Dragonball Z Fan Fiction


Mirai Trunks' History

Trunks Picture Gallery
So far there are 92 pictures up, and there will be more!

Vegeta Picture Gallery
I have 94 pictures of the Saiyan Prince up and I should be putting more up soon.

Dragonball Z Fan Fiction
There are more going up soon, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. ^_~

*[Coming Soon]* Dragonball Z Timeline
A full timeline of the series, even before the series began!

Links to some really great DBZ Sites (and few non-DBZ Sites).

Hey there everyone! So far I am only putting up the fanfics I have written, but soon I will be putting up ones from other people. This page will be the best one out of the rest of my site very soon, and I hope at least this page will take off. ^_^ There are going to be many different kinds of stories, at least all the good ones I have read. All of the ones I have have come from authors from http://www.fanfiction.net so everyone can find more of the authors' stories there. I'm going to rate the stories for you rated from G to NC-17, plus I'll give you a description, title, characters involved, and hopefully an e-mail addy to the writers. Anyway, put up a search engine that will enable you guys to find a certain type of story here or whatever you want on this page to make it easier when I get more stories up. That's underneath my little speech :) Just type in what you want to find for example: TRUNKS and you will get everything that is on my site that is related to Trunks, not just the fanfic, but trust me there will be a lot of fan fics lol. **I will be able to get a review thing for the stories. If anyone thinks I should put on of those up, let me know. Authors, you can be able to come and get some reviews here since fanfiction.net is down, or will be able to if I get the review thingy. E-mail me at ladybranwen2012@aol.com to let me know.** ^_^

If you want to join my mailing list to be notified when I update my stories, click the link below.

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'My December'
Mirai Bulma, Bulma, Vegeta, Goten, Mirai Trunks, Chibi Trunks
Mirai Bulma dies and Mirai Trunks is very depressed and doesn't want to leave his mother's grave. Very sad songfic with 2 songs, 'My December' by Linkin Park and 'My Sacrifice' by Creed.
Mirai Trunks, Mirai Gohan
Song fic featuring two songs from Creed called 'Weathered' and 'Faceless Man.' Mirai Trunks is sad after Mirai Gohan's death and doesn't feel like he can cope with the loss.
Her site!
Vegeta, Bulma, Yamucha, Mirai Trunks,
A Bulma and Vegeta get together during the 3 years before Cell. Not your average fluffy kind, this one is actually good! Plus, Yamucha is a nice guy in this one! ^_^
'Father and Son United at Last'
Vegeta, Mirai Trunks,
This story tells what Mirai Trunks feels about his father Vegeta when he travels back in time to help fight the androids and Cell.
'Misunderstandings--Goku and Vegeta--they're NOT?!'
Vegeta, Goku, Goten, Chibi Trunks
Goku wants to fight with Vegeta and Chibi Trunks and Goten want to come along. When Vegeta and Goku don't let them, Trunks does something to get back...Very Funny!
'The Perfect Plan'
Vegeta, Chibi Trunks, Goten
Kind of like the sequel to 'Misunderstandings,' at least it takes place after it. Trunks has the perfect plan to make Vegeta mad, but is it really the perfect plan? Another funny one!
'I do care...'
Bra, Vegeta, Trunks
Bra and and Trunks are talking and they don't think that Vegeta cares about them. Vegeta overhears them, but does he really feel that way?
'Bring Your Father to School Day'
Gohan, Vegeta, Goku, Mirai Trunks, Chibi Trunks, Videl, Goten
A really funny story about how Orange Star High School is having a bring your father to school day and Chi-Chi makes Goku go along with Gohan, and Bulma forces Trunks and Vegeta to go too! All the while, bad things are happening all day to poor Gohan! Eventually, all the characters get caught in his bad day.
'It was written in the stars...'
Bra, Goten, Vegeta
Vegeta can't stand the thought of his little girl getting married to 'the spawn of Kakkarrot,' so Bra travels back in time to give Vegeta a heads up that she and Goten are going to get married. Does the warning work? Is 25 years enough time for Vegeta to get used to the idea?