February 8, 2001 - I'm sick

I just have a throat thing - don't get any ideas. I just had a bad day. My stitches were pulling and they looked really horribly nasty so I went to the clinic today and spent the ENTIRE day waiting and all he did was take the stitches out of my hand. And it does feel much better for it.

Other than that, the Jeff thing has come down to neither of us liking each other. I think he takes himself way too seriously. I dislike having political conversations over dinner and he seems to think life revolves around these things. What's with that? I like joking and laughing.

I hung out with Jimmy and Chris last night instead of doing anything. We all curled up on his bed and talked and fought over the blankets and stuck our feet in each other's faces. It was nice. I slept a little. Then I went back to my room and went to bed. I didn't call Jan, though I should have. Oh well. So then I called her tonight and she prattled on and on and on when I was pressed for time because I'm currently at work (thank god for internet access: it spares my sanity and actually gives me a chance to update this page). She just wanted to make sure I was aware of what there is to eat since I'm staying there this weekend to dog-sit. It'll be nice to be away from all these contagious people for a change. And I might even get some work done.

Speaking of that, I may not get to update. I'll try to in the morning. I also have to write a basic concept for my paper because I have to have my outline done for my huge Marshall McLuhan paper soon. And I should pick a topic for history this week so I can start researching over break - or at least thinking a little about it.

I'm kind of looking forward to getting out of here - everyone's all full of icky germs.

And nothing seems to be all that important. Weird.
© lily keller 2001

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