January 19, 2001 - I think they miss me

I have been hiding a lot. I didn't go to dinner last night. I picked up some food from Harvey's and that was all right. It spared me from the dining hall. But I think Chris misses me. I suggested he come by and visit when I working last night and it was nice. He stayed for a couple of hours and amused me. I don't feel so bad now about usurping him for the ball on Saturday. I'm going out with both he and Stu. We're taking the bus down, getting pitas and smoothies and then heading over to the ball. And I'm getting plenty of pictures taken of me and those two boys so I can say I had two dates to the ball. We'll spend a lot of time posing all over the place together, especially at the ball.

That reminds me - I need to pick up a roll of film this afternoon.

Which also reminds me I still have a roll of BandW film. Maybe I'll give it to Chris. I did get it for free from the journalism school last year.

As for Jeff, I managed to stay cold turkey. He did cross my mind, but so did David. I think I may be able to blame the whole thing on him, afterall. If he hadn't called, I probably wouldn't have acted so strangely about absolutely having to have a boyfriend NOW!!!!

But I just have to tell him the next time he calls that I really don't think being friends is a good idea anymore. And I'm just going to wait for him to call. For one thing, I don't have a long distance card at the moment and heck if I'm paying the rates the "lack-of-plan" university charges. For another, I'm not going to dignify him by calling him and saying all of that. He'll hear it the next time he calls. Hopefully it won't be this Saturday night. I won't be home anyway, but do want him to take his usual extremely long hiatus in actually returning my phone calls.

I'm really looking forward to the Ball. It should be fun this year. My only embarrassment should be showing up with two dates.
© lily keller 2001

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