The Dragonriders of PernŽ is a trademark, Registered U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, of Anne McCaffrey.
History Fire lizards Dmetreth Logs Email Back
Tall, tanned and just on the toned side of chunky, this lad tends to fade into the background and makes little effort to do otherwise. Loosely cropped mouse-brown hair placidly encloses features that are less than defined: a nose that lends itself to no particular shape; a chin that is present but no more than that; a brow that you can only call 'mild'. Only those dark brown eyes are distinct--watchful and watching.
For various reasons, I eventually decided that I'd like to try a game other than Harper's Tale. I wanted to stick to Pern, since I knew and was comfortable with that theme, but I wanted to try one that was very different to HT at the same time. A number of games had been recommended to me by various people, and one of the more frequent was Dragons' Dusk. This MOO is tiny: while I rarely see HT with less than fifty people connected, I've equally rarely been on Dusk with more than five online at once (although it's growing!). The main difference though is that Dusk deals with a Pern where the events in All the Weyrs of Pern did happen, albeit several turns before. With the end of Thread, the dragons and their riders now have a different place in society and Pern is slowly advancing in technology. I read a few logs, decided that I liked the general tone of RP, liked the idea of Pern with some electricity and would try it out.
And so Huperander came to Igen Weyrhold. His name was intentionally absurd and unwieldy to fit in with what I thought his mother might have given him. I knew I wanted a name that began with H (an unfairly overlooked letter in my opinion) that would mean something in Ancient Greek, so I fiddled about until I worked out that Huperander basically means 'Superman'. Knowing that I wanted to apply Hu for Search one day (more traditionally, Hyperander, but I liked Hu as a nickname and it makes no difference in the Greek Alphabet), I admit that I chose the name with an eye for an honorific. H'rand immediately struck me, and despite thinking through, from H'uperander through P'ern to H'u, I stuck with that when it came to Impression. I rather miss Huperander, but he was, is and always will be Hu.
Hu is no superman though, he's based on a friend or two of mine who are very human. He's an amiable lad, laid back and preferring to observe people rather than take the initiative. He's not particularly tactful or great at seeing somebody else's point of view, but he means well enough. He's also got an imaginative side to him which surfaces from time to time in the form of bizarre theories or ideas. The only thing that works him up is his mother, and the occasional affair of the heart, but at least, he's far enough away from the former to be able to relax. My other characters tend to be a lot more excitable, so Hu was an experiment on my part which turned out be a lot of fun, although hugely challenging to play: I have great trouble resisting the urge to have him react to people rather than just take things in his stride.
Dyfi The first person on Dragons' Dusk I ever met, and Hu's clutchmate now, gold Imishanth's rider. Dyfi's lovely!
Ilaria Another clutchmate of Hu's, and a blue-riding clutchmate at that. Schirath and Ilaria are much fun.
Nimiety Not a clutchmate this time, but I did stand with her. She Impressed Xixichelth in the following clutch, so now Hu's her assistant weyrlingmaster.
History Fire lizards Dmetreth Logs Email
The character of Huperander and his history is copyright Sarah Channon, 1999.
Last updated August 1st, 2000