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~June 18, 2004

Hey everyone! Started a new updates page here as I admit to bein' really horrible at updating. If there is ANYONE out there who wants to help me with keeping this site updated or helping me with the design please send me an email and an example of your work. My email is I'd really appreciate any and all help with this. :)

The only updates I accomplished today were on the roster pages. They now reflect the most current information and are alphabetized. :P Yeah, I know my abc's.

I have plans for the site but I will refrain from giving a time frame for when they will be implemented 'cause, well...I'm a procrastinator! Acceptance is the first step...

Anyway, hope you enjoy the site! Any comments, questions or criticisms should be directed to me at my email or listed on the site forums. Thanks all. :)

~Menollyrayne Fedaykin