May 2, 2001

There are so many things I just want to rant about it. Hopefully I manage to get it out before I forget any of it.

The first thing is that I'm groggy this morning. I don't know why I'm groggy. It's not like I've been doing heavy drinking. Or not getting enough sleep.

Okay, I've seen the video for that soulDecision song Faded three in the past two days. (This is going to be rambling - warning) It's an all right song. Part of my problem with it is the memory of one of my friends having the radio on and this song coming on - he commented that this song hit home for him. Yeah, I thought I was innocently hanging out in his room, and then he was trying to kiss me. Eee... I was on the rebound! I didn't know what I was doing with myself. Since then, that boy and I have been friendly but nothing like it used to be, probably because he has a girlfriend now. A really nice girlfriend whom he deserves, because despite his confusion about what I was to him, he's a nice guy. Or else I wouldn't have been up there whining about the ex in the first place. So what's wrong with this song? It's more the general trend this song represents. I don't know what it is lately with music about sex. Not even subtle music about sex. Yes, I love that Jeff Buckley song "Your Flesh is so Nice". I am aware it's blatant, but it could be about vampires. That soulDecision song is a little blatant, but at least there's no detail. Not like that B4-4 song. If you're not in Canada, maybe you haven't heard this song. It's about oral sex. It's about having oral sex instead of regular sex to let the pressure off. Um, little kids like this band. I had to really listen to the song before I got it, and I was shocked. It's the kind of music that appeals to little kids and it's blatant. Ew. At least the other sexual songs I like aren't so obvious. Semisonic seems to enjoy songs about sex, but they're subtle. "Completely Pleased" for instance, or "Get a Grip" a song about masturbation. And then there's that old old jazz song "Doodlin' " Yeah, it was released in the 50s. At least it was mostly subtle. You had to be back then. There's something to be said for that subtlely. I don't want songs that make my ears burn. It's not like I'm a prude, but I find some of it a little overt for my taste.

Anyway, the other thing I wanted to say today has nothing to do with ranting. I was thinking about the show I saw on Saturday. I think I want to be start actually performing my poetry. I don't know how well I'd do. I think I'd need to practice reading more, but then I need to do that for journalism anyway if I'm going to go into radio.

I have no interest in television. Don't ask.

So maybe I should start reading out loud. I have a lot of alone time in the house lately. I could practice by just reading into my tape recorder. It couldn't hurt.

I have a tendency to go flat when I'm reading. Or so they said from my last newscast. I'll have to work on that.

Oh yeah, I'm in the middle of redesigning my site. It will all go up in one big bang, and I'll put up a warning before I do it so everyone will be prepared to hit a different looking site.
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