May 20, 2001

I don't feel much like writing today. Mom thinks I have tendonitis in my thumbs from all the typing. I guess it's possible.

Dad woke me up, actually, he woke everyone up, for breakfast this morning. I am not hungry when I roll out of bed but I choked down runny, watery scrambled eggs. Blech. Dad says, "We're not an egg family." That's not true. I eat eggs almost every morning when I live in residence. I just don't like my scrambled eggs watery and tasteless. He put milk in them. Ick.

So I went to the musical at my old high school. They did "Into the Woods". It was all right. I had taught one of the kids in it swimming lessons and I felt really old. That's not fun. After, I met up with Lisa and Dee, and we went down to our favourite restaurant. I had a salad because I was kind of hungry. The waiter was rude. We used to get the most adorable waiters there. It's too bad. Then we went to the Irish pub and had a couple of beers with some other people we knew. Dee used me to escape boring people we used to know in high school. Or that graduated with me since she hasn't actually graduated yet.

I was suppoed to go out last night. I had a headache and my friend had to get a new dress because the one she was wearing to graduation didn't fit. Then David called and wanted to stop by. Buffy was on last night, and I had a headache, and my mom was there so I said no. I'll call him tonight and tell him we can hang out on Tuesday.

I'm getting my haircut on Tuesday. He can see me when I've had my hair done and it looks great. I definitely need a haircut right now. I can't wait any longer.

I'll be at my summer job in three weeks. It's crazy. I've been waiting so long and now it's finally getting close. I feel nervous, and a little uncertain, but I'm not worried or scared. That's a good sign. I have a tendency to foretell problems in my stomach before the event happens. Nervous is good. That's natural. I'm heading off into the great unknown. Watch for an appropriate new style to my journal for that time. It should be interesting. It's just because of my lack of internet access during that time.
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