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This section of the website is dedicated to the technological advancements in Krad. Krad os a slightly more advanced world than ours (although if the game doesn't start soon, that may change). Below is a guideline of the important technology that you'll need to know about. Keep in mind that this is not the complete extend of the technology present in Krad. If you feel a piece of technology is needede by your character, and you have some concerns, email Shria or I and we'll respond with our advice. General stuff like TVs, radios, cars, ect can be assumed as existant. If there are ANY doubts in your mind, email Shria or I.



In this day and age, it's a rare thing to find one who does not carry some form of self-defense. And with more people on the defense, more people are obviously going to be on the offense.


Blades - A fairly obvious tool, and suprisingly wide-spread in this highly-technological age. From the simple switch-blade to the massive claymore, edged weapons are traditional warrior's tools. That is not to say that they have not been improved on. Some blades contain electric charges, while others vibrate, causing a swifter swing, and less resistance when cutting through almost any material.


Projectiles - There was a time when one could fire a projectile only from one's bow, or with the use of a catapault. These inventions spawned many more projectile weapons, such as the gun. The gun comes in many shapes and sizes, from barely as big as one's hand, to too big for one man to operate. Also in this family, although not quite as popular as the gun, is the crossbow, which is the most technological weapon that is officially sanctioned for use by the Elven Nation.


Clubs - A crude way of getting your point across, but an effective one. Blunt objects, such as a mace, a 2x4, a baseball bat, or a staff, usually just happen to be around, or are the weapons of the common (and usually none-too-bright) man.


Defense - There are several forms of defense in Krad. There are bullet-proof chest-pieces (not always effective), or for those who are more nostalgic, there is steel plate armor. There is even a pulse suit that sends out a small barier of energy that is meant to deter any bullets or blades, but these are simply not dependable, and appear to cause some forms of cancer.


Man's need to be with others like himself is a fundemental part of life. Thus, many forms of commujnication have sprung up to help man feel safer, by connecting him with others.


Telecommunications - the simple phone, and it's simple family of enhancements. The remaining popularity of this form of communications shows that we all tend to stick to what we know.



The Connection - This is a world-wide information network, much like our world's "internet", run on a series of sattelites. On a simple home computer, one can access the Connection, and share information (among other things) with other users. The Connection can also be accessed through several cyber-biological enhancements that one can have put in. "Conny", as it is known more widely, also presents a very real risk. When police started cracking down on material substances, several engenius hackers came up with a new drug. A cyber drug. One only needs to have the propper "equipment" (a wire that can connect to a computer and a jack installed at the base of the skull), and one could download any kind of feeling. The problem? These drugs overstimulate the brain, causing various chemicals to overflow, resulting sometimes in death.


Hand Delivered - There is a system of mail delivery on Krad, however it has dissappeared for the most part, due to the dangers that have presented themselves. Mail banditry is at an all-time high, and most of these bands don't exactly like to take prisoners.



In a world as dark and despairing as Krad, man will long for something to take him away. When drugs aren't available and the gunshots outside are keeping you awake, turn directly to entertainment.


Film - The cinema is a fairly prominent part of the world, however most films are just long winded advertisements with plots. The public is being peddled to constantly, and in none too modest a manner. There are the mavericks out there who produce good, thought-provoking films, but they reach cult status at best in the sea of advertisement.


Live Theater - The plays written by the bards of long ago have been mostly abandoned. The closest thing to live theater these days is the nudie shows. However, if you look hard enough you can find a little community theater somewhere putting on a highly stylised version of Dorian Bransh's "The Knight of Jervis" or some other work like that.


Death - As sick as it may sound, a great source of entertainment, especially in the EOX, are colloseums. Speckled throughout the world and ranging from seedy bars with cages in the middle to huge stadiums, colloseums usually draw their fair shair of slack-jawed onlookers (and the occasional goblin). The combatants seem to be from two primary groups: The arena-sponsored fan favorites who are in it for the fame, glory, and cash, and the criminals, who are punnished with a trip to the nearest colloseum.