September 8, 2001

I drank a little too much yesterday, and have a headache this morning as a result.

My favourite j-school prof has decided a story on the proofer would be a good idea - last of a dying breed and all. But I already have TWO ideas. Usually I'm struggling just for one... weird.

I don't know if I'm going to do it. Matt said he'd take photos for me... and I could call the proofer easily enough. It's just that... he's the proofer. He's such a character, and it would be interesting because of that... but it also might be awful. And I don't want to end up stuck with an awful story because of the proofer. I'm going to look into my others, and if I end up with an awful story, I'll go for the proofer. At least it would be quirky.

Matt and I talked on the phone last night, and it was interesting. I was a little sleepy, so I kept falling asleep on him. Oops. But I think we both like talking to each other too much for that to matter.

He'll be here for sure in two weeks. It's very exciting.

Unlike last year at this time, I know I have at least one job. I've been hired for the student assistant position in the journalism school. And I was thinking about taking the first year tutorial photos. Maybe I should apply on Monday. It would just be extra cash. I'm also pretty sure I have two shifts at the residence desk. No money worries for me, not with a pay check, a lodging check and a medicare reimbursement still to come. This despite my bank account being frozen at the moment. Stupid bank. And I can't figure out what's wrong at this point.

I think I wrote too many checks and I'm not going to get the money back. Eek. I'll just have to write a big check to one account off my line of credit (and hope I get paid soon) and with for the best.

I hate money. I hate landlords. I think the rest of the town will sympathize. I keep hearing horror stories of landlords trashing people's furniture.

I'm glad I live in residence.
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