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Welcome To The Trail's End!

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Welcome warrior to my realm! My name is Jody Poitevient and you can only get here by my invitation. This web page will serve as the breeding ground for all things important to me. It will have my friends, games, movies and views of life interwoven into the fabrics of this creation. This page shall serve as the base for all my links. Click below at the bottom for accsess to my soul:) This will be my 3rd web page so, I will try my best to use all the knowledge I have accuired to make this the BEST web page on the net. Thank you for taking the time to view this web page. Don't worry I haven't put ANY evil scripts on this page. It is perfectly safe for you to view it. Oh and by the way,,,,if anyone viewing this web page even thinks of flaming it....well let's just say...don't try it!!
Personal note:
If anything on this page offends or hurts anyone in any way, please let me know and it will be removed from public viewing!

My Favorite Sayings:  Click to View or Add Text. 

You are using Netscape. WELCOME TRAVELER!

Click below for my links!

My Cherokee Adventure!
A little more about me~
All about Legend!
Final Fantasy Heaven~
Sign My Slambook!
View My Slambook~
Mortal Kombat!
Click here if you're Brave~
My Photo Gallery!
Learn The Warriors Secret~
A Trribute To Bear!
