutation -Spined Back Ridge-
Element -Arboreal-
Breath Weapon -Create powerful bursts of energy
and open rifts in reality-
Magical Object -Rift Cloud-
Mate -Devgan-
Parents -Amon'Ra and Keisne-
Bondmate -Astrid-

Gunnhild is an old Norse name that means "war and battle." Astrid chose this name for reasons of which she is uncertain. Perhaps it has something to do with the meaning of her own name ("divine strength"), or perhaps it is because her great-grandmother, seventeen times removed, was rumored to have been named Gunnhild. Whatever the reasons, Astrid chose that name for her Bishel Dragon.

Gunnhild is bellicose when it comes right down to it, but she only fights when she feels it to be absolutely necessary. Being a red Bishel, Gunnhild is prone to violent tendencies. She is often ready to prove herself, but there are very few people to whom she needs to prove her capabilities. She proved her capabilities to herself, though, when she gave up her right eye for Astrid's safety.

Gunnhild enjoys many things, not the least of which is snow. She does not think she will see snow again for some time, for she and her companions have permanently left Norway in search of a better life. Indeed, they have left all of Midgard. They have found themselves in the Bishen Realm where many wild Bishens reside, and are completely clueless and lost. Gunnhild enjoys hunting here, and often goes with Ingegerd, for Astrid is too busy caring for Dagmar and Havelock to hunt. The trees and their constrictions irk her, however, and she prefers the wide, open spaces of the skies above the canopies.

The Rift Cloud, Gunnhild's magical object.
Above is Gunnhild's Magical Object, given to her at her Shantel by the Kailan. It is the Rift Cloud, and it allows her to summon forth great amounts of energy as well as open rifts to the places that she knows well. Perhaps someday this will all come in handy, but for now, she wants to get to know the world in which she is in now.

A set of jewels given to Gunnhild as a confirmation of Devgan's love.  Isn't he a sweety?
Recently, Gunnhild's deepest wish to take a mate has been realized. She and the blue arboreal dragon, Devgan, have agreed to be partnered in a loving joining, much to everyone's general happiness. He is a kind dragon who has never allowed pretentuous appearances to fool him, and for that, he stole Gunnhild's heart.

Get your own Bishen Dragon at The Bishen Realm.

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