Links to more holy coloring books are at the bottom of this page

The Picture Beads Rosary Coloring Book

The Picture Beads Coloring Book

  • each page is printed out with the print button on your browser.

  • click on each picture in this table to get a printable page that you can send to your printer.

Mary cuddling baby Jesus

Mary gazing at baby Jesus

Mary holding baby Jesus.
The 1st Joyful Picture Bead.

Mary kissing baby Jesus

The Holy Family

The Nativity

The Sorrowful Heart of Mary



Links to pages that have Marian and other Christian Pictures for Kids to Color


A ton of Bible Coloring Pages

Catholic Mom's Sunday Activity Pages

Old & New Testament: Mary, Jesus, Jonah and the whale (life like) ...

Virtual Church for Kids (Pictures to color plus other Christian Activities)

Easter Images

Church based Fridge-Art

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