January 23, 2001 - Update

He's better. I called Dad last night and finally got some more information - he'd been having heart attacks and the hospital was giving him drugs to calm him down. He is in isolation because he might be contagious and he needs to relax (but my parents can visit). People have been sending him flowers and stuff, which is nice. Roses - his girlfriend sent roses and mom's allergic. Good job.

Anyway, he has heart damage. It's just a matter of time before they find out. I guess I'm okay. I feel better than I did. I'm staying at Jan's at least on Friday, if not all weekend, and maybe going to see the Rheostatics on Saturday. I need the break.

I have to do so much reading though... and watch films. Damn this paper for Canadian Studies. As much as I want to do it, it's a pain to need to read so much of everything about McLuhan, the film board and Grierson, the documentary guy, and then have to watch hours and hours of footage too.


I'm just stressed. I think that's allowed.

Oh yeah, I mentioned at dinner that I'm getting some films to watch probably tomorrow and offered to let other people join me since they're kind of cool - from the sixties and all. Jeff was at the table and he expressed interest. But I may bring the tapes to Jan's and watch them there. I'm sure she'd enjoy the idea. We're planning on watching Cider House Rules this weekend, since I loved the book and have yet to see the movie. So since I'll be there it's unlikely I'll be updating this weekend. Oh well. I can always use the break from the weirder aspects of my life, of which this site is definitely a part.
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