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More piks of me

In my mother's lovely garden, Lady Kulia displays her grace and love of butterflies.

Beautiful Butterfly

Really, I didn't know it was there when the picture was taken. Afterwards, mom said, hey! there's a butterfly on your sleeve! Mostly, this was a picture of my hair. more on that in a second.

My Hair

at the Rennaissance Festival they have this lady who braids hair all day long. I have never met a more cynical person before in my life. But I'll tell you one thing she taught me without even saying it. Beauty is pain. the yanking the pulling the oh god stop, my head is killing me. fifteen minutes later, I looked beautiful. Taking it OUT two days later was about as much fun as sleeping on it. But it was worth it to have my hair done beautifully for once. And didn't I get better results for $30 than I would have at a salon where they make my hair look exactly the way it's looked for a year but charge me a good $60?

And what would it be without dancing...

I swear, I was twirling for forever before mom would actually snap the shot. I was saying through my teeth: "Take the fucking picture already!" But at least it turned out well. Pretty cool how the motion works but the rest is still in focus.