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Majorca: national ensign

The relations between the kingdom of Majorca and the other dominions under Catalan kings, not always were harmonious. There was more than a war between both dynastic branches, and the ships of both kingdoms used the same pavilion. Thus the Council of Majorca addressed king Sancho to request the creation o f their own pavilion, acceding king Sancho on 14 December 1312. This pavilion would disappear in 1344 when the conquest of the kingdom and its reincorporation to the dominions of the principal branch was achieved.

The chart of privilege of the king of Majorca is the most ancient decree of adoption of a flag known, and with that the Majorcan flag has two titles: be based on the most ancient symbol preserved until to-day, and having it with written documentation, with centuries of anticipation over other countries.

The Decree says: "Sancho, by God's grace King of Majorca, count of Rosselló, etc... To the loyal Juries and gentlemen of Majorca, health and grace: Guillem of Montsió , Berenguer Domenge, Bernat Umbert and Raimon of Palaciol your ambassadors who have appeared before our presence requested from us in petitions to deign to concede to them and to the University, City and Kingdom of Majorca a sign to put on the standards and other flags; and after deliberation on the form of the sign, acceding favorab l y to your desires, we concede a sign such that in the lower part has our sign with pales and in the upper part the figure of the white castle put on purple; this which ambassadors made paint on paper and hand it down to you. Wanting to establish that such be your sign and that of all the Kingdom of Majorca, if you find it acceptable. Given in Montpellier 19 days before the kalendas of January of the year of the Lord 1312 (14 December 1312)".

Thus Majorca marked its independence with the creation of a national symbol (for Majorca, Rosselló, Cerdanya and Montpellier). But the situation was different in the states of the principal branch of the lineage: the territories of the Crown in Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia were under the same sovereign (other branch of the same dynasty), and therefore their "sign" was the same for all them. There are several interpretations of the description of the "sign or flag". In some ancient drawings appears in vertical

but the portolanos reproduce it quartered (see below).

The struggles between James III of Majorca and the kings of Catalonia would carry also to the creation of an own "sign" of the king of Majorca: the pales with a blue diagonal band

Well documented its existence, its creation by James III and its justification are only probable.

These standards were radically suppressed in 1343 and 1344.