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Billy, stop!

by Hergerbabe

Title: Billy, stop!
Author: Hergerbabe
Fandom: JP3
Pairing: Alan/Billy
Rating: PG
Category: slash kinda
Archive: anyone who wants it
Spoilers: yes
Disclaimer: Not mine, *yawn* like duh!
Summary: doesn’t need one, but Billy’s thoughts as he jumps
For Elfin

‘Billy, Stop!’

" Billy, Billy. Billy, stop. Billy, stop! Don't Billy."

I turned to look at him, tried to show him how sorry I was, how much I loved him. Then I jumped.

" Billy!"

I heard the apology, the heartbreak in his voice, and in some terrible, selfish way, it gave me strength. I'm so sorry Alan, but I had to do it. Not just for you, for us, but for the Kirby's, for Eric. He survived for eight weeks on his own, he doesn't deserve to die now. I love you, Alan.

the end?

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