May 7, 2001

I have been listening to the Mary Lou Lord version of a Shawn Colvin song called Polaroids. I listen obsessively. I know it's a terrible habit, especially when I make random obscure lyric reference and no one had any idea what I'm talking about. So, yeah, it's that song lately. I feel like a worn out shoe.

Yeah, I feel like a worn out shoe.

I'm just waiting for people to get a hold of me. Though I did hear from a good friend I called today right away. We're going out Thursday night and probably on Friday, too. It's good to have someone who wants to hang out. Everyone else seems really busy. Oh, and there's David. I could call him, but I don't want to bother. I don't feel like I have anything to say to him. I don't want to see him, but I promised I'd meet with him once before I took off. And I probably won't see him again until next summer.

See, David claims to be friends with all his exes and I have the example of my father who's old girlfriends visit us sometimes. Yeah, they visit my house, where my mom and dad live with us two little whippersnappers. It's weird. But kind of cool that my dad can do that at the same time and have it not be ridiculously weird.

And some of those women are pretty cool people.

But then so's my mom.

I talked to my mom for ages the other night about my problems with the kind of pill I was taking. It did wonderful things to my system, which I won't go into. So I'm back to the kind I took before, which I remember as wonderful and easy to take.

On a bad note, I was dreaming that I got a horrible room in residence and it was making me crazy. I was plagued by these dreams last summer to the point that I nearly went crazy. Almost every night I dreamt I had a roommate. I mean, I had a bad experience with my roommate in first year. And a bad experience with the dean in second year. Put those together and I was dreaming the dean screwed me over and gave me a roommate. I was not happy to be having one of those dreams again. I followed the rules this year. I put down the exact room numbers that are suitable, and I applied first. There's no one before me in the first come first serve. I want that room. I want to be able to see everything at night, and to wake up to the chapel bell (I kind of missed it last year when it didn't ring). Though I don't want to be on the third floor when they ring it. I almost passed out twice this year when it rang while I was there. It shakes the entire floor. And it's loud. I think my near passing out has something to do with the way it changes the air pressure, or something. All I know is that chapel bell time, and I'm out of there.

As long as I remember.
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