The Dragonriders of PernŽ is a trademark, Registered U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, of Anne McCaffrey. This is a recorded session, generated by Harper's Tale MOO on Sunday, July 4th, 1999, for the benefit of members unable to attend. Logged by Pyrene.
To Hatch a Lizard
[Note: I forget why, but on Harper's Tale, rooms have to be specially set up before you can hatch fire lizard eggs in them. Most OOC talk has been left in this log.]
Pyrene sits on the floor by the hearth, her trio of lizards, all in agreement for a change, are humming beside her, while she eyes an egg with a certain degree of trepidation. "Oh,
Reiah," she blinks, as the goldrider enters, "Evening..." Kyren gets a nod as well.
You gently set down the Green Crystal Egg.
Kyren cautiosly comes closer and peers at the object of interest and starts, thinking she knows what that is and quietly she backs up a bit, sitting out of the way in shadow.
Book in one hand, half-finished sandwich in the other, Areiah wanders in - and nearly wanders into a taller, blonder woman, but for the bite taken of the latter of her carriages.
"Mmm?" Oops! Chew, chew, chew, swallow, dodge another person and hastily apologize - and then: "Sorry, sorry, hello
Pyrene, how are you?" Gaze drops yet further, and book is absently closed as a soft grin crosses her lips. An egg. "Waiting on a new addition to your fair?"
See how the weyr's goldriders are chosen for their powers of observation? "My cousin sent it to me..." Pyrene replies distractedly, "It's been rocking gently for awhile, but hasn't actually /done/ anything yet. Probably means it's a blue." She looks a little despairingly at Wal and
Pol, before giving a weak smile to Kyren, "I'm Pyrene by the way, assistant nanny."
Areiah's powers of observation are fantastic. She /didn't/ bump into that nice person, now did she?
"Mmm. Ought to try warming it up a little, perhaps?" A light chuckle for the assumed meaning, before the 'rider chooses and slides into a nearby seat to play audience to this. "What color was the dam, do you know?"
Pyrene prods the shell a little closer to the hearth, taking Areiah literally. "The mother's a gold, Flarra's not got a green." The egg jumps a little suddenly and Pyrene duplicates the motion. "OK, maybe it /is/ going to hatch tonight... Meat might be a good idea...." She casts about her. Darn, there's always something to be forgotten.
Green Crystal Egg
Emerald shades tickle this egg with facets of color. Hues that one might find on the gem can be seen with a glance as the center of the egg is a deep green that lightens as it moves forward. The crystal clear egdes shine with a fine edge. The grass cannot compare to this egg, nor can the jewel. The rich color seems to sing a steady note with all the richness of a deep baritone yet just out of hearing.
"Flarra?" Areiah echoes, and then smiles a little, settling backward. "Herder, friend of
R'sli's, if I'm not mistaken. She's your cousin?" Obviously. "Oh - you're welcome to my sandwich?" It's cooked, and halfway gone, but it's the thought that counts, right? Owlishly, she blinks again, and looks back to the egg, brow lifting slowly in some semblance of anticipation.
[SnowZone!] Pyrene knows she'll mess it up. I always do...
[SnowZone!] Kyren smiles, take heart! You can do it!
Kyren's are glued to the egg and she wonders if she should bother with introing her self and decides not to. She has never seen an egg hatch and she waits, almost kneeling from leaning so far forward.
Pyrene gives Areiah a grateful look, taking the sandwich in relief. Let's hope she really didn't want to finish it. "It's not fish is it? I fed Ky fish when he hatched and..." Her nervous babbling is broken off when the egg lurches, cracks and generally demands all attention.
[SnowZone!] Pyrene 's record remains tarnished. It won't hatch. :p
[SnowZone!] Kyren firmly insists it will! Just hit the command, if it dosent work, strech out the poses until you can figure what's wrong.
Areiah shakes her head, and easily relinquishes the food, offering, "It's herdbeast on that bread C'lan likes so much," in the way of explanation, and then, attention returns to that jolting egg. Is it time? Ooh.
[SnowZone!] Areiah giggles! Oh, damn - the lc isn't a hatching room!
[SnowZone!] Pyrene groans. I forgot about hatching rooms.
[SnowZone!] Areiah /knows/ the baths have been set up for Jh'ral's.. um.. the dorms work, too.
[SnowZone!] Pyrene: To the baths then! ;)
[We move to the baths, although I very cleverly leave the egg behind]
[SnowZone!] Areiah giggles. We'll pretend we didn't. ;>
OOC: Pyrene hastily puts up the living cavern scenery and resumes the hatching.
Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling> Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling
Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling> Dull bronze deepens into a dark, swarthy shade on his soft hide. A squat figure, heavily built is noticeable yet unnoticeable, distinguished in looks with a hidden charm. His wide-set and piercing eyes stand out, bright and active they whirl incessantly, seeming to see more then any eyes should see. Though his dour nature coupled by a deep passionate one add an air of untouchable mystery, and keeps him on the sidelines until he wishes to be noticed, and then he's there where once he wasn't.
Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling> Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling's cries turn joyous, and he turns towards
Pyrene, creeling piteously.
Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling looks at you with whirling eyes. You have Impressed him.
Areiah * grins.
[SnowZone!] Pyrene phews!
[SnowZone!] Areiah giggles and smooches.
Pyrene squeaks in chorus with her fire lizards and hastily sticks a handful of sandwich at the creature. "Shards... no bite the sandwich, not me...." She dumps him into her lap not ungently and continues feeding him, while her others begin discussing the new arrival in earnest. "And a bronze... maybe he can keep the others in line." Never mind the fact that he's a fifth their size right now.
Areiah * grins! Py, love, /drop/ the egg. ;>
Mara is but a blurr in the steam, moving quietly in from the caverns.
Kyren shoves a plate of meat spotted handy under Py's hand and intently watchs.
Areiah * notes to Mara this is the living caverns. Honest. ;>
OOC: Pyrene snickers, I left the egg in the lc... But it still worked...
Mara * nods. Egg? eh?
Areiah * laughs! Back to the caverns then? Yah - we needed a hatching room. :>
Pyrene * giggles, OK, lets go back.
OOC: Mara says "Oh, one of Flarra's eggoos."
[So back we all go...]
Living Caverns
Tucked into a glowlit niche are Ghost, Nocturno, Kynance, Gunwalloe, and Resident Master/Former GuildMaster Bronze Hatchling.
Pyrene * is so impressed at how ...uniquely... she managed to do this. ;) Thank god it wasn't a female, eh?
Pyrene throws a grateful glance to Kyren and finishes sticking meat in the hatchling's maw, She watches with besotted affection while it falls asleep. "Isn't he a dear?" Until the novelty wears off.
Mara glances down at her little green with the same fondness displayed by Pyrene. A though occurs to her, and she turns to
Areiah. "Are you, by any chance, missing an egg? I /think/ it was your gold who dropped by one day..."
Blink. Blink. Oh! "Oh, Pyrene, he's beautiful," Areiah finally pipes up, ducking her head in a nod, two. "Congratulations. He really is just beautiful." And then, those eyes move to Mara, faintly amused. "Not missing. Pointedly rid of. Titania was under direct instructions /not/ to come back with any more of those infernal things." Eggs, that is.
Areiah * is conscious. Really. ;) You pulled it off, Py, I'm duly impressed. ;D
Pyrene rubs noses and eyeridges of the rest of her fair, who seem to have decided that the new addition is acceptable enough.
"Titania clutched?" she asks, "I suppose she would have done... she's about the same age as
Vashta, this li'l one's mother." Still cradling the sleeper, she gets up and kicks the shards into the embers of the fire. "Anyone for refreshment?" IE Can somebody get her a drink?
Kyren perks up at that and smiles at all, "bye the way, I'm Kyren. You have extra eggs? Your welcome for the meat. What are you going to name him?" her questions come out quickly and she pers at all.
Kyren grabs her a drink of redfruit juice and hands it to her quickly.
Mara smiles mischeviously at the goldrider. "Well, if you can prevent her, that is."
Pyrene flops into a chair and smiles in relief as she takes the redfruit juice. "Well,
Kyren, meet Kennack," she says, showing him off fatuously. "Maybe you can get a proper introduction when he wakes up."
Pyrene *snuggles Areiah. Thanks for remembering about the hatching rooms. I'd forgotten about that completely. :p
"Sure, Py - cider all right?" A lopsided grin for Mara, scant, and Areiah nods once more. "Aye, she clutched - and she hoared the silly things in our weyr for what seemed like an eternity.
Kennack?" The little bronze is eyed, again, and the 'rider just chuckles, rising from her place and picking her way hearth-ward, cider-ward. "Fitting name."
Areiah * beams and looks useful. ;>
[I changed the name later in favour of Tremayne. ICly, Pyrene and Ky decided that Kennack was a little too close to Kynance for comfort.]