Donations are humbly accepted,
greatly appreciated and used 100% for the Couple to Couple League.

This will help a marriage building organization at a time when the family needs all the help it can get.
(Couple to Couple League)

As a benefactor of the Couple to Couple League you will be included in their prayer intentions.
It will also let me know that I've helped your prayer life so that I continue to improve Picture Beads.

' ' ' ' ' ' '

I do not suggest a specific amount.  Your generosity is appreciated and needed.
Donate exactly what you want.
It is tax free and will go directly to CCL
Straight-shot donation without any overhead.

                -  (501(c)(3) Tax Free Organization).

Two ways to donate: 


1. Credit Card (PayPal):



2. Good old fashioned stamp & mail:

Make check payable to "Couple to Couple League".  (Put "Picture Beads" in the check's memo).
Send to:
10 Van Buren Avenue
Butler, NJ 07405


Thanks and God Bless!

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