"This Carbuncle Kitty has a sunny disposition! It stands for lasting friendship, a love for nature, growth, nurturing and caring. This kitty will protect you from sadness, lonliness, and sorrow." (Sweetwater Valley 300,000 party fortune reading).
The winged totem bear and the carbuncle kitty above are both from Sweetwater Valley.
If you care about me at all, you probably know a bit about me, whether you want to or not *wink*... in the case that you're merely curious, here's me table-form! ^^;; (no, i'm probably not going to put up a pic like ever, but perhaps if i get a decent one and my scanner starts working ^^;;)...
Name | -Lindsay Buck, AKA Lilu- |
Sex | -Female- |
Age | -16- |
Year in High School | -Junior- |
Hobbies | -Doodling randomness, spreading ridiculously useless hyperactivity, writing even more useless stories, wrestling with disproportionality- |
Height | -6'1" last measuring- |
Weight | -150lbs last weighing- |
Hair color | -red (naturally! *wink*)- |
Eye color | -green with perty brown stars around the pupils (again, naturally *wink*)- |
Employment | -short order cook (*sigh*)- |
E-mail addy | -dianthusjewel@aol.com- |
Other sites created | -Fogg And Rarn's Italian School of Witchcraft and Wizardry RPG Veniam Mactare (mine's the Bunny Dragon half *grin*)- |
Gourry kicks butt... ^^;;... hehehe!
Dangerous? Me? Naaww! ^^;;... Hover over the picture for a description of a black terran, or, better, click on it to read the description and then take the test yourself!
Möbian and Fünf are sibling ibos adopted from Dragon Moon to commemorate the days left until its closing. Möbian is a male, and Fünf is a female. I chose these two because eight is allegedly my lucky number, and five is my favourite number; it just looks perty. ^^;; Möbian strips are pieces of paper with only one side. Fünf is the German word for "five," and it sounds really nifty. ^^;;
Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.
Shy Violet was always supposed to be my sister. Heh... I retook it and got Canary Yellow, but decided Violet was more me. Intellectual and friendly. ^^;;
Are you sick of reading what I am yet? I should hope so. After a while it gets redundant. *wink* ^^;; (and contradictory, as you'll see a bit later ^^;;)
Yep! Good ol' Frank Fahrenbach couldn't've hit it closer. *wink* I love you Mr. Fahrenbach! ^^;; *huggles her latin teacher*
I am a Pacman Ghost. I like to hang around with friends, chatting, dancing, all that sort of thing. We don't appreciate outsiders, and do our best to discourage others approaching us. I enjoy occasionally wandering around randomly, and often find that when I do so, I get to where I wanted to be. What Video Game Character Are You? |
See what Care Bear you are.
I'd never thought myself Cheer Bear; maybe the orange Wish Bear, or maybe the grouchy one, but not Cheer Bear. ^^;;
If I was an Autobot, I'd be:
Take the Transformers personality test at android5.com!
Haven't a clue who he is, but he's got a kick-ass name! ^^;;
I'm a Wind Spirit!
*whooshes* ^^;;
I'm Kurt Wagner
What X-Men Character are You?
*huggles Kurt* ... ^^;; ...
you are the most likely of the smashing pumpkins to lead a happy, normal life. your innate shyness
conceals a wicked sense of humour and a fondness for sweet love songs. |
You're Dilandou Albatou!
Find out Which Escaflowne character you are.
Yep... the sexually confused antagonist of the Escaflowne series... kinda scary that I actually am similar to him in the psycho-abusive factor... o.o;;
you have an ominosity quotient offive.you are somewhat more ominous than average. |
Calico Anne Read
Often indecisive, you can't even choose a favorite color. You're apt to follow wherever the wind blows you, just like Calico Jack Rackham, your namesake. Even through many pirates have a reputation for not being the brightest souls on earth, you defy the sterotypes. You've got taste and education. Arr!
Find out your pirate name at fidius.org: What's My Pirate Name?
You are Wufei Chang, and you appear to hate the world. You hold serious grudges against those who have wronged you in the past, and make it an issue to often bring up past events. You despise most women, and believe that they are weak. On the contrast, you believe in a fair fight and worthy opponents. You hate being under or out-matched.