March 7, 2001 - Woo hoo! I'm set!

I have a job for the summer. This is the first time in a long time that I've been set for the summer. The first time ever, actually. It's a nice feeling. The only problem I can anticipate is that I will be away for the summer. I may not be able to update this. Aww... Nah, it's not a big deal. In all honesty, I might need a break come June. And until I start there in June, I might be working at the call centre because I will be needing money next year.


Yes, I enjoy good news. And this has been a good day - my lost pay cheque has been found, my partner found the battery and I got a job. All in all a good day. It's nice to have one for a change.

Andrea, the one who calls me sweetcheeks, thinks Brett has a crush on her. Brett! I think we should send him to rural New Brunswick and see how he survives without a cell phone in the land of forestry. Ah... there's something about city boys and their lack of ability to deal with the woods. It's so easy to manipulate.

I like being snarky. Brett is completely aware I find him unbelievably obnoxious.
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