March 20, 2001

After yesterday's big rant about how nothing ever happens in my life... okay, nothing ever does happen in my immediate vicinity, but I got two emails. One from this guy I worked with last summer and another one from Phil. No, I don't think I'm interested in dating either of them. The interesting stuff is that Phil is willing to argue with me about television and not feel insulted. And I can back out of what I said a little without comprimising my point. Yay! I really do wonder if he has any interest in me. But then I think about how soon I'm leaving the school for home and then how soon after that I'll be away for my summer job... I don't think there's time to start a relationship. It's unfortunate, but I can't deal with that kind of heartbreak.

As for work this summer, apparently they put the base pay rate there up $2 an hour. That means I'll be making huge bucks the weeks I work there. It would almost be worth it to stay there for the summer. Almost. I'm really still looking forward to going away for the summer. I'll get to do cool things, like visit Luce and parliament and all the stuff I've always been too far away from to do before. There are advantages to living in the middle of this country. But then, who really wants those for anymore than a visit?

And the guy from work is a possibility for a summer romance. But then so is that guy from my poetry class who happens to be from home. Hmm... I'll have to remember to talk to him tomorrow. Despite the fact that he seems utterly irresponsible, he's cute. And I like to throw caution to the wind come spring. I get spring fever and I think it's much worse than anyone else I know. I fall in love with every guy I see in spring. I just don't seem to act on it.
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